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: The House of DARK Stone RISING!  ( 69068 )
Jr. Member
: 82

Kinky Angel~ Leader of the House of Stone

« #45 : October 19, 2014, 03:22:29 PM »

Sure...   he LOVES tying me up..    especially since he KNOWS I KNOW my safe word and sound.. so I can STRUGGLE and beg NOOo NOOoo as he says YES YES and gets all ROUGH and growly!!!     Just SOMETHING about ACTING like I DON'T love it.. when he MAKES me do it!!

In a SCENE of Playtime..   

Without WARNING when he gets home from work!!...   

Out in the GARDEN when I was JUST bending over to pick some tomatoes..   

Like I DESERVE this JUST for being me!!!

NEVER let t be said though..   He isn't often TENDER wif me...        I can't COUNT the times I rest.. only to feel hi gently press down on me. pull my panties aside..   

With NO other purpose than to watch his angel surrender...   

watch me struggle vainly..  make me SING for him..   

Then PROOVE he can make me CUM with JUST his touch!!!

"Lust's passion will be served; It Demands, IT Militates, It Tyrannizes. Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.”~ Marquis de Sade
Jr. Member
: 82

Kinky Angel~ Leader of the House of Stone

« #46 : October 23, 2014, 12:09:49 PM »

All of our slaves KNOW how much I LOVE to share..   my beloved husband...   SURE....  I mean...   SOMETIMES I like to.. well.. GET mine FIRST...   

GAWD how I love it when he holds my pigtails! *blushes*  Ties me up as his helpless Princess...  GRIPS my head.... MAKES me suck....  Talks dirty to me... 

Humiliates their little Mistress.. cums all over me and slaps me wif his fat cock *blushes*

but I love watching him do it to those we OWN too!!!    .. cheering him on.. ..

And while I love... waking him up myself..   as he feeds me breakfast... 

I DO love to share with our loves...    have them come help me!

OR just sit on his face and watch our kittens FEAST!!!  NOTHING like the Cat Bird Seat! *giggles*

Master loves to USE me TOO...    getting our growly an rough so the slaves see.. 

GAWD how he huuurts sooooo good!! 

Then... calls one of our sluts over to help...   clean me up... SHARING his gift to me with them lewdly...

  YES....    we LOVE our slaves...     and share with them...  ALL the things they STARVE for!!!!

« : October 23, 2014, 12:26:22 PM Amber_Stone »

"Lust's passion will be served; It Demands, IT Militates, It Tyrannizes. Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.”~ Marquis de Sade
Jr. Member
: 82

Kinky Angel~ Leader of the House of Stone

« #47 : October 23, 2014, 03:34:16 PM »

One moment BONDE and female.. ONLY for his DESIRES to change...   

The NEXT moment I am SHEMALE and brunette... red haired or wif dark eboon mane!! FORCED to put on a show like his own personal FUCK Angel..  his PORN star..   "SHOW ME Princess.. SHOW me what I OWN!!!"   

One thing was certain...  no matter HOW he wants me I CHANGE...     and the pay off... well...       


"Lust's passion will be served; It Demands, IT Militates, It Tyrannizes. Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.”~ Marquis de Sade
Jr. Member
: 82

Kinky Angel~ Leader of the House of Stone

« #48 : October 26, 2014, 10:24:27 AM »

**   House of Dark Stone Enterprises ~ Master Dante Stone, esq~ **

**   666 Heart of Dark Stone Blvd  **
Styxx Village at Little Five Points

** CALL  (800) 412-PAIN   **

Visit & Shop!! ~~ The House of Stone Custom Festish & Leather Emporium!~~ @))-;--'--;------ ~~  Dante's Inferno Room & Hellfire Club!! ~~ Get Your KINK on as the slaves take it off!!  Cum for the Show.. Stay for the Whine! ~~ @))-;--'--;------ ~~ 

**the following narrated in a soft IMPOSSIBLY deep male voice.. growling and treacherous.. At times the rumbling purr of a content lion pinning his lioness with a paw…  At times.. The ominous rumble of an approaching thunderhead…**

“On THIS…  the worst side of the city of bright lights, lavish yachts, beachside condos, high rise buildings & posh penthouses there lays a 36 block area of town called Styxx Village..  So named for the 100 meter wide rushing and swirling flow of filthy black water that surrounds and isolates it like a cancer, the Styxx Canal.   Truly the odiferous body of water, with its powerful under currents that threaten to drag anyone trapped in it straight to the bottom ,carries not only the run off  your fair city, but also its other drainage.  After all,  “vanilla” upper & middle class society cannot long tolerate it’s dregs, nor it’s derelict floatsam & jetsam of lost souls.. Those who are different or don’t fit the mold.  Every city has it’s dark secrets.. its shame.. and needs a place to dump it’s waste.. or at least the bodies.  Ominous signs warning “The Metro P.D. Strongly advises Visitors to Styxx Village to use EXTREME CAUTION as this is a HIGH CRIME & DRUG Zone.  Vehicles returning will be ROUTINELY SEARCHED and 911 calls for assistance beyond this point may suffer PROLONGED response times!” actually grace the narrow bridges here.  Officers in body armor patrol and watch with grim determined faces and automatic weapons.  They eye those entering with pity.. and those attempting to exit with contempt and suspicion.  Good men & women all.. *laughs*  If these Police Officers had their way they would surround this place with wire and raze it to the ground.  So many politicians and even their own in uniform seem fully corrupted by some dark presence here.. This in such odd contrast to the balance of the metropolis which, with its schools and churches, bustling port and thriving enterprises continues year after year to flourish as of BLESSED by some guardian Angel.” *ended with a hint of venom* 

*In the center of the block.. occupied in it's entirety by a massive 3 story tan brick building.. this ONE city block here is CLEAN, it's sidewalks immaculate as your taxi pulls up..  between a pair of limousines.  Two huge brutes in tuxedoes open doors, doing little to hide the MP5 sub machine guns that flash under their coats.. as customers arrive... going left or right toward one of the two main entrances on each end.  You they smirk at.. seeing the locked black leather bag handcuffed to your wrist.. and they wave you toward the tall, shirtless male perched sideways on a massive "Boss Hoss" motorcycle nearby. A cold chill runs up your spine as one says "Ey Boss? Da courier".. and the cherry off the almost impossibly handsome male's cigarette glows brighter as he draws on it..  casting an eerie orange luminescent haze through the deep shadows and neon backlights the 6'2 inch.. looming silhouette reflecting off mirrored sunglasses..   which hide the glowing.. devilish eyes surveying the unsuspecting, "customers" entering either the upscale sex shop marked "House of Dark Stone Rising- Custom Fetish & Leather Emporium"..  or the raucus, infamous private fetish & sex club marked "Dante's Inferno Room!"...   A wicked grin grows as a huge, clawed hand produces a key..  unlocking the handcuff.. and taking the bag which contains WHO knows WHAT... as the lips part.. they show faintly the pair of thick fangs*   Good.... mmnnggrrr ... here... *a soft whisper so deep it would carry across a riot! After pressing a roll of hundred dollar bills into your hand... he flicks out a card...  which reads "Good for 3 Drinks of Choice, One lap Dance and ONE oral servicing by a slave of choice at Dante's Inferno Room... which shares the 3 story building* mmnnggrr . tell them..  Master Dante sent you..   *which it seems ... when spoken with such a card will get you past the guards and into the mysterious fetish club.  He smirks as you almost stumble away.. knees weak from the sheer.. ominous presence of the man.. happy to put distance between yourself.. and the dark aura he exudes*

” I .. SUPPOSE…   There is a certain abysmal wisdom in resignation to the facts that drive the multiverse.. A profound power gained by simply offering acceptance and acknowledgement to the very REAL existence of crime, of evil.  Where there is nothingness but a deep void and empty blackness a single light may shine as a beacon of hope. OH how I LOVE and HATE her ability to bring simple concepts such as love or hope into the darkest of places..  She forces them upon me.  It is in such ways that I have witnessed ONE.. single entity martial her minions by sheer force of will and her willingness to sink as low or lower than the cruel & wicked to bring basic mercy and succor to the lost might be accomplished.  Oh yes..  SHE is as sadistic as I and not afraid to prove it if tested..   She knows as I do that Anarchy and Chaos are as mindless and needlessly destructive as fire having no compassion or care for who or what suffers or is consumed.. Nor how horrid is the reality brought upon them by happenstance & how delicious it will be until the screaming stops. Yes, She is a few millenea younger.. But SOMETHING makes her stronger than I.  She always has been.  The fact that I strongly suspect she always will be makes the bile rise in my throat.. And worse… I know I cannot touch her.. hurt her.. Undo and destroy her.  *SNARLS & HISSES*  I hate her SOoo.. in even that her displeasure causes in me a CURSE of visceral ANGST!   The bitch even TAUNTS me by having brought me here two mortal centuries ago…  to manage the shadows..  Because she knows I can, HAVE and WILL bring such things to heel. *PANTS and the growls fade.. the breathing slows.. and calm again holds sway* .    I can do.. and have done things she cannot..   She might break a nail.. or get shit under them.. … ..   ..  THIS.. is my story..   “ *pauses to take a deep long drag.. making the orange cherry glow in the darkness obscuring the onlooker’s view* 

“ Here in MY portion of HER ideal world..  I hold sway and she comes to ME and NOT visa versa…    HERE in Styxx Village even the rival gangs whose members would slice their own mothers throat for some perceived wrong and slay each other en masse for control of .. or a better part of .. the constant flow of drugs, addiction and human trafficking.. that I… I.. control and provide them…   ALL…. ALL KNOW.. there is a LINE.”  *growls softly and grins as a huge paw lashes briefly into the dim light and thumbs back toward the speaker… followed by a cruel soft chuckle..  mirrored shades and thick finger length fangs gleam in the darkness as smoke from a cigarette wafts blue upward forming a lazy, layered haze*  “What fool would want.. disorganized crime after all.. hmm?   A DEAD one..” * chuckles*   “So…. Weak and pathetic the mortals are.. who come to cast their hard earned wages on the stage at the feet of my. … *grumbles*   OUR..  her… Oli..  and.. my... … slaves…  “ *again that devilish grin shimmers.. and for no reason the distinctive growl of the word “cumpiggy” resonates.. just as a little female slave rushes out to hand me a beer*   mmnnnggg..  “At the center of MY realm of suffering there beats the heart…  Little five points..  Biker bars…  Gay clubs..  Sex shops.. strolling disease ridden hookers in fishnets with cellulose ridden thighs that make them look as though straining cottage cheese through a sewer grate..  Welcome to MY world..  DO... by all means...  enjoy your visit“

~ to be continued ~

"Lust's passion will be served; It Demands, IT Militates, It Tyrannizes. Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.”~ Marquis de Sade
Jr. Member
: 82

Kinky Angel~ Leader of the House of Stone

« #49 : October 26, 2014, 12:34:09 PM »

I AM his Princess..   his LIONESS..

his Tigger..

At home he keeps me padlocked in  THESE...   custom made for me .. only me..  like my leathers...

Sometimes I am his fuck-bunny wif my HDSR Bunny Squad...

SOMETIMES I dunno WHAT I am as he dresses me in a body stocking head to toe and just USES me!!

Whatever his KINKS.. hi desires..  however he wants me...   in any outfit..   in any color mane.. in either sex...   I AM and will be..

I live for...

I know what I am..   what I think of him...   what he thinks of me..   

We BOTH know that..


"Lust's passion will be served; It Demands, IT Militates, It Tyrannizes. Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.”~ Marquis de Sade
Jr. Member
: 82

Kinky Angel~ Leader of the House of Stone

« #50 : November 05, 2014, 12:33:35 PM »

Master knows how to keep his angel calm...    Princess...   until we get home...  and then I'm taken in hand.. put in my place..

He keeps me broken... his "GOOD GIRL" ..  and so many machines... toys.. 

He binds me in such... ways ... I ... I..       I know in trouble when I see him grabbing clamps or clothes pins! 

"Lust's passion will be served; It Demands, IT Militates, It Tyrannizes. Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.”~ Marquis de Sade
Jr. Member
: 82

Kinky Angel~ Leader of the House of Stone

« #51 : November 09, 2014, 10:09:45 AM »

"It was a good dinner yes Amber?  I plan a ROMANTIC evening in the House of Dark Stone Rising... with my wife.." *he asks.. and announces as we arrive home.. and as I turn to answer he grabs my mane and throat.. THROWWNG me over his lap and snatching off my dress and panties!* "My angel was beautiful tonight..   but NOW it is time for DESSERT... and Master must PREPARE it to be SWEET and succulent for when .. OUR GUESTS ARRIVE TO SHARE!!!!!!"

All too soon I am bound and gagged.. stripped and on the floor of the shower as he scrubs me down ...  then towers over me to wash as well.. putting me in a VERY.... compliant and obedient mind set..   DEEP in subspace..

once out of the shower.. before he has the slaves dry us or tend us..  he makes CERTAIN.. the angel who if unused long always restores to virginity.. is WELL claimed.. my lil pucker and sex WELL greased and broken in so for the balance of the evening I can be claimed and used as roughly as he, his guests or even some of our slaves desire without harming me..  so I can ENJOY his demonstrations of power over his celestial wife..

and hangs me up.. compromised ..  allowing two of our slaves to oil my body..  and fixes himself a scotch..   chuckling ominously enjoying what he calls his "love song"..    my helpless cries from the repeated.. ruthless forced orgasms  ...

Dragging me out to our garden he whispers...   "come wife..  . let us enjoy the sunset" romantically .. but quickly banishes any thoughts I might have that I not be used and enjoyed exactly as he pleases..   and shattered by the time his guests arrive...

bound on the bench..    he RIPS the orgasms from me..  making me cum over and OVER and OVER in a bowl.. collecting the sweet drug like "angel juice" he calls his.. "secret ingredient" that makes his home made wines he laughingly calls "Master Oli & Mistress Amber's Homemade Whine!" so popular..  and such a powerful aphrodisiac..

he assures as he bottles and prepares his delicious home made blueberry wine for the guests to enjoy with their "Cream filled Angel Cum Cake" dessert..  I cannot recuperate .. but will remain utterly trapped in sub-space..  hyper sensitive.. and multi-orgasmic

All prepared.. he takes some time to contemplate how I will be presented to the guests.. and.. "occupies" himself" in completing the breaking process... to assure a VERY compliant .. limp and helpless Angel..

He taunts laughingly.. and whispers SOFT... "YOU ... WILL be a VERY VERY .... GOOD girl for the guests... WON'T you .. MISTRESS Amber?"

until he is satisfied by the LOUD weak submissive cries "YESSS MASSSTERR UUGH UUH GAWD UHH!?! I'LL BE GOOD!! I'LL Beeee OOh fuccckkkk Massstterrrrr!?! DOn't make meee cccumnm   Uuhhh NOT AGAIN!??!? " ..... ....     Time looses all meaning...  I am LOST...      I'm not sure when I passed out..  or.. how long passed before I was cognoscente again..  loosing consciousness in orgasm..

and waking again on my knees.. held up by my hair in his fist.. choking on his cock.. stinging slaps on my face  "WAKE up my slutty Princess.. WAKE up!  That's it Amber.. YEsssss.. turn your MANE.... DARKER for Master...   DARKER..     DARKER still..     mnn.. no clothing or stockings for you tonight...  this is perfect!"..    and as usual...  I orgasm again when he MAKES me suck his cock..  and has me like this...    I have only faint dreamy memories after that...    feeling .. full.. helpless.. very strictly bound...

the... gasps of the slaves.. the approving cooes and praising comments of the arriving guests..  on his wonderful blueberry wine..  of his fuck punished angel on display...  his dark ominous chuckles as he waited on the effect of my angelic pheromones  and the alcohol to drive all present into an orgy of LUST..   then feeling myself being unbound and DRAGGED to the floor roughly..  TOSSED around like the helpless fuckdoll he has reduced me too..

 the feel, scent and taste of fingers, hands, pussy, cock...  his touch, voice and gaze ever protective.. ever present...  assuring I use no safe word or sound and feel SAFE..  and beautiful..  desired in the extreme... 

In and out of consciousness..  exhausted..  dreading the next orgasm..   but unable to stop even when I pass out..      I BARELY recall the guests arriving..  OR when they LEFT!!     I have no clue who they were..   a FACT which as we will stroll together and I see the lewd smiles & stares of others on my body will keep my eyes DOWN and cheeks RED...   not knowing...   what they might know...          I DO know I am WIIIIIDE awake NOW though..  that it has been some hours and my energy somewhat restored..     that we are alone as he GRINS wickedly and smiles down at me...   "MY...  GOOOOD GIIIRRL.. MY.. OWNED ANGEL...    MY BITCH...  MY WIFE.. MY PRINCESS SLUT!   I OWN YOU...  MISTRESS AMBER STONE.... you are.... MINE....   HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!"


I Am..   Amber Stone.. co-founder, co-ruler, co-owner, Mistress, Dominatrix, slave-wife...      and THIS..  Is The ANNIVERSARY of.. The House of DARK STONE RISING!
« : November 19, 2014, 04:22:19 PM Amber_Stone »

"Lust's passion will be served; It Demands, IT Militates, It Tyrannizes. Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.”~ Marquis de Sade
Jr. Member
: 82

Kinky Angel~ Leader of the House of Stone

« #52 : November 10, 2014, 03:28:48 PM »

I remember well over a year ago bringing the House of Stone, which has existed in many venues, games and places over the decades,   to the world of Achat!   After my Sophie who, to this day I miss dearly ,  I collared my first shemale..   Chantal.. OHhh how lovely she suffers..  how happy she was to find me and I her... such a delight...  I was surprised when she LOVED the idea of me locking her pretty cock and balls in a chastity device so only I could use it ..  and how EXCITED she was when it was time to take it off..

PADDLE her ass HARD...  and PLAY with her....   claim her ass...   then...   


To this day she remains our. .. well.. my husband and I.. Oli..   Our chauffeur... driving our armored limousine ..   Oh um.. Oli?  *laughs*  Oh yes.. TALL and handsome..  the Leader of his own House....  the House of Dark Rising!      I had NO idea as he romanced me in either female or shemale form...   telling him SO often I would NEVER EVER kneel for ANY man.. nor call ANY man.. "Master"...   that he would SHOCK me by proposing to me ....    saying "Amber Stone.. GIVE me your last name.. give me your ALL.. be.. MINE!"

and I said... YES...  our separate houses ceasing to exist... to become the House of Dark Stone Rising...

how WRONG he would prove my vain proclamations'..

how SWIFTLY he would ATTACK me...    let me know he would submit to me ONLY when HE decided he needed it... 

SURE he LOVES his MISTRESS but... even if I dressed in leather he delighted in seeing y TEARS...  making me POUT cute...

It didn't take long.. for me to discover his FETISH for my lil body.. my feet.. my tummy, hips, bottom breasts, cock & balls OR pussy but mainly...   my TEARS..    "LOOK at YOU .." he would say.. "MY PRINCESS SLUT... the MIGHTY MISTRESS AMBER STONE!" and LAUGH...

SPENT... not hours but DAYS... BREAKING me...  OVER.. and OVER and OVER again...  "I am your HUSBAND... your LORD and MASTER.... WIFE... I have RIGHTS to you now... LEGAL RIGHTS to you!"...   

"Yessssssssss..  CRY for me MISTRESS AMBER STONE... CRY for me...  "  his growls would JUST make me CUM.. his rough abuse always TENDER and caring... listening for a safe word or sound...     

He broke me..  this mortal..  he BROKE an ANGEL..  with PAIN. WITH  FORCED orgasm..  with BONDAGE...   

with his COCK.. with his CUM.. with his loving GROWLS and humiliating words TEACHING me my PLACE... not JUST at his side.. ruling the slaves...  but at his FEET!!

Even the night he began the process of PIERCING me.. DECORATING me... by now..   my nasal septums golden ring attached to my ear like a handle to remind me he can grab it and MAKE me suck ANY TIME.. ANY WHERE...    both nipples.. my belly button...  a confining ring about the base of my clit held in place by a piercing ring.. all of which becomes a golden triple ring and ring through my cock head when I shift.. or he MAKES me shift shemale... *whimpers & squirms*  ..  the tiny twin row s of gold rings lining my labia .. when i shift line the seam of my scrotum now...    ALL a distant fond memory...  that started one night with a head harness and gag..  teaching me when to SHUT UP..

 and led to DAYS spent mummified in LATEX enduring RELENTLESS.. ENDLESS forced orgasms for his amusement...

He combined our sigils..     a tiny angel with wings forming a heart ..  with his  ROSE of thorns forming an O .. for Oli of course.. and he TRAPPED the angel within it.. now BOUND ..     our symbol..   By the time he branded it into the soft flesh of my lower left butt cheek to peek from under my skirts..   there was NO DOUBT..     I was.. and STILL AM..    HIS...   

Happy Anniversary Oli...   

"Lust's passion will be served; It Demands, IT Militates, It Tyrannizes. Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.”~ Marquis de Sade
Jr. Member
: 82

Kinky Angel~ Leader of the House of Stone

« #53 : November 19, 2014, 04:26:22 PM »

Welcome to HDSR..... SLAVE!!

« : November 19, 2014, 04:29:39 PM Amber_Stone »

"Lust's passion will be served; It Demands, IT Militates, It Tyrannizes. Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.”~ Marquis de Sade
Jr. Member
: 82

Kinky Angel~ Leader of the House of Stone

« #54 : November 19, 2014, 04:34:55 PM »

I remember Master sharing me with a pair of our slaves...  including our boy...    everything went...  spinning as I came soooooo hard...   

When I woke up... I couldn't move.. I saw her nearby... heard her orgasmic cries...

but I had my own concerns!!

Master sat nearby....     stroking himself...   enjoying the show...

"Lust's passion will be served; It Demands, IT Militates, It Tyrannizes. Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.”~ Marquis de Sade
Jr. Member
: 82

Kinky Angel~ Leader of the House of Stone

« #55 : February 25, 2015, 09:00:54 PM »

Life goes on in HDSR...   Day to day..  orgasm by orgasm.. 


And now we have Mistress Dee!!!   HAPPY to fetch Mistress Amber or Master Oli a drink...   

BUT WOE unto the boy slave that thinks JUST becaue she kneels to her owners..   She wont PUT a boy in his PLACE!!!

"Lust's passion will be served; It Demands, IT Militates, It Tyrannizes. Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.”~ Marquis de Sade
Jr. Member
: 82

Kinky Angel~ Leader of the House of Stone

« #56 : February 25, 2015, 09:07:48 PM »

There's ALWAYS the DAILY..    *giggles*    GRIND...     

AND it's ALWAYS good to be MASTER OLI...  or even my wicked brother Master Dante.. they ALWAYS wake up wif a smile...

"Lust's passion will be served; It Demands, IT Militates, It Tyrannizes. Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.”~ Marquis de Sade
Jr. Member
: 82

Kinky Angel~ Leader of the House of Stone

« #57 : February 25, 2015, 09:13:28 PM »

YUP!  We take care of Master..   I'll always be his angel..

NUFFIN Dee and i can't handle of course *grins*

and i gots LOTS of lil helpers in collar to join in da fun!

I suppose it's GOOD ta be my LION!!! I certainly HOPE so!!

"Lust's passion will be served; It Demands, IT Militates, It Tyrannizes. Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.”~ Marquis de Sade
Jr. Member
: 82

Kinky Angel~ Leader of the House of Stone

« #58 : February 25, 2015, 09:24:28 PM »

Every now and then i encounter one of the slaves who thinks they can.. "Top from below" .. act out in order to get play time and attention from Mistress!! Pffff ummm NOoooo...        If they do DAT i will tell Master and our boy slaves .. or WORSE Master Dante...   and the girl wont be allowed to even SEE their angel..   until PROPERLY reminded..     

Yeahh .. so umm.. WHERE'S your smart lil displeasing ass NOW huh??     There are not willful looks in those eyes or displeasing words in your mouth.. there's a big black COCK!!   

Oh dat naughty lil ASS isnt so SMART and it Misses MISTRESS?? TOUGH!!!

AND when they are done .. what's left can watch ANOTHER GOOD slave please Mistress..    while i snicker and laugh at the SHOW nearby .. as they are a LIVING decoration!

"Lust's passion will be served; It Demands, IT Militates, It Tyrannizes. Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.”~ Marquis de Sade
Jr. Member
: 82

Kinky Angel~ Leader of the House of Stone

« #59 : February 25, 2015, 09:41:12 PM »

My Moods vary..   but my boys .. even my SPECIAL boy *winks*  Master Oli... enjoys them..  when i play rough..

and as for our lil male.. female AND SHEMALE slaves well..  I run a TIGHT SHIP to take care of my own.....  they SERVE the Masters well.. and KNOW ... the TEN commandments the Angel INSISTS they observe ALWAYS!!!

and my own Favorite..    THANK YOU MASTER...  *beams*

I MIGHT be juss one lil Angel..    but they all know..

and most importantly..  If MISTRESS ain't happy.. ain't Nooooobody  Happy!! *cracks whip!*

"Lust's passion will be served; It Demands, IT Militates, It Tyrannizes. Lust is to the other passions what the nervous fluid is to life; it supports them all, lends strength to them all ambition, cruelty, avarice, revenge, are all founded on lust.”~ Marquis de Sade
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