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: Veronica Zemenovich Blog  ( 4605 )
: 3

« : January 15, 2014, 07:28:54 PM »

I'll start reposting my stories on my blog to here.

Jesus lady.  You scared the sweet stink nuggets out of me.  Where in the hell did you come from?

I don't know.  The last thing I remember I was walking down this alley and then all of a sudden I found myself kneeling in this mud puddle with my hand stuck up my ass.

If I had a nickle for every time I've heard that one...


No but I will take time out of my busy schedule to stay and watch you try to get it out.

*wince.  *tug... Why is this happening to me?

Are you a bad person?

No I'm a good person.

Well only bad things happen to people who are bad.

What a load of horse shit tiny tim.  Wait... tiny tim... that sounds familiar...

The name's Mike you dirty slut.

Of come on I'm not a dirty slut.

You're dressed like an achat skank, kneeling in a mud puddle in an alley with your hand stuck in your asshole.  If you're not a dirty slut then who is?

Your mom.

That's it bitch.  I've had enough of your sass.

Who says sass?

Ass, grass, gas or sassafras hold the ass.

Lovely.  Are you going to help me or just stand their gawking and talking smack?

Why in the world would I help a crazy white girl do anything but get down on my nuts?

I'm a woman on her knees bent over and your nuts are at eye level.  It would be impossible to get down any further low rider.

And you wonder why I'm not going to help you smart ass?

Look I'm an office secretary with no upper body strength.  I can't climb a fence if chased let alone get my fist out of my ass.

Well how in the hell did you get it in there in the first place white girl?

No clue.

You better asked somebody.

This isn't constructive.

You better call your mother.

My mother's even dumber than you jive turkey.

lol.  I haven't heard that one in a while.  I'll tell you what stupid bitch...  I'll sit over here on this step and watch you roll around in the mud and try to get your hand out of your ass while I drink night train.  Once I get drunk I'll switch to ripple and then finish off the night with thunderbird.

You rotten little bastard I work for the cops and when I get out of here I'm going to have the chief arrest you and give you a nice thorough cavity search with the base end of that bottle.  Now get over here and help me get my hand out of my ass or so help me god I'll keep talking.

ass sex

occupied at the moment


no way in hell.


ok but help me first

no deal

how in the hell am I supposed to give you a handjob when I'm already a tripod? 

Then kneel here and rot gut slut.



You little shit stop looking at me.  This isn't funny.  *fapp fapp fapp

This might be the funniest.  This might be funny floating.  This might actually keep me from cumming on your face you dirty skank.

I'm not a dirty skank.

You might be a dirty skank.  Come on.  Admit it.  If you were me would you not love you more than me too dirty ho?

Will you just cum already.  *fapp fapp fapp


what's it going to take tiny tim?

ass sex

still occupied


Are you going to tell anyone about this?

My pelts are sealed.

That's mean.

Suck it you dirty slut


lick the tip

*lick lap circle

tell me you love my cock


say it


I'll help you if you say it.

I love your cock.


I LOVE YOUR COCK!!!  *cumming

oh my I think you woke up Leroy.  *cumming

Is that a euphemism?

Oh sorry dear I came all over your face.  No he's right behind you.

« : January 15, 2014, 07:31:22 PM VeronicaZ »

Hero Member
: 2078

Later, Space Cowboy

« #1 : January 15, 2014, 07:58:55 PM »

Great to see you on the forum (again).

Jive turkey.

Pretty much sums up the whole event. Gonna use that tomorrow at work.

Thanks for the contribution.  8)
Full Member
: 149

If ignorance is bliss tis folly to be wise

« #2 : January 19, 2014, 01:48:03 PM »

Yay nice to see you on the forum   ;D

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