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: Role-play Turn-ons  ( 4553 )
Hero Member
: 2078

Later, Space Cowboy

« : January 17, 2014, 09:55:28 AM »

So this has likely been discussed before, but seeing as there isn't a thread concerning the topic currently, figure why not? Also, I've seen enough negative things people don't like in people (or said during chat), that I sorta' wanna see a topic on what people do like.

What specific actions turn you on during RP? Do you like it when your partner teases your neck? Takes out a guitar and plays a song for you? Nibbles on your lips? Straddling you mid-air, pulling your hair back while penetrating you? Curious to know (especially from the f/s here) because it gives me pointers on what a woman expects when we room. I know every person will have their preferences, but I wouldn't mind hearing some unique ideas so I can RP them out with future partners. Gents' feel free to provide some tips, along with what you expect a f/s to provide during RP as well!

« : January 17, 2014, 10:03:40 AM hukk »
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #1 : January 17, 2014, 10:19:00 AM »

LOL    _    What a girl likes mmmmm

I like a strong, confident man who knows how to handle me but treats me with respect. I like him to  show a tender, romantic side and regularly telling me how much he cares and desires me. On and off line.

I like a strong sensual lover, but sometimes I just want to be thrown on the bed and fucked senseless.

I prefer virtual dating to fantasy  role play,  ie  I like playing me and not some character, although that can be fun on occasions.

Neck kissing, snogging,  massaging, stroking, walking backwards into a wall,  being swept up in your lovers arms and taken to the Master bedroom,  NICE.

I like romantic whisperings but when in hot jungle sex , down right dirty talk & ripped clothes  can be hot  :o  :o :o

Of course,  the minute a guy times something wrong, it can go belly up -   for me any of the M words, presuming too much too soon, begging, blah, blah , blah.

Oh yeah ...   Being a cowboy ,  helps....   a lot  ;D ;D ;D ;D

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 2078

Later, Space Cowboy

« #2 : January 18, 2014, 07:48:18 AM »

*comes back to thread*

What a turn out. (  '-'). Maybe I should've posted this in off-topic.   :-\

I actually recently tried the virtual dating BB. It's a different experience then just inviting a person to a room, dancing and then proceeding to get it on. You definitely gotta find the right person who has the patience (and imagination) for it though. 

Turns-on for me include undressing. Drives me crazy to see a person teasingly removing something, then to say "...and I slip it back on, winking back while wagging my finger." Being tortured heightens up the mood for me.

I always hate it when someone just simply says "Pants removed." *pose change to sex*

My expression every time:

Hero Member
: 3007

It's just a game...is it???

« #3 : March 10, 2014, 05:48:12 PM »

Whatever the type of RP i play (I'm quite open and sometimes I like to be dominated or dominate, be romantic or just a slut...w/e) the consistency is for me that I like describing what I do or what I feel and go off limits of th action. I also expect the same from my partner.

When dominated for example, I hate the one who just comes in room and says, "lay down bitch" and fucks me like a robot, changing positions in a systematic way.
I love to be teased. Not having the right to do what I want whenever I want. Not just by refusing a pose or not reacting to an action description I make. But with some feeling and verbal exchange between us both. (essence of RP, isn't it?)

I once spent 5 hours in room with the same girl... (yeah I know:  :o) But this happened because even when a pose was running, we were describing many things happening during it. Being busy licking my love's pussy doesn't mean I can't caress her legs or body, or introduce a finger here or there even if the pose originally doesn't allow it...

Sometimes just words can have much more effect than just watching two virtual bots moving on each other.

So my biggest turn-on is just fantasy and letting the limitations of the game fall.

Hero Member
: 10457


« #4 : March 11, 2014, 06:25:07 AM »

I like a strong, confident man who knows how to handle me but treats me with respect. I like him to  show a tender, romantic side and regularly telling me how much he cares and desires me. On and off line.

I agree with Brandy  she describe it  perfect :)

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
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