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: Test with Robot Boy...  ( 5288 )
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: 2208

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« : October 19, 2013, 02:07:11 PM »

Nat33 to Robot Boy: Hi Mister Robot
Robot Boy: You little bitch!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: what ? how you see that and why little ?
Robot Boy: Sorry, I'm only a silly robot. Please find a human partner to have more pleasure!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: hi boy
Robot Boy: Hi Baby!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: mmm you're understand today ?
Robot Boy: Fuck me!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: ah yes I know, you're a little crazy I think
Robot Boy: Hi Baby!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: pfffff
Robot Boy: Come and fuck me!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: now like that ? you don't prefer a blowjob before ?
Robot Boy: Sorry, I'm only a silly robot. Please find a human partner to have more pleasure!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: ah ok a machine !!! If you are a Machine sex it's perfect you know
Robot Boy: Sorry, I'm only a silly robot. Please find a human partner to have more pleasure!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: not a good machine I think :( he undersdand nothing :(
Robot Boy: Sorry, I'm only a silly robot. Please find a human partner to have more pleasure!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: well if I speak french perhaps ! comment va tu ?
Robot Boy: I am so horny...
Nat33 to Robot Boy: ah bin volà il comprends le français, tu est peut etre excitè mais pas moi donc au boulot, occupe toi de moi
Robot Boy: You little bitch!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: oui c'est une manière de voir les choses
Robot Boy: I am so horny...
Nat33 to Robot Boy: shit I know you're horny NOT ME you understand grrrrrrrr
Robot Boy: Hi Baby!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: Hi Papy!
Robot Boy: Hello Honey!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: Bonjour Ducon!
Robot Boy: Hi Baby!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: pfffff
Robot Boy: Sorry, I'm only a silly robot. Please find a human partner to have more pleasure!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: I'm not sure with a human partern I laugh like that, big kisses Robot Boy :)

End of the test  ;D

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Hero Member
: 548

« #1 : October 31, 2013, 05:44:07 AM »


   LOL Nat!  You should get together with Covems... you two could compare "robot" notes.  LOL

Thanks for letting me share,

: 17

« #2 : November 09, 2013, 03:33:50 AM »

*lol*...poor robot boy and nice idea.

In my imagination robot boy somehow acts and maybe looks like Star Trek's Data  :D
so:just working but  not that sexy at all  ;)



Stay true
: 9

« #3 : March 01, 2014, 01:46:12 PM »

First words to me out of robot boy's mouth and he called me a little bitch... I tried to break things off with him then and there, but it's hard to get a word in edgewise while he's going on and on about being a silly robot.
Hero Member
: 3771

« #4 : March 02, 2014, 10:27:31 AM »

Perhaps we should have a more romantic RB!  :)
Laughinh at what you posted, Nat. :D

My alley: http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,1884.0.html
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