I'm pessimist and I think that there are no planes from AChat.
I play to this game since 2 years, and in this time I have seen new poses, new clothes (thanks for that to all designer-members) and new places.
But I have not seen a AChat upgrade in 2 years
For me, the A-Team is very little (1 or 2 people) and AChat operation needs probably to take lot of time.
The rest of time, they try to integrate new clothes or to add new poses (last place was "The Beach" in Feb 2013).
I think that AChat owner have no money to develop this game.
We can to note that there are no lot of premium members in AChat (real premium members who pay, not by gift)
After to have pay their computers, advertising and bank transaction, I think that AChat budget is very small.
Too small to invest an important development and some upgrades in this game.
In other hand, there are other games in concurrency (IMVU, Red Light Center, other game, ...).
Those other games grow and develop new features.
I'm afraid that in few month, AChat will not can cope to this concurrency.
In the end, like explains Foxy, I add that we have no information about that by the A-Team (new's letters or other in this forum)
This forum runs just with time of members (thanks to all moderators) and A-Team posts rarely an article.
I will not be surprise if there no reaction by the A-Team to this current message.
It's sad but I think that AChat has no future.