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: Bitchs Corner  ( 198398 )
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #240 : July 31, 2016, 09:02:04 AM »

From Directors of Contest & Moderators of Forum.

That bit covers alt accounts

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
: 3

« #241 : July 31, 2016, 12:17:24 PM »

Voting in Achat Forum Beauty Contest
as well as a public vote there is a juries votes and there is 4 of them and they will send there votes to me (Lydiarose)
this is how each juries will vote

they will give out 12 votes 10 votes 8 votes 7 votes 6 votes 5 votes 4 votes 3 votes 2 votes 1 votes to the girls they pick and at 
the end of the round there votes will be post up

Im not taking this too serious, but what the hell?
It would be a good thing to explain it beforehand and not to justify random rigged circumstances along the streak.
« : July 31, 2016, 12:19:49 PM JoceIyn »
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #242 : July 31, 2016, 12:59:10 PM »

The Moderators & Contest Directors oversee the voting & Judging process.
The Public Vote is the Public Judge & plays a part in the process to select a winner. 
There will be others who also play their parts to eventually select the winners.
There are always judges in beauty contests and this is no different.
They are not publicly advertised so we can ensure as much fairness as possible.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Full Member
: 161

« #243 : July 31, 2016, 03:47:51 PM »

I want to add some points:

1. Sorry for spoiling that contest in some way, but i just couldn't go on and ignore what i observed. Some people might hate me for ruining some fun, but i can live with being hated.

2. Possible reactions, like disqualifications: Please act wise and carefully. No.1 may have taken advantage, but it's not sure she's even involved...it could be a lover, a groupie, someone with a crush on her. Or another contestant, trying to ruin her reputation. I don't know what technical possibilities the moderators have got, but please only disqualify people who are proven guilty, not those who might be a victim. An option i see would to correct the votes, or add a -x behind names of contestants with questionable votes maybe, x representing the number of votes that are questionable.

3. A personal opinion: when task is OUTFIT, think about a rule of posting pics not showing the faces of contestants in such contests. Just an idea, would increase fairness in contests...

4. I recieved some feedback, people asking me to stay in the contest, one being an organizer, one another contestant, one being my lovely beautiful achat-wife Lisa ( i love you babe!), many friends and people asked me...so if organizers and jury are fine with it, i'd love to return to the contest, although i got zero chance...
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #244 : July 31, 2016, 04:50:48 PM »

Noted.  The matter has been dealt with. 

Lets get back to the important business of the beauty contest.   Good Luck to all. 

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P

« #245 : August 01, 2016, 12:28:55 AM »

From Directors of Contest & Moderators of Forum.

That bit covers alt accounts

Brandy I AGREE with you 100% that's why i really need everyone to see what i just got Saturday evening:

Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #246 : August 01, 2016, 12:38:48 AM »

I never sended this message.

Please show all screenshot without cuts.

And is weird one unknow user post it and not the "victim" of this message.

Please, i want know who is Cat_thangs? A fake account?

« : August 01, 2016, 12:41:24 AM cassianna »

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #247 : August 01, 2016, 12:46:44 AM »


That particular matter is being dealt with.

There are other examples of contestants :
wearing the outfit they have entered into the contest in the meeting rooms and openly advertising the fact ;
and also showing it being on their profile ;
openly advertising on their profiles on their banners and indeed sending messages and pm's in the game.

The individuals have been spoken to and told of the violations and the fair spirit of the game.

Warning flashes have also been erected in the topics of the contest.

No one in the contest can now say they are unaware that they are not allowed to unduly influence the voting whether that be advertising themselves ; others or creating false accounts.

There well be zero tolerance by the Moderators and Contest Directors of any further breaches.  

Please by all means, report the violations on or after 1/8/16 here or by forum PM and I will publicly shame and recommend to the Contest Directors to disqualify the offenders.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #248 : August 01, 2016, 01:24:49 AM »


iam again

Its a fake! I never sended this message. Somebody writed this message and used image editor to change the name of sender.

Bad work. I will show what the fake avatar Cat_thangs doing.

please look it...

I will make a zoom in a picture used by Cat_thangs, ok? where is my name in the message, please follow me.
Look the space used between the points and the name of sender in this picture. And now look the the line up where is writed "Message: 2/2".
Do you can see the diference between spaces of word and points? cool.

Ok,  lets go, i will post one normal picture of one real message no manipulated

Do yoou saw the diference?
Please, check your messages and you will see the points always respect the space in pixels before start the name of sender.

Cat_thangs used  a fake message and manipulated a image to kick me of contest.
If I sended ,why do Cat_thangs dont make the picture with your profile screen to show us is really herself? 

Dear Cat-thangs, next time I can give some classes to you learn right how use the image editor.

The question is... Who is Cat_Thangs???? Is a fake avatar of one of my loved haters.

Everybody know I suffered Bullying of the "gang of corner" in this game months ago.
Please dont disturb me more. Go look something to make in game and forget me.  

next hater, please... hihihihi

Kisses all


« : August 01, 2016, 03:34:52 AM cassianna »

Full Member
: 180

« #249 : August 01, 2016, 01:37:47 AM »

Cat_thangs is an anonymous author, the anonymous author means the coward, it isn't necessary to pay attention to such messages, people you have fun simply, take pleasure, but don't arrange squabble and don't forget that organizers of a beauty contest spent many forces what we cheerfully would spend time, we have to be grateful to them, but not spoil everything

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #250 : August 01, 2016, 09:27:50 AM »

Hi all
as you all know by now we are running a Beauty contest here in the forum and I have put a lot of time into this. The idea behind the contest was 1 to have some fun and 2 to get more people into the forum and let me say to the people who are saying that I will fix who will win this contest,
why would I do that, when I could just give them the A$ and not have to put up with all the shit I have receive over the last few days and to the person who has not got the BALLS to send me the fake picture but likes to send them to other people GO AND TAKE A LONG JUMP OF A CLIFF because I don't give a f..k about you.. and as Bitch's corner is the top sponsor of the contest with 22,000AS and by the way as Bitch's corner was a topic that I open yes me Lydiarose so work it out if its not to mush work for yer small brains and yes I'm irish and as we say here I don't give a f... f... So all I like to say  just enjoy the contest 

Lydiarose  hugs     
« : August 01, 2016, 09:30:54 AM Lydiarose »


« #251 : August 01, 2016, 10:01:26 AM »

It is sad that Idiots feel the need to cheat and ruin what should have been a fun event.  to the cheats, thanks for ruining it for everyone, to the sponsors Thank you for trying to make things fun here..
Sr. Member
: 336

The Silver Blonde

« #252 : August 03, 2016, 06:13:04 AM »

Brandy I AGREE with you 100% that's why i really need everyone to see what i just got Saturday evening:

Please, Iam waiting a screenshot of your screen showing my message in your profile, cat_thangs.

If you received it from me, please show us. Where  are you tovarisch cat_thangs???

But you cannot because I never sended any message for you, cat_thangs. I never had any contact with you, cat_thangs. I dont know you, cat_thangs. You never received nothing. Its the truth.

You just used my name in a public post to attack me  spreading  liars about me.

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #253 : August 03, 2016, 09:29:12 AM »

See the judges vote for Forum Beauty Contest  2016


Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #254 : August 03, 2016, 07:54:20 PM »

Hi all
this is for all girls out there a tip on how to get on ignore list, I have say I was in forum when he sent first message and its be a hard few days for me

Theo: Hi Baby, I Am Theo, 52, From Holland, Nice to meet you
02:38 04/08/2016
Theod: Hi Baby, I Am Theo, 52, From Holland, Nice to meet you
02:39 04/08/2016
Lydiarose to Theod: yes i know you told me
02:40 04/08/2016
Theod: Then answer bitch
02:41 04/08/2016
Lydiarose to Theod: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Theo: Sorry, you are on my ignore list...
« : August 04, 2016, 03:39:44 AM Lydiarose »

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