Hey Jensen, I spoke to you as Trek and Jensen. I didn’t know you were the same person and to be fair it, matters not to me, which persona you wish to take to chat with me. I think you seemed like a pleasant guy and the chats we shared were pleasant enough.
I’m not sure why you felt you were treated like the plague as Trek and it seemed, as you say, you did gain friends.
There are all sorts of personalities here, some you will get on with, some you won’t. That’s normal and may be the ones you don’t, are the plague you speak of. So I guess I have the plague too … not all like me either … I know, I know that’s just so hard to believe LOL.
And it’s the same with anyone here. The thing is not to take it to heart, concentrate on the ones you do get on with.
Don’t surround yourself with negativity or dwelling on the ones you don’t and why they don’t like you. Who cares, Move on, surround yourself with the friends you do have.
And don’t whine about it to your friends or they will withdraw too, it’s natural for them to keep away from any negativity. Be a friend not a smotherer of doom.
People who spoke to you as Jensen and not Trek, is simple. For whatever reason Trek didn’t press their buttons and as Jensen, they were getting to know you. Maybe they would have stayed, maybe they wouldn’t. The thing is whatever went wrong with Trek, maybe you learnt from that mistake, if any, and reacted differently as Jensen. Only you will know.
They are not shallow, they are just people willing to make friends like anyone else.
You mention an experiment to see who gave a damn… to give a damn you have to develop feelings for that person in the first place and part of that is trust.
Your experiment was doomed to failure because you started it on deceit.
The people who don’t have feelings will no doubt read this and either be amused, offended or dare I say… not think much of your attitude, as you have made sweeping statements to insult them.
Some will speak, some wont. It depends how they view your experiment I guess.
The ones who do care will be insulted and upset by your deceit. Stands to reason. You didn’t trust them as Trek and was testing them as Jensen. That is not a good thing to do to your friends, no matter how you look at it. Maybe that answers the why to the girl who’s upset with you.
You make strong sweeping statements of fake, pathetic, selfish - we are all avatars and we choose who we are here, it’s a sex site in case you didn’t notice, not a dating site. Some like sex, some like romance, some more robust practices, none is wrong (except practices that break the law and TOS of course), it’s just different. We make good friends here, but that’s because we accept who people are on face value and don’t delve into private lives.
Everyone is here for a reason, it’s doesn’t matter why. We are here because we are. That simple.
Closer relationships can develop but that is at the choosing of the couple concerned. The thing is, you will form closer bonds if you don’t judge people and trust will develop naturally.
The people here in Forum are a great bunch. The community here is built on being friendly, having fun and being tolerant. Good qualities to have I think and maybe food for thought.
Lecture over
Do you want a cup of tea? Lol It has a cathartic effect and I still want a story off you, either as Trek or Jenson but only one can enter. Your choice, but I think you have some writing talent, I want to tug it out of you… I know there is a story in there just waiting to be told.
See above for the links ...