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+  AChat Forum
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| | |-+  Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.
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: We want Rotational pose releases so ALL orientations can enjoy this game.
YES   -173 (94.5%)
NO   -5 (2.7%)
I HAVE NO OPINION   -5 (2.7%)
: 169

: Rotational MF & LBGT ( Lesbian, Bi, Gay, Transgender ) Pose Releases.  ( 101459 )
: 2

Hello every body ! I'm a new french man on the forum. Thank to Nat for invite me in this post.
I voted YES. Good idea and this is only justice ! We're all equal. have a good day  :D
: 13

(I was in Nat list !)

I voted "Yes" and I'm glad to see that you didn't forget threesome. MMF and MMS have little poses and being able to have sex with each partner  and not only with the opposite sex would be really appreciated...
Hero Member
: 7883

Welcome to both! and thanks to take part on this poll too!

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

stop it, guys.......SM or MS are both in the same poses group, shemale and Man, doesn't count wich one you put first.
now, looking at this list from Concerto

1- FM
2- SSS
3- MFF
4- SF
5- MMM
6- SSF
7- MS
8- FFF
9- MMS
10- FF
11- MSS
12- MFS
13- MM
14- FFS
15- MMF
16- SS

for every orientation we gonna have a new release every 4 month, without considering the clothes.....sorry, but now i know this will never work in this way, so i understand why they don't use a fix rotation system! we need a way to make the rotation wait shorten, like combining some release together: for example, SS MS and MM are easy (i presume!) to do together and same, maybe!, for MF and MS......

at this point, my vote is getting close to a "no"

Sorry HB, forgive my ignorance,  I thought there was a difference in  the giving and receiving ,  lol

I stand corrected.

Ok.  Thanks Concerto and  HB for putting my confusion straight.

I can see your point HB....   But how long do FF and MM  have to wait now ...  Their wait is  over  that 4 months I Think..  Maybe some poses can be released together.  Let's share the waiting time. ..
As long as it's a fair system , no one can complain then.

That's 3 new poses each every year., worst case scenario.  

And we can all see how the poses closet is growing ....   I bet even some poses will be easier to convert than others so could be released sooner.

To vote no,  to me is kind of saying to me, the current release system is acceptable to members  and it's not.  Time and time again this is one of the big disgruntles  here and in the game.

So let's try, really try  to make the releases fairer to everyone.   If we can provide a base guideline for releases  at least, we all have an idea what the next release will be and  it shows that the Achat Gods do actually take note of it's members and care  for our community here.

After all, it's the community spirit that encourages people to stay,  the poses  encourage initial interest in the game , but  the novelty can wear,  it's us , the anchors in the game  ,  the sense of belonging in our community,   you who keep this game interesting.

Lastly,  vote yes HB  or I will set Rukya and Tango on you.   ;D

Or in Blues case ,  a spanking ban.  :o

We want more votes and views,   Tell your friends...  ;D

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P

Thanks, HB, for confirming that I was correct :) (I was worried for a second) and I did point out that "it is probably easier for them to do, for example MS and MF, at the same time".

Anyway, you are right that it is essentially a four month rotation for specific combinations and I didn't look at it like that.

I saw it as a F, M or S will get some new activity on a regular basis and by the 9th each gender will  have had 5 poses and, by the 16th, each will have had 9 poses.

I agree that if you are only into FF/FFF poses, for example, then you will have to wait longer but people who play the field, like me, will be well off :)
Full Member
: 208

for every sexual orientations is important.
Please develop FFF more.

Hero Member
: 548


Of course I'm going to vote yes. 

As some of you know, I tried a similar poll as a petition that I had hoped AChat would take notice of.  However, when I saw that the Erotic Story Contest had more support than the poll did, not only did it disappoint me,  it got me wondering why.

Since he deals in numbers and trends, I sought out Covems for a discussion.  He brought up a point that made sense to me why the poll/petition was unsuccessful.  There is a turn over rate on AChat that I never took into consideration.

Covems, Satoire and I started AChat around the same time, and we've noticed that there are only about 20 members (during the times we are on) that were here when we started.  That means that many members have come and gone.  With a lot of new members replacing the older ones, and one thing about being new, you don't notice the disparity of the poses.  I know I didn't... I was like a kid in a candy store, with everything so fresh and new.  So the status quo was okay with me... makes me wonder how many others are okay with the way things are.

True HB,   as I don't play group , or if I did it would most likely be MMF  LOL 

Sadly, that means you never experienced a Covems / Norwich threesome.  The jokes alone were worth going into a room for.   LOL

Thanks for letting me share,

Hero Member
: 2891

Paddle Queen

MF can be made with MS ( as it is actually ) and FS can be made with SS . This way we will maybe avoid some weird poses like the under the dildo one for FF
« : September 23, 2013, 09:19:09 PM Rukya »


Here's my rotation idea

1a. MM
1b. FF
2a. MS
2b. SM/FM, strapon poses, active shemale, foreplay, a lot of this stuff uses identical animations.
3a. SS/FS strapon
3b. SF
4a. MF
4b. Threesome

Month 1 is a, month 2 is b

Hard to say with threesomes, maybe month c could be 3some month and MF can just be 4 since its still going to be the most popular
Hero Member
: 2891

Paddle Queen

Hmmm if i understand well your a , b , c , d thing , everybody will have a pose every 4 months or more ?

Hero Member
: 7883

if we can reduce the rotation to two months, it's been perfect, i presume.....let's check:

2- SSS
3- MFF
4- SF
7- MS
8- FFF
9- MMS
10- FF
11- MSS
12- MFS
13- MM+SS
15- MMF
16- SS

What did you think of this combination!? is it realizable!?


I voted 'YES' as I did vote 'YES' when Lady Pafe made a similar poll.

But frrankly, I think that MF have sufficient poses to last them for months without any addition. I would suggest that all the focus of the Dev-Team to be given to developping new poses for LBGT until a certain equality between orientations is reached.
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!


I'm not a technical whiz on these things but if it is possible ,  that would be even better.   Maybe some of our other members are more knowledgable  on such things.

Hopefully, depending on the staffing levels of the development here,  at least, they will have a model of the rotation releases to work to.

I am hoping they will look at the MF poses already in existence and convert to the orientation next required on the list.

If starting a design from scratch, that may take a little longer...  So a few days  longer or shorter in any waiting would be understandable.

Ultimately the idea is to offer a fair release system for all.  And for members to know ... We are next on the list and not be disappointed over and over.

Ty HB. For your contribution.

When we are all happy a rotation  system can be realised, I will forward the idea to the Achat  Gods and report any response, I get here.

@ Jondas -  that is also a suggestion, that will be included in my request.  Ty.

« : September 24, 2013, 02:03:18 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 7883

But frrankly, I think that MF have sufficient poses to last them for months without any addition. I would suggest that all the focus of the Dev-Team to be given to developping new poses for LBGT until a certain equality between orientations is reached.

you are right, Jondas, but don't forget etero are their biggest piece of market here.....that mean A-Team can't leave them without new add for months!

btw....another little question: poses upgrades! i was thinking.....is it possible to add them at the same time the release new clothes!? this will give them the chance to release more new poses, ones a week! and, of course, in a week we can have a new outfit and a new pose. i think it can be a reasonable solution for them!

Hero Member
: 7883

@Brandy: always ready to land an hand, my fellas mod!  ;)

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