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: Things that ANNOY you in Achat the game  ( 25407 )
Hero Member
: 3444

« : October 08, 2013, 09:43:41 AM »

Just somewhere to say what gets under your skin in the game of Achat

My real Bug Bear is chatting with someone and mid conversation and with out saying anything they go into a room and you get
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I am busy, please try again later!

Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

« #1 : October 08, 2013, 10:26:32 AM »

Some stuff but there are many who annoys me:

- When someone calls me "baby" I usually answer "Yes dady"
- Girls who implore me to go into room with them while the same girl asking for gifts to go in rooms on her game page!
I don't fuck with beggars.
These anglopones who speak SMS, example: hru? Remember that this is internationnal here so try to speak properly if not I answer in French and in SMS !!!
- People who don't read the profiles GRRRrrrrr

One thing is good is when people say to me: "you are the best" I answer simply "I know ... I know ..."  :P

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Sr. Member
: 450

« #2 : October 08, 2013, 10:37:43 AM »

Just somewhere to say what gets under your skin in the game of Achat

My real Bug Bear is chatting with someone and mid conversation and with out saying anything they go into a room and you get
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I am busy, please try again later!

Yes. This is the one.

Hero Member
: 1688

« #3 : October 08, 2013, 12:25:22 PM »

I'm with you folks on that one.  It gives you a real sense of how much you matter to that person... 

Another thing that can be annoying with AChat is... the lack of cheeseburgers.

« : October 08, 2013, 12:29:40 PM Covems »

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*

« #4 : October 08, 2013, 12:51:34 PM »

Hahahahahahahahahahaha Covems. You know, there is a thread where you can request that sort of thing :)

From the Urban Dictionary....

A sexual position requiring two women and one man. One woman sits on the other's face, allowing the woman being sat on to provide cunnilingus. The woman receiving cunnilingus must position her posterior parallel to the other woman's breasts. At that point, the man may enter and slide his penis between one woman's breasts until he enters the other woman's anus. This creates a "cheeseburger": two buns, some cheese, and meat.

« #5 : October 08, 2013, 01:07:15 PM »

Actually, the most annoying things for me are usually oriented around the chat box and messaging.

For example, sometimes, by the time I have entered something in the input area, the moment has passed so I want to put something else. Typically, in good Windows apps you can marquee select and just type over it. Here, you have to backspace over it fully before you can type in its place.

Talking about good Windows apps, doing a Partner selection, you would expect the default for the enter key would be Start but noooooooo, you have to use the mouse to click Start. Also, in Partner selection, you type someone's name. You should be able to do tab tab spacebar to set Also offline (and then Enter for Start) but noooooooo, it jumps back to Age.

Oh, and I can't copy from an inbox message to paste somewhere else.
« : October 08, 2013, 01:14:26 PM Concerto »

« #6 : October 09, 2013, 12:24:57 AM »

I agree with Concerto on the fact the the chat box and messaging interface in the game is quite annoying. I would add that another feature of this rigid chatting interface is while trying to talk with more than one person and having to select the right interlocutor
Hero Member
: 2891

Paddle Queen

« #7 : October 09, 2013, 01:28:20 AM »

What annoy me in achat is when i clic the button squirt and the pose change for another

Hero Member
: 7883

« #8 : October 09, 2013, 02:51:46 AM »

two words......chat system! it's annoying messing up with multiple chat and ends to send a message to another one!

I'm glad it doesn't happen while i was talking with Tight (loooong time ago!) about the chair design.....i was talking with Brandy tooand we don't want she will know about it befre it was ready!

oh, yes....and it's damn annoying when you tell "i have to leave....time for sleep" to somone and they start to beg for a fast room!

Full Member
: 149

If ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise

« #9 : October 09, 2013, 04:15:53 AM »

What annoy me in achat is when i clic the button squirt and the pose change for another

Yeah that one bugs me a little too you've deliberately selected an action to cum in and the game changes it on you.

Hero Member
: 1688

« #10 : October 11, 2013, 09:11:47 AM »

Besides the folks who show you that you mean zero to them by zooming into a room or friends who cancel being friends without explaination or even a by-your-leave, and of course, the lack of cheeseburgers, there are some technical annoyances.

To echo Susan, most revolve around the messaging.  Now I know that chat tabs were attempted with dismal results, and these are min-or annoyances, but nevertheless... still annoyances.  I would like a way to get back to the input box without having to use the mouse to get the cursor there.  Most text applications will enable you to do just that with a key.  Maybe use the tab key... enter key... or even the home key (I like pressing buttons).  It's a small annoyance to be in the room, clicking on the actions, then when you want to input something in the chat, the mouse must be used.

I think what we're asking for here are some keyboard shortcuts.  Maybe in version 1.20.HD.

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Sr. Member
: 450

« #11 : October 11, 2013, 09:18:46 AM »

What annoy me in achat is when i clic the button squirt and the pose change for another

I agree.
This really spoils the mood when it happens.

Hero Member
: 2465

I am into the big blue ocean swimming and dreaming

« #12 : October 13, 2013, 05:39:03 AM »

1. When someone ask me for gift.
2. No education.
3. When a girl ask me for play one and more times.
4. Cold invites.

An the main one, the "mother" of all.... go to room in a middle of a conversation.... this is the worst thing, like tangoracer says.

Use a sms lenguaje is bad also for me, cause im not english, maybe i am gonna do like Nat33 and answer with a spanish sms lenguaje and would be so funny!!!


: 2

« #13 : October 18, 2013, 09:21:56 AM »

1. chat window
2. interface in general
3. friendlist accessibility and existance of several friend tabs (always forget about my lovers)
4. when guys call me "bb" (too lazy to be polite?)
5. "hi how are u" conversation starter - boooooring!
6. when girls ask me to play after I tell them that i don't like girls.
7. people who love to switch poses in complete silence and call it "having fun".
Hero Member
: 3444

« #14 : October 19, 2013, 02:10:31 PM »

Do people send Messages asking to be your LOVER when you haven't even spoke to them

I don't even put people on my friends list doing that and to ask to be a lover ITS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN 

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