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Forum mod and members offended
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: Forum mod and members offended ( 23367 )
Hero Member
: 10350
Forum mod and members offended
January 02, 2014, 10:05:38 AM »
Perhaps you have heard rumours about Brandybee.
A member called HornyRachel seems to have messaged everyone of Brandy’s friends list and beyond, saying Brandy is really a gay male user called Saturn, a shemale called Femboy or a gay tranny named Kim Kim.
Brandy has tried to talk to her and ask for the reason – it’s the 2nd time Rachel has targeted a member in such a way, - but instead of an answer, Rachel has put her on ignore list.
It seems HornyRachel is also x_Rachel_x, a member who has caused trouble before.
We have copied the chats and messages and have sent it to A-Team. We do not accept, nor tolerate such mad or inappropriate behaviour of an obviously stupid, bored person. Not just because Brandy is a Mod - you know, we would do the same for everyone here and we have done in the past.
But she is bothering and annoying friends and other members too and is stealing precious time. In other messages, Rachel is blaming other members of game as "geriatric paedophiles" and is offering more information for A$ which are obviously lies too.
We want to thank every member who has received messages off her too and told us about it. You have done everything right!
Hey Rachel, if you read this and if you're brave enough to talk in public, here you can do. But I’m sure, you are just a coward. You are less than nothing and all you're able to do is tell lies about people. You are offending and blaming people just too feel strong, but in fact you are weak.
You better go back where you came from and I hope, this time you stay there!!
Note: In her messages, she is starting with "AChat news/AChat News Supplement", to make it look like an official statement. Of course she is not member of A-Team and her messages are far away from being official.
: January 02, 2014, 10:30:02 AM Lover
Hero Member
: 924
Oh so good!
Re: Forum mod and members offended
#1 :
January 02, 2014, 10:26:37 AM »
Oh my! This is so bad!
My heart goes out to Brandy and all those affected.
Shhh! Nobody needs to know!
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: Forum mod and members offended
#2 :
January 02, 2014, 10:46:36 AM »
Thanks denisee40 for your kind words and Lover for his support.
Although annoying, please do not think I am intimidated by such people. On the contrary
It's probably some little prick, I refused to room.
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: Forum mod and members offended
#3 :
January 02, 2014, 10:47:16 AM »
I feel slighted, I got no such message. QQ ........... BITCH
Nevermind, there it is. Yayyyy
Silly child acts childish. Authorities wonder why.
: January 02, 2014, 11:05:01 AM Momma_andrea
: 9
Re: Forum mod and members offended
#4 :
January 02, 2014, 11:04:27 AM »
I got one of these messages too. Just chalked it up to someone having a rant and trying to scam other members out of A$1000. She said she had some way to tie members to credit card purchases through ccbill, just send her the A$1000 and she would send the info She was nice enough to ad " (card theft not endorsed)", How nice lol. Having done business with ccbill before, I know they're real secure. I think I got on her list because I didn't want to go to a room with her, I told her " Sorry, just not my thing". Oh well live and learn, There is always someone who has an axe to grind.
" Is it supposed to be this soft?"
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: Forum mod and members offended
#5 :
January 02, 2014, 11:15:00 AM »
That is the same person.
I have just been informed both HornyRachel and x_Rachel_x have been banned by Achat.
Thank you everyone for bringing this to our attention and for all the support you have shown.
: 24
Re: Forum mod and members offended
#6 :
January 02, 2014, 12:08:59 PM »
Today i also recieved a message from this person. This is excactly what she or ...he said (yes ...he.. cause this person has many accounts)
Achat news: Users xxxxx & xxxxx are really alias accounts of geriatric paedophile ,xxxxx.You have been warned! also if anybody wants to know how to link CCBill accounts to achat users & see WHO is really male or female send $A1000 & i will tell how !(Theft of users is not endorsed). Also if you want multiple accounts open at once tap the achat icon rapidly on startup. FUCK ACHAT ! xxRach:-))
xxxxx...are some users names .
But i know this person has a lot of accounts and he propably decided to burn some of them.
...Anyway...HAPPY NEW YEAR
Hero Member
: 4985
Re: Forum mod and members offended
#7 :
January 02, 2014, 12:34:34 PM »
Seems i got the message about Brandy as well, i don't know why people are stupid like this by sending those messages.
I'm supporting Brandy by giving her a big hug, and putting the kettle on to make some tea so we can all forget about this ASAP.
mrsexlover, loving all girls, any shape,size or color
Come and join the chat at the town sqaure
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: 2465
I am into the big blue ocean swimming and dreaming
Re: Forum mod and members offended
#8 :
January 02, 2014, 01:12:32 PM »
I cant understand nothing... i know this girl, and dont understand why she did it, but she did it. I am so sad for this... cant understand how she can have a target in Brandy, one of the most stunning persons on here, always up to help others... thats all i know about it, that Brandy dont deserve this, and i am so sad.
. well... i dont know this girl, and she had time ago a wrong way with me, but i am not gona talk in public about those things, problems with others must be resolve with others, is my point of view, but in pvt, dont envolving others, because this is take the wrong way.
Brandy, kisses.
Rach... dont know if you will read this, but i will tell you in pvt when i see you what i think, i would like to know why you did this, Brandy is a stunning person, you take a wrong way with her, have not right to do it.
I dont want to talk more about it, i am so sad... just send you Brandy a big hug
: July 18, 2014, 06:06:35 PM Brandybee
Hero Member
: 1842
Re: Forum mod and members offended
#9 :
January 02, 2014, 01:15:36 PM »
I got the geriatric paedophile one too.
Achat news: Users
are really alias accounts of geriatric paedophile
.You have been warned! also if anybody wants to know how to link CCBill accounts to achat users & see WHO is really male or female send $A1000 & i will tell how !(Theft of users is not endorsed). Also if you want multiple accounts open at once tap the achat icon rapidly on startup. FUCK ACHAT ! xxRach:-))
Names removed to prevent embarrassment.
They must have been really bored on News Years day to go to such spiteful efforts. Wonder what they hoped to achieve ?
Some people should just take a breath and count to 10.
So Brandy, a man huh?
Perhaps you should shave more!!!
Anyway, I got tea, malorts, boubon, bicardi, and bloody Marys to join in with the party. Hugz to BB and anyone else caught up in the melee.
Cheers & clinking glasses. Happy New Year one and all.
: January 02, 2014, 01:45:48 PM Stone
Hero Member
: 3444
Re: Forum mod and members offended
#10 :
January 02, 2014, 02:36:26 PM »
When I logged in today I was met by a not every nice Message. And after talking with a Great friend MMWAHH I will show you it to you here
Just thought you mite like to see it
hehehheeh and who sent it
: July 19, 2014, 09:24:22 AM Lover
Hero Member
: 2208
French Nympho Shemale
Re: Forum mod and members offended
#11 :
January 02, 2014, 03:03:57 PM »
I don't understand why she does that, it's useless and stupid.
If all members to whom I say "no, thank you" do that, it would be a holy whorehouse !!!
What I understand is that we will go and have a free drink in the tavern with BB
I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: Forum mod and members offended
#12 :
January 02, 2014, 04:18:10 PM »
Saturn, uhm Brandy and I invite everyone to the bar. We're happy about all the support you all are giving and also for A-Team banning her immediately.
I've got more messages from members telling and asking about her.
Once more: Neither we nor A-Team ever will send official notes via pm or messages in game!
Hero Member
: 2078
Later, Space Cowboy
Re: Forum mod and members offended
#13 :
January 02, 2014, 06:20:54 PM »
I had a feeling this was Rach's work. I know perhaps this isn't the best time to say a good-bye to a person who just tried to slander another friend of mines name (I may start calling BB Kim Kim from now on btw.) But, fuck it. She was a friend. If you're reading this Rach (I assume you're creepin'. Don't deny it.) later you silly woman. And also, I was wrong.You were right. I feel racist now.
Re: Forum mod and members offended
#14 :
January 02, 2014, 06:46:25 PM »
I used to know Rachel, and talked to her on yahoo from time to time... it strikes me as odd that she'd go off the deep end like this, but then again, so many have here. I have to state that she and her sayings are lies. It pains me to do so, because she used to be a friend of mine. I thought she left here, around the same time I did last time. Guess she came back for revenge or something... but that's psychotic of her. Sorry all. this wasnt the rachel I knew. Guess people change.
I got the same messages, and deleted them promptly.
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