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+  AChat Forum
|-+  Discussions about AChat
| |-+  Polls (Moderators: Lover, Brandybee, jayc, Nat33)
| | |-+  Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.
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: We want Rotational pose releases so ALL orientations can enjoy this game.
YES   -173 (94.5%)
NO   -5 (2.7%)
I HAVE NO OPINION   -5 (2.7%)
: 169

: Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.  ( 102381 )
Hero Member
: 3007

It's just a game...is it???

...Or to become bi or hetero...  ;D (just kidding Rukya, I understand your pov)

Actually, I think they could make 2 releases per week easily. One for their beloved mf group and an adaptation of the pose for another group. (shemales, ff and mm, or inverted roles in SM-fetish play)
Or even just when they release clothes, give a pose too with it. Watches or necklaces are nice... but I find it is poor to enhance the game as such when it is the only release of the week.

: 20

Hey, aren't you forgetting about threesome!? i think we have to consider them too in the rotation!
: 6

That's a definite yes from me.

Pretty Please

Better by you, Better by me

I understand there are only so many ways to tangle bodies but Shemales should have the best of both worlds. Honestly is there a pose for either men or women they cannot do? Ok well, one obvious entry aside missionary is still possible and done. AChat already has back alley delivery for missionary so...why are Ss so light on poses? They should get more for sure.
Jr. Member
: 50


well imo rotational is better than when we get to it, or the cost to benefit ratio that does apply to any business.  if the devs were on a mandate to make a change they would.  no mandate well then they choose the changes and we're along for the ride.  sometimes it works out sometimes not so much.

I vote rotational

possibly with a poll in forum to let them know what pose they should consider on that rotation based on our input.


Jr. Member
: 50


to our awesome moderators

is it possible to add a link to polls like this in part of the forum to draw attention to it.  adding a link to this under shemales and their lovers,  man with man, and woman with woman might increase the votes.  I only checked this polls part of the forum on a whim and would have missed this.



Hero Member
: 1379

  I Vote yes Obviously.  There even isn't a Hot kissing pose for SS.  So YES!!!!!!!!

  And as for missionary.  There is a pose for SM for missionary yes.  (if I recall).  So why not SS?

  But who is going to decide the order of the rotation ?   There are less Shemales on here than the other two genders.  So if it come to a vote then the SS poses would be pushed to the back.
« : July 23, 2015, 04:58:12 AM zuzannah »

Sr. Member
: 250

Fluffy White Cumulus or Wild Stormy Nimbus ?

I support this. I voted yes for a fairer release of all poses for players.

Some people just look up in wonder, others simply dance in the sky amongst the stars

Totally agree with this idea.


Fixxgiggle :D
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

Nice to see this is revived.

Tell you friends, get them to vote. People power changes things ... eventually

Keep the faith.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 10457


It will be nice  they  did it to all the poses   maybe it will help some

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
: 2

stop work poses for men, work in LGBT poses
: 3

I know Pafe started one of these before, but I think we need people power to try again.

For those that have not realised it yet,  the pose releases for MF seriously outweigh our LBGT friends ..  if you don’t believe it .. check out the poses in the shop.  You will be shocked at the findings!!!!
Compare the MF poses to that of MM and others – it’s shocking.

This is not the time to be indifferent or lackadaisical,  all need to vote on this matter.  I want all members to voice an opinion here.
What we are trying to do here, is to level the playing field so our gay , bi and transsexual friends can experience the wonderful experience of RP – Role Play, or of imaginative brain sex,  as we  MF players do.  It’s only fair. They pay the same subscription as us.

This will also enhance the community here, attract more players, more players mean more ideas, more ideas mean that the Achat experience can be improved for everyone including MF.

We are asking you to support our friends and the game here, let the pose releases be on a rotational basis for everyone.

Please release poses in a fair rotation –   Here’s a suggestion ..  if I missed any, please let me know.
( F - Female ; M - Male ; S - Shemale )

1.    FF
2.    MM
3.   SS
4.   SM
5.   MS
6.   SF
7.   FS
8.   MF

Let’s show our support for our LBGT friends.   Vote now & tell your friends. 

And please, to our bilingual friends, please translate this post into your native language too.  None English speakers should have their say on this too.

Send messages to off line friends, Get their vote.  This is important.  Every member should have their say here.

Achat Gods, I hope you watch this post.  There is strong feeling on this matter in our community.

Lets play fair.    Rotational pose release for all orientations.


For Copying & pasting for your friends :-       

Forum Homepage > Discussions about AChat > Polls  >  Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.

And for a Fun Protest -  Show your support -  Pantiless Friday   :P
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Events  > Pantless Fridays! Protest   


Rukya -  Thank you for your French translation.   Adult Game AChat > Support > Non-english speakers > Francaise   PAGE 6 http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,1519.75.html
Welcome to our French friends   :-*

Lover - Thank you for your German translation.  Adult Game AChat > Support > Non-english speakers >Deusch   PAGE 1  26/9/13 http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,1524.0.html
Welcome to our German friends    :-*

: 34

I voted YES, but actually what would be perfect is that every pose that can technically work for any gender to be available for every gender at the same time...
Hero Member
: 10457


I agree with this to Wish

there will always be setbacks    if they do gender by gender  what needs to be done

is  A new pose  to all gender  every time they make one!

what  would be the point of making  pose  by pose to  all genders thats time

New Pose's  for All  Gender   at the same time!

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
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