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: i do not understand  ( 4753 )
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« : February 07, 2014, 12:32:00 PM »

i do not understand many of you in this game..COME ON PLEOPLE THIS IS THE GAME.. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(  DAMMnn
Hero Member
: 7883

« #1 : February 07, 2014, 03:19:47 PM »

what did you don't understand, my friend!?

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #2 : February 07, 2014, 09:58:54 PM »

Hey  gelisio80 ,

There are many people on here, from many walks of life, some strange, some pleasant,   some will have language barriers ,  our fabulous "Cookie Monsters"  and the ones we make good friends with.

I have found personally from experience there are different phases in this game,  whether you agree or not, I have found they are surprisingly correct.

Phase 1 = Kid in a sweet shop, have sex with anything that will take you in a room, Male, Female, Shemale, or your preference, it doesn’t matter.  This is where you enjoy the game and learn the craft of playing and what you like and don't like.

Phase 2 = Bored of meaningless sex, looking for a relationship, where you have regular harem lovers, that you care for but not particularly for a special one.  This is where you are calming down and honing your skills  to the way you like to play and build more lasting friendships.

Phase 3 = Special lover or spouse, who becomes priority.  You still play but with ground rules agreed with your special partner. You will leave a room and go to your special lover as soon as you are able to go to your special lover / spouse with out causing  too much offence to the partner you are with. 
You have someone special who is like minded and you both enjoy each others style of play.

Phase 4 = Special lover or spouse and exclusive, no other lovers. The only thing you do with someone else is dance and talk. No sex or nudity.  You have found your perfect play mate and  you either choose not to play with others or naturally  go exclusive as you find that no one else really measures up to this special partner

Phase 5 = Meet in Real Life. You both agree to meet in a real life encounter as your relationship has grown and nourished.

You can move up and down through the phases as things happen or it comes to a natural or unnatural  conclusion and a relationship ends.

I find that  if you identify which phase the person is in you are talking to, it goes someway to explain and understand their behaviour in the game.
If you are in the same phase,  you will no doubt have something in common and most likely become friends and chat more.

If for example you are in phase 3 and the person you are talking to is in phase 1, the likelihood is that at some point, depending on their manners, they will abandon you, sometimes with warning, some times without,  to room and show yellow.   Most don't even realise this behaviour is annoying until they move up the phases and it happens to them.  Just remember, its not personal, its just a different phase.  They just need to lean etiquette and will in time.

Like HB, I'm not sure either what has annoyed you  but all I can advise is patience and tolerance  can pay dividends.   Tantrums and feeling sorry for yourself  does not endear you to people.  So  ignore the silly behaviour and  keep up the search for people in similar phases.
Here in forum is a great place to start.  Personally I think the best players are in the Forum Village because we actually care for the game and the people in it.

Have fun now. 

« : February 08, 2014, 12:40:50 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
: 46

« #3 : February 08, 2014, 12:59:05 PM »

The question of the topic starter is quite familiar to me. Many new players had asked me about that and even with exactly the same words. Their issue was the declining of their invites. If that's the case, than i suggest to think about the game. Yes, it is the game. But. It is the game for two people, not for one. So, if a woman does not accept your invitation, than she does not want to play with you. As simple as that, yes. It is the game for two players, and it should be pleasant for both :D

Freedom is slavery. War is peace. Ignorance is strenght. (c) 1984

And yes, feel free to hate me, because Oceania is at war with Eurasia and had always been.
Hero Member
: 1885

« #4 : February 09, 2014, 08:47:20 AM »

hugglles gelisio80, It gets better once people see you around a little :)

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