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: Interview of The Week  ( 22614 )
Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #15 : March 24, 2016, 07:39:36 PM »

This weeks Interview was with  Anatasia97 from the USA

(Q) 1 How did you find out about Achat
(A)A friend told me about it

(Q) 2 How long have you be here
(A)  3 and half months

(Q) 3 What do you think of it so far
(A) It has good points and bad points,, in general I like it

(Q) 4 If you could change one thing in Achat what would it be
(A)  The unbalanced poses,,I think they need to make poses equal for all genders

(Q) 5 What turns you on
(A)  Who I'm with I guess for men I'm attracted to gentlemen,, for women dressed in white

(Q) 6 Do you play the game for fun or to find a real partner
(A)  Well now just for fun .. I don't see finding a real life partner here

(Q) 7 Do you agree with some girls looking for gifts
(A) Sure.. Why not.. I don't personally,, but not against anyone that does

(Q) 8 What was your first vehicle
(A) An old ford f150 van,,complete with full bar and a small water bed

(Q) 9 Whats your favorite  tv

(Q) 10 If you could have any job you want what would it be
(A) Journalist

(Q) 11 What do you enjoy most  about Achat
(A) Meeting people from all over the world and having sex

The next 2 questions are from Brandybee

(Q) 1 What is the sexiest word you know that gets you sexed up
(A) Please

(Q) 2 What is the dirtiest sentence to get you sexe up
(A) Yes Bitch, eat my oussy

« : May 27, 2016, 08:08:13 PM Lydiarose »

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #16 : March 28, 2016, 06:09:26 AM »

Great work & choice.   Look forward to your next victim subject. 

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #17 : April 02, 2016, 09:39:46 AM »

This weeks Interview was with Vika from Russian  Date 02/Apr/16

(Q) 1 How did you find out about Achat
(A) just found it on internet

(Q) 2 How long have you be in Achat
(A) 3 and half months

(Q) 3 What do you think of it so far.
(A)  Good you meet interesting people here but
there not enough of them here

(Q) 4 If you could change one thing in Achat what would it be
(A) I wouldn't give gift of 1000A$ to new people, To many of them make other accounts
and many of them are not pleasant to others

(Q) 5 What turns you on
(A) It is necessary for me that the person is pleasant to me

(Q) 6 What do you enjoy about A chat
(A) I enjoy being with my girlfriend.

(Q) 7 Do you agree with some girls looking for gifts
(A) In Russian we have saying  , Master of own life.

(Q)8 What was your first vehicle
(A) Audi q5
(Q) 9 What your favourite  tv show
(A) Game of thrones

(Q) 10 If you could have any job what would it be
(A) I would like to participate in historical excavate

(Q) 11 What is the sexiest word you know that gets you sexed you up
(A) I prefer gentle tender word

(Q) 12 What is the dirtiest sentence to get you sexed up
(A) I will lick you from top to toe

« : May 27, 2016, 08:07:31 PM Lydiarose »

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #18 : April 18, 2016, 09:30:39 AM »

Hi   Vaughan was going interview Beast_slave but only word he can say is Gyratha

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #19 : May 27, 2016, 07:59:35 PM »

This weeks interview was with raluca   28/May/16

I am raluca, living in germany close to the  luxembourgian , belgian, french border,
Mom from Nigeria, Daddy from romania

(Q) 1 How did you find out about Achat
(A) I got a misdirected e-mail from My ex -boyfriend to my “successor” about  achat with the link. He wrote it would be very  awesome and naughty but too Expensive for him. So i was curious  about achat

(Q) 2 How long have you be in Achat
(A)All in all i think about  2 and a half year. With a big Break for my Highschool diploma.
to Forum i was brought a few weeks ago by  my special friend and the best part of ebony and ivory cassianna for the achat beauty contest and of course the silver blond Garage. Where she created the black Panther. Grrrr. I always thought Forum would be for nerd. But now i m infected.

(Q) 3 What do you think of it so far.
(A)  Some times i love it, really. And i m addicted like an achat Junkie, because i love to change hair coulors in the blink of an eye. And i love to mix the clothes in all colours. Some call it like a parrot. I call it  crazy  style. My motto is live and let live. Do what ever you want to, but let me live in peace. And if Not, my igno is waiting. But pssst: one  secret: after some days i let you free. I am here to have fun and party, Not for fretting

(Q) 4 If you could change one thing in Achat what would it be
(A) i would change 2 things: i d burn this grandma hairstyles and change it into modern undercuts or mohican hairstyle which is now only available for men. Why? And SHOES.  This ugly shoes!  Achat must be a man! Please give us fashionable shoes, Not only  mules, sandales. also Real high heels, real high heels! Le boutons! Louis boutons!

(Q) 5 What turns you on
(A) What makes me feel horny? Find out.

(Q) 6 What do you enjoy about A chat
(A) Most of all i enjoy  hanging out with friends and tattling, talking Nonsens , coming right out of the mouth without thinking about. Know what i mean? unfortunately there are only one friend at the Moment i can do it with. And of course i enjoy  mixing Dresses and styles.

(Q) 7 Do you agree with some girls looking for gifts
(A)Wie bitte? Ich verstehe die frage nicht

(Q)8 What was your first vehicle
(A)My first vehicle was a piaggio scooter. In pink . Hello, i m a girl! My first car is still a …what do you think? Of course, a 15 years old Renault Twingo. Unfortunately Not in pink but in mint green, ooohhh i love him! My little kermit froggy. I put money aside for a new Opel Adam in purple with starlit sky! Awesome, amazing soo incredible!! pssst, dont tell Kermit

(Q) 9 What your favourite  tv show
(A)  I bet if you are from germany you will know the answer: germany’s next top model (by heidi klum). And the gilmore girls or 2 broke girls.

(Q) 10 If you could have any job what would it be
(A)Are you kidding? Top model of course!

(Q) 11 What is the sexiest word you know that gets you sexed you up
(A) Take it

(Q) 12 What is the dirtiest sentence to get you sexed up
(A)  Take it hard  and crazy with that bbc, black panther

« : May 27, 2016, 08:04:09 PM Lydiarose »

Hero Member
: 974

Bitch's Corner

« #20 : July 30, 2016, 09:36:44 AM »

I would ask all contestants not to post there number in forum

Link for Women Voting


Link for Shemale Voting




Hello peoplle...

I want post news about the Achat Forum Beauty Conest. The Voting time of first round of the contest is open. Everybody can vote and chose your favorite girl or shemale. Iam  very happy because iam one of the girls in  the contest.

To voting in your conntester is very easy. I will help you ...


1. Login in Achat Forum with your Forum Account. If you dont have a Forum Achat Account you can  create one.
2. Go to Voting Topic page in forum. Have two contests by category: Women and Shemale.
    To voting in Women category: http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,4310.0.html

    To voting in shemale category: http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,4309.0.html

     You can vote just one time in each categorie. The voting time end August 14, 2016.

3. Look the poster with a gallery of all contesters and chose your favorite. Each contester have a number over the picture. Vote in the number of the contester.

4. Thankyou very Much for The Achat Forum, Bitchs Corner Topic , Kaythlin 1989, the others sponsors and the  Achat Forum Beauty Contest team and contesters.

« : July 30, 2016, 06:06:20 PM Lydiarose »

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