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| | |-+  “Medieval” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 6
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: Vote for your Favourite Story.  Voting  Ends  31 Mar 2014.
1. The Laundress   -18 (19.6%)
2. The Chamber   -6 (6.5%)
3. The Secret of the Castle   -5 (5.4%)
4.  Strange  Bedfellows   -10 (10.9%)
5.  The Siege   -4 (4.3%)
6.  Adraste's  Gift   -7 (7.6%)
7.  The  Deflowered Rose   -15 (16.3%)
8.  Jessy and her Knight   -3 (3.3%)
9.  The Spoils of War   -10 (10.9%)
10.  In the Darkness   -9 (9.8%)
11.  I Remember You My Queen   -5 (5.4%)
: 87

: “Medieval” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 6  ( 11998 )
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #15 : January 31, 2014, 04:43:08 PM »

11.       I Remember You My Queen     -     Zoerink

My name is Zeruk, King of the southern lands, and I'm here, waiting for the time that my life ends.
After five years fighting for the liberation of my people, this is where I find myself. I have fought and achieved many things with my army. I have lost men that gave their life for me, their king, for freedom and for their land and homes.

I remember those sunny afternoons, walking the narrow sea paths in my village, and everything I leave behind ... I miss my wife, the best lover I've ever had in life, the best friend to ever be with.
I close my eyes and start writing a few words ... for you ... wherever you are, and I long for the day that in the next life, we meet again.

It all started five years ago, when the feudal lords of the Nordic lands decided to expand their land at the expense of the neighbouring people. Years of rape, looting and death throughout all the land until they came south to the lands of my people.

We are the end of the world, where the sea prevents us from growing to the south, and war prevents us from living in peace to the north. The Kingdom of Sinuesa was in danger, so I took my army and go to the north line of my kingdom. I sadly had to leave my wife and the other woman folk and children to fight to protect our way of living. It was not a place for them to be.

I shut my eyes and remember. I see her standing there, my wonderful wife, my lover and dear friend. She’s on a hill top, wearing a loose, shapeless dress but the gentle breeze from the sea, billows it against her body so I can see her very full feminine figure.
The full moon behind her, in the ink black sky, shines on her and makes the thin material translucent. Her dark hair blows in the sea wind and she looks at me. She looks beautiful, her naked form seen beneath takes my breath away.

Our land has always been peaceful, has always been an idyllic place to relax, to enjoy life to the full. Our village has always been friendly and we all work hard together to ensure our community spirit. We share our joys and our hardships. Men and women enjoy themselves in the bars and on the cold nights, it is a welcome warmth after tending to crops and herds.

Nemetís is my wife and my queen, and my lover was Petrova, until the arrival of the end of the world as we know it.
Both ladies were my lovers and we formed a perfect triangle for a while, then, Petrova had to leave.
Then it was us, just my wife- the Queen, and I, and she is whom I miss in these bleak hours and days and I talk to her every night in my loneliness.

The moon is at the top of the sky, and I'm sitting here in my cell, thinking of you, while listening to the faint voices of tomorrow that will end my life.
They believe themselves victorious, but what they will find, is battle cries when the people raise and cry for vengeance. I close my eyes, and I look to my beloved Nemetis, I'm falling, willingly into my last dream of you.

I open my eyes and I see you there ... your back to me , snuffing out the candles ... so  it is more intimate in our last meeting ... and we feel and sense each other in our blindness ... you wear a robe and pretty underwear. I do not wear anything, I am naked for you.

I slowly approach you and just start dancing right behind you. The music is perfect, played by the musicians who sing and dance discreetly outside for their king.  I'm a few inches away from you, slowly closing the distance, until our bodies make contact. I am behind you and encourage you to let yourself lean backwards against me and into my arms.

I feel your back rest on my chest, and my arms fold around and hold you. My arms fold over your breasts and I hold you from behind, letting you know you're not alone, to feel my presence with you, my chest on your back, so you feel my heart beating, my lips close to your ear, so you hear my breath. My hands move to your belly, on top of your clothes, lightly stroking.

The song ends and another begins ... ... our bodies are crushed, lovingly as one.
I take your hand and we enjoy the intimacy together. I rub against you softly and sensuously ... my lips brush your ear lobe and whisper how much I want you. It's dark, we can’t see each other, but we can feel each other in body, mind and soul. We just Are… and that's what matters ...

I want you to feel my lips kissing your ear ... my tongue caressing your cheek ... down to your neck, slowly climbing again towards your cheek ... and my hands glide down to your tummy ... I touch the fabric of your underwear ... and then in between your robe ... rubbing first your navel with my hand ... which leads to another sweet caress, fondling you ... and while one climbs up your tummy ... the other drops to your thigh .. your bottom .. your hip ...  moving slowly up and down your desirable body.

One hand ... rises slowly ... and brushes you softly ... my arm follows causing your robe to rise, gently ... slowly , gently , gently ... up to your breasts ... and caresses the undersides ... while the other hand strokes against the inside of your thigh ... , intensely ... slowly ... slowly rising until my hand touches your crotch ... on top of your panties. My other now caresses one of your nipples ... gently, and my mouth nibbles your neck with passion ... three coordinated movements that explode in the moment , feeling your body contract as a sigh escapes your lips.

I look out the window, the moon moves slowly across the sky, time is running out .. just now I'm here and seem to have been 10 seconds ... time is relative, but I do not care ..

I return to you,  continue doing what I want to do right now , caress , feel , and place my hands on your hips ...in sync, coordinated, up your back , lifting your bra slowly , arms outstretched helping me and I unclasp and remove. You are naked from the waist up, wearing only your panties and robe. I push your robe off, feeling your skin and sexy panties.

Already nude, I embrace you again from behind, this time the contact, despite being as before, is more intense. My chest rubs your back, we are attracted, breathing heavy, touching upper bodies, without any type of garment that separates us. We feel the warmth of our bodies, and I hug you ...
I feel my sex growing from your natural electricity, I absorb it, and press your buttocks while you push back to feel more and more.

Again I touch you with my hands ... one caresses your breasts , rubbing first your nipples with my fingertips,
“Nemetis, hmm I love you,” I whisper in her ear, while softly pinching her right nipple first ... cuddling, giving a slight massage, and change to the left nipple to receive the same seductive treatment.

At the same time, my other hand ... sensuously creeps under your panties, fingers gently teasing under the elastic of your underwear, slowly but intensely   I seduce you, caress you ... and I slip into your sex brushing against your clitoris. At the same time the fingers of my other hand softly pinches your nipple. You sigh in pleasure ... a sigh that gradually morphs to contented moans.

I still have my hands playing with your body , feeling you shudder and shake , my fingers set a steady rhythm, moving to a full-blown massage of your clitoris, I move in circles, slowly at first and then, slowly pick up the pace ... my lips kiss and nibble your neck , your cheek .. your mouth ... so that our tongues finally meet and get entangled.

With my hands climb slowly, inching to turn your head ... I do not want us to look ... just make us feel. We move in a slow sensual mating dance to a nearby table. You use your hands for support as you bend over. I run my hand along  your back gently pushing you in position. 
That's when my lips and my tongue began to alternate a sexy, tender bite massage along your spine , kissing you , feeling ... and follow a path down,  while my hands catch your breasts, one in each hand, and gently knead.
I lower gently, more and more ... and my hands slide and direct your hips. I lower your panties along your smooth legs, your thighs, your knees. I am  behind you still, with your panties at your ankles and my lips up to your delicious buttocks.

You lean forward a bit more ... and with my hands, open your legs a little , now I feel your sex , I see , I can feel you close , I can smell your arousal , your scent intoxicates me , and I love it. My fingers start to play, two of them are rubbing your furrow just prior to your clitoris.

The fingers of the other hand open your sex a bit, “mmmm Nemetis, this is wonderful,” I say , just as I run my tongue along all your sex to your clitoris. I repeat again, and then my tongue enters your sex, exploring the wonders inside.

Now my head is leading the movement, alternating on your clit with my tongue and lips, softly catching your nub several times with my lips, sucking and absorbing your sex. I lose myself and enjoy your unique taste.
Now there is no doubt, your moans are of desire and pleasure that come deep from within and out of your throat. You are resting on the table, enjoying this intimate moment between me and my queen, as I am too.

My fingers open your sex so that my tongue has room to go deeper, the sweet caresses on your clitoris, driving you more and more ardent.
Your moans are music to my ears, I love feeling it, I love feeling so hot with desire. “I burn for you, mmmmmmmmmm my heaven, my delicious queen ... you know I desire you,” I murmur.

One of my hands strokes my hard sex, feeling like it has been like a rock for you for so long. I wanted to please you first, for you to experience everything around us, the music, the dark, our bodies, and our desires.

Slowly, I separate my mouth from your sex, leaving my fingers inside you and begin to move in and out of you, preparing you. I stand, I take my fingers out of your hot inviting centre and place my hands on your buttocks. My sex rubs yours. Using my hand I guide my throbbing member at the entrance of your sex , and start playing, touching your heat, feeling you,  both of us moan.
You move and circle on me, and the tip of my penis is surrounded by your wetness, but I do not enter, not yet. I want to savour the moment.

We play and tease each other for a few minutes. My sex is poking through your lips,  exploring your delightful gateway. I fondle your buttocks. We are attached to each other ... and there is silence for a moment as I enter you. You feel me easing in, little by little , inch by inch. The moment is heaven as we both feel our union and my possession of you.

“mmmmmmm” I moan and fill you to the hilt. Then I still inside, to feel me inside you, stretching your tightness around me. We feel our connection in body and mind, the same peace and tranquility with which I entered surrounds us both.

Once out ... back to pushing in .. and with a little more rhythm ... I go back in to the hilt , and back out, and little by little, our bodies build an intense pace , slow but intense. Then I move to become faster, moving faster ... within you , and making love with passion and intensity.

My hands caress your breasts , your neck , your back , your bottom ... while the rate of input and output is becoming more and more intense , feeling heavenly ... “mmmmmm” now your moans are not the only the ones that resonate , mine are with you , your hand caresses my thigh , pushing me towards you, while the other rests on the table. I continue to pump inside you, and with great force , with great pace , moaning more and more.

“Nemetis mmmmmmmmm ... I love feeling you ... ahhh ahhhh ahhhh ... it's amazing!”
I bend a little and bite your neck, pinch your nipples ... caress your clitoris, squeeze your thighs, your buttocks. We are one, enjoying our merging bodies.

I accelerate the pace , everything echoes around us, the wailing , the gnashing of the table , our bodies slamming , and I feel like arching back ... it's time to revel in my euphoria. I cast my head back.... I feel the electricity flowing between us.

I feel your climax, your orgasm close to mine, and just before it explodes, I lower my body on to you, biting into your neck. I feel your excited breathing  ...  it accelerates ... pausing in juddery movements as I expel my seed ... my sex keeps pumping my love....

“I love you Zeruk, my King, my love,” She states softly.

Gradually, my hardness eases out of you ... you're lying on the table, your legs are trembling. Your naked, beautiful form imprinted in my memory forever.

I turn away from you a little, I put on clothes, grab my sword and get ready to go to the battlefield. Before I leave, I approach my sated wife to give you a kiss on the cheek and whisper in your ear ... "It was wonderful, my love."

Her beautiful face watches me and she smiles.

I turn around, close my eyes and when I open them, I sit here in my cell again.  I think of you and dream of you and remember how lucky I am to have known you.

The sun starts to creep light of the new day through the barred window into my stone prison, my time is nearly here…

The End.

« : March 31, 2014, 02:54:30 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #16 : March 31, 2014, 02:36:58 PM »

Poster compliments of mrsexlover

CONGRATULATIONS  to the  Winners

1  The Laundress  -   TerriC
2  The  Deflowered Rose  -  Brandybee
3  Strange Bedfellows  -  Momma_Andrea
*  The Spoils of War  -   ILY1990

« : March 31, 2014, 02:58:17 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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