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Bitchs Corner
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: Bitchs Corner ( 198404 )
Hero Member
: 974
Bitch's Corner
Re: Bitchs Corner
#345 :
March 12, 2017, 07:28:22 AM »
hi all I have not be on here for a long time because be having a bad time in my real life but I hope everything should be ok soon, so hope to be back on here soon
: 41
Re: Bitchs Corner
#346 :
March 12, 2017, 07:31:28 PM »
We eagerly hope to see you back in the game soon.
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: Bitchs Corner
#347 :
March 13, 2017, 02:15:52 AM »
Hope things are better asap for you Lydia!
Full Member
: 180
Re: Bitchs Corner
#348 :
March 13, 2017, 07:14:43 AM »
Be strong, Lydia, everything will be good
Sr. Member
: 336
The Silver Blonde
Re: Bitchs Corner
#349 :
March 13, 2017, 07:28:41 PM »
Hello my great friend Lydia.
I dont know what i can said for you now. I just wanted said something to make you feel better.
I hope all will better soon.
Kisses, kisses, kisses all
Hero Member
: 974
Bitch's Corner
Re: Bitchs Corner
#350 :
August 22, 2017, 05:04:53 AM »
Hi all I have not be on here for a long time. This year has not be good to me, at the start of the year I lost one off my dogs, 3 months later I lost my second dogs it was hard on me but harder on my daughter, little did I know at the time that a few months later I would come close to losing her. its has taking me a few months to get over that, I like to say everything is good now . she is back to herself back to telling me what to do like to send money to cassianna for the posters she send her THANK YOU cassianna to see her smile when she saw the posters that meant a lot to me cassianna so thank you again. how its time for me to go.
kisses and hugs to all
Hero Member
: 974
Bitch's Corner
Re: Bitchs Corner
#351 :
August 24, 2017, 01:02:05 PM »
Champions league draw
Liverpool V
Spartak Moscow
Lydiarose V vika92
Hero Member
: 974
Bitch's Corner
Re: Bitchs Corner
#352 :
August 26, 2017, 08:37:46 AM »
my friend sara07j is in London to watch her team play in the final of the Challenge cup it on BBC one now her team is Hull F C and its 12-6 to hull.
Sr. Member
: 336
The Silver Blonde
Re: Bitchs Corner
#353 :
August 29, 2017, 12:30:35 AM »
Welcome Back mhy friend!
I feel happy if she feel happy! She is friend of Wonder Woman and Tomb Rider! She have good company! hahahaah
I big kisses to you and to her!
Infinite Kisses ....
Hero Member
: 974
Bitch's Corner
Re: Bitchs Corner
#354 :
August 30, 2017, 03:49:14 AM »
Thank you my dear friend cassianna
Hero Member
: 974
Bitch's Corner
Re: Bitchs Corner
#355 :
September 22, 2017, 07:33:59 PM »
hi all, it just 2am here and I cant sleep, so I come on here so say something so here goes . Want to the doc the other day and he told me I have to be nice to people I don't like, so hope ye are all good hahahaha, This year not be good one a lot of my friends have left Achat and then my good friend Kaitlyn gets hurt in Italia helping others but she getting better now that's good. I have a friend here where I live and with her its doom everything is doom with her, so we now call her pothole, I let ye work that nickname out. Her husband is of to Scotland next week he plays in a band and there going on tour and she said she not going and she going to come and stay with me HELP, so I have 3 days to get her to go with him, don't get me wrong I love her but she can be to mush at times. now that I have said all this time to have other go at going to sleep, so I will say night to all
kisses and hugs
: September 22, 2017, 07:38:09 PM Lydiarose
Hero Member
: 974
Bitch's Corner
Re: Bitchs Corner
#356 :
September 26, 2017, 07:26:42 AM »
hi all, was in meeting place (winter) and it was empty stay there for about 15mins but no one come in this is not the first time this has happy, and I found the same in summer place, why ? was thinking about a year ago we use to give out about how long it took us to get into winter place. The place use to be full now no one in there, so I ask why what's going on. is it because a lot of people have left the game or is it that there is to many meeting places here now. when I think back you could have ten girls stand in a line there holding hands as we use to say.
So would like to know what ye think.
Hugs and Kisses Lydiarose
Re: Bitchs Corner
#357 :
September 26, 2017, 07:44:12 AM »
Hi Lydia *
……. another *BIG Squeeze* Thank you for thinking of me, for taking time from your day to share your thoughts n feelings. I always appreciate acts of kindness but when received from someone admired n respected it means so much more.
....... it appears you "snuck" in another post while I was replying to your previous post. hmmm, that's what I get for being so WORDY.
So, I will reply to that post later. But I will say this much... I too miss some good friends here that have gone to other worlds, some fed up with stupid behavior, some with Achat Devs and others have just moved on. It is not like it was when I was first here, as a real newbie. Meeting places were fun, happy n filled with silliness n laughter. A place to meet with friends and have fun. Then things began to change as often is the case. It is sad but I will always have those memories of them.
, back to my original post ...
When I think of you, Lydia, I am always reminded of an early writing,
Army of One
, back when Andrea first infected me with her writing “BUG”. YOU have always represented that image to me. The fearless, perseverant, quiet and wise warrior…. preferring to resolve battles behind the scenes without drama n noise. Using and choosing words only when necessary, just as a warrior would their arsenal.
Words like weapons should be used with respect and an understanding of their limitless power. Once spoken…. they have no owner and can never be taken back. Where they travel and how they are interpreted are no longer in the author’s control. Too many of us, myself included, use words haphazardly allowing our mouths to move faster than our brains… and our hearts. We don’t realize, until it is far too late, the ripple effect that even the smallest of hurts can cause.
OK, I am rambling…. as usual, so let me get to the point. Which is Lydia’s post and her Physicians comments.
It is me who couldn’t sleep this morning, my body not yet in synch with my new time zone. My brain awash with countless thoughts most of which I have no control over. This is when I feel its poison building slowly inside, starting deep in my tummy before spreading its acid everywhere. When I start to think of all the hatred, cruelty, injustice n fear in our world it begins to poison me. It infects me within my thoughts making me it’s prisoner. The effects are physical, tangible, real. Our thoughts n feelings can control bodily functions we have little “voluntary” control. It is kinda like Newton’s 3rd Law “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
Imagine if just “thinking” of these thoughts can cause such a reaction….. what could “uttering” them do? How many more would be infected, would feel the acidic taste of hate deep inside?
Each one of us is responsible. We each have a choice we make countless times every day. How are we going to see our world? How are we going to live our life? How are we going to treat others? These we ALL have a choice in, and we should be careful in our decisions. This is the "CAUSE"..... Because collectively over our lives the choices we make each day will provide the answer to one of the most important n intimate questions we will ever face and which we will have absolutely no “choice” in…..
How will we see ourselves in the mirror?
How will we live with our words n actions?..... and this is its “EFFECT”.
, rambling again, better get back to Lydia’s post….
So YES, Lydia, I understand your Doc’s point. Getting mad at all the “arseholes” in our world is unhealthy for us. It is like a cancer, it eats away at our outlook, at our future. And ultimately our happiness. This is why… naive or not, foolish or wise, I prefer to see the “GOOD” in our world. I accept there will always be some “BAD” in our worlds but I know there is more “GOOD” around me than I could ever absorb in a lifetime. I prefer to surround myself with them. With spirits like YOU.
Hmm, sure hope I am not being charged by the word for this posting in your “Bitches Corner”
Thank you again my friend.
: September 26, 2017, 08:25:33 AM Kaitlyn1989
Hero Member
: 974
Bitch's Corner
Re: Bitchs Corner
#358 :
September 26, 2017, 08:32:07 AM »
its nice to see my good friend Kaitlyn back but I have to take you up on a point. we irish we talk to each other that would shock a lot of people when we in a pub when I say a pub not the ones you find in city's but the ones you find outside of big city's. I know if I was to take you to the pub I go to on Friday night, you would get the shock of your life to see the way we talk to each other. the doc comment was made to me in that pub as a joke. Irish people like to insult each other but in a fun way. so I like to tell people who come to Ireland, if you want to have fun stay away from the city's and that place they call Kerry and go out in the back of be on's and you we have a the best time of your life
your true friend Lydiarose hugs and kisses Kaitlyn
ps i send you bill later for all them words
: September 26, 2017, 08:39:55 AM Lydiarose
Hero Member
: 974
Bitch's Corner
Re: Bitchs Corner
#359 :
September 28, 2017, 04:07:19 PM »
vika is a fan of Spartak Moscow and I a Liverpool fan and the other night we play each other and in vika words "for 2 hours my nerves were burning" as I was all over her. by the way its was in the C.L and it was real football
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