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: Secret Valentine 2014  ( 29257 )
Hero Member
: 2078

Later, Space Cowboy

« #45 : February 26, 2014, 10:11:16 AM »

*scrub scrub scrub*

Damnit, who put up this graffiti of a penis urinating in the fountain?!" I cry with annoyance. I could hear a couple of giggles in the background while I toil away, trying to remove it. "Make a village square they told me. It'll be fun. We'll have laughs." I pause for a second looking over my shoulder. "I DIDN'T READ ANYWHERE IN THE JOB DESCRIPTION OF REMOVING PENIS GRAFFITI. HONESTLY, ALL YOU GUYS ARE TOO OLD FOR THIS!" I yell back, shaking my fist at them. I continue working away, me hunched down on my knees, my shirt getting soaked in a foam of soap.

I suddenly feel a small tap on my shoulder. *tap tap*. "YEAH, WHAT DO YO-" Spinning around, I see a lovely young lady, wearing all red. I was suffice to say, dazzled. She was petite in frame; a slender waist, and long slender legs that craved the careful attention of your eyes..and hands. I stare up to see her ember red hair, that contrasted beautifully with her ocean blue eyes.

"Bonjour Hukk!" says the mystery woman. I immediately pick myself up, while attempting to look more presentable..dusting myself off, and trying to wipe away the small amount of smudges on my shirt. "Oh, bonjour!" I reply back. She smiles, and looks me over. She proceeds to peek behind me, and notices the graffiti sprayed against the base of the water fountain. "Oh. Penis is big!"

I blush bashfully. I fiddle with my belt buckle with both hands and rock myself back and forth displaying a flattered smile. "Oh well, I don't like to brag..but..."
She begins to laugh, and points behind him. "No, Hukk. The image of the male penis." I jerk my head back and smack my forehead. "Oh that! Well, oh! Yes, it is rather big!" I shout, laughing at my own bumbling stupidity. She simply smiles, amused by the misunderstanding. I finally pause, and examine her closely. "Correct me if I'm wrong but...you're Florise. From the forum?"
She claps her hands giddily "Oui! And I am here for the Valentines date, Monsieur Hukk!"
"Oh, is it that time already?!" She nods her head "Yes. That time has come."
"Ha..well." I grab the bottom portion of my shirt and extend it out. "You might want to allow me to head back home. I'm a little under dressed, and dirtied up from cleaning this here mess."

Florise bites her lips, noticing my lean cut buddy underneath my wet t-shirt and shakes her head. "No, that is fine." She grabs me by the hand and proceeds to guide me to her place.

I'm pushed onto the sofa upon just entering her small cottage house.  *plop* "Comfy!" I exclaim. She doesn't waste any time getting herself ready. She slips out of her dress and reveals her intoxicating soft flesh. She lightly grasps her small, perky breasts, while her other hand tugged at the corner of her panties...providing a visible outline of her pulsing slit underneath.

"Do you like this so far..?" she whispers, her right hand now combing through her hair. I continue to stare, trying to hold myself back. "Oui, je l'aime beaucoup." I reply. She stops for a second and laughs. "Your french..it's a bit rough."
"Ha. Eh bien, j'ai pensé que c'était la peine d'essayer." I answer back, in my thick American accent. She slowly gets on her knees, and proceeds to crawl in my direction. Both our eyes lock on; shackled together by our growing appetite for sexual relief. She climbs atop me, and proceeds to plant small butterfly kisses on my lips as she speaks. "Just." *smooch* "Let." *smooch* "Our bodies." *smooch* "Talk."
She grinds her ass around my crotch. I moan, leaning my forehead against hers. I slowly slide my hand across her rosy red cheeks, and tease the corner of her lips with my thumb. "Oui." I simply reply back.

Florise taught me many things that night. My French has improved now. Hugs and many naughty kisses to you Florise for the wonderful Valentines date. Mwuuah.   

Hero Member
: 10457


« #46 : February 28, 2014, 02:13:38 AM »

   I called my love to let  him know I was  going out of town on my secret valentine

with stone, So after planing it  for  some  time now I wounder what would be a

nice date for us lady's I was a little nervous I finely thought if it was me 

what would I like so  I planed a  trip out to Acapulco.

I soon heard the  phone  ring it was stone she had ran in to lover and got my

number  so we planed to meet and  told her if she was ready for out SV-date   

we where flying out to Acapulco.

I met Mrs Stone she is a lovely lady A very beautiful heart and soul she  gave

me a rose and  some beautiful  earrings that  touched my heart they had the L for

my love  that  really warmed my heart.I gave her some  flowers  candy valentine 

balloons .

we where in  Acapulco   in a  beautiful  villa  with a lovely terrace over

looking the ocean we chatted like  old friends  drinking champagne  talking  girl

talk about the men we love  we where giggling  and and tipsy with the champagne.

we  finally  decided to do the pole dance. dancing to 

 Chris Isaak - Wicked  game

I was very shy I am  glad the champagne  helped   I stripped to my underwear 

moving to the beat of the music as stone encouraged me what a lovely lady so 

kind and sweet I thought  then I asked her if she like  to dance and she  did.
 she striped and was dressed as a French made she looked so stunning  in it very

Sensual  and her moves amazing  I pretend to be Jayc and  applaud  and whistling  to her sexy move I can see Jayc is a luck man to have this lovely lady shes   amazing and has taught  me some  move I will be  using on my Honey ..

On are  flight back  home we call the guys they are at the Bar waiting on us we said we be there soon ......

Stone thank you you are a remarkable  lady  I had a wonderful  time and it was a pleasure and its a start for a new   friendship  ..

Jacy you are a lucky man to have this incredible marvelous classy lady I wish you both the best .

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
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