God, it is boring...
Basic intro is as per picture
S's actions..
Lower leg - s drops leg to m's waist level
Hug with legs - s raises both legs and wraps round waist
Lick finger - reverts back to intro licks finger and puts in m's mouth
Rub nipple - rubs nipple then places finger in m's mouth (or vice versa)
Grab knee - lowers leg and grabs own knee
Tease with tongue - lol, if you want to look really ugly
Suck finger - grabs m's finger and bj's it
Lower leg (2?) - it is even lower, polishes the table
Enjoy - reverts back to intro and throws head back
Kneel on table - lowers leg and butts knee against edge of table
Slap ass - back to intro pose and s slaps own ass
2 x pleasure facesM's actions
Foot on table - male raises one leg and rests on table
Lick calf - m proceeds to lick s's leg
Slap ass - hefty slap on s's backside
Dance - male proceeds to rotate s about her floor foot - fuk it makes me dizzy watching it
Cock rub - m removes cock and rubs it on s's crotch
Finger asshole - mmmm two fingers (when are we going to have a choice as to how many?)
Pinch nipple - male yanks s's nipple
Fondle leg - plays double bass with s's leg
Rub nipple - plays with own nipple and gives s a taste of finger
Jerk off - nice action (on himself)
2 x pleasure faces

