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: New experiences for AChat  ( 184164 )
Hero Member
: 10350

« : February 22, 2014, 04:15:29 PM »

We want your ideas for brand new experiences for AChat. Think out of the box and post what you would like to have. This thread is just for collecting ideas, like a positive brainstorming. Please dont post negavtive comments here.

Ideas can be silly, crazy, very thoughtful... as long as they improve game. Many great men are born bc least two people had a silly idea ;)

Think about combining rooms, poses, actions, clothes, interieur, backgrounds, accessories

- You want to be able to strip in room? What kind of room would be perfect? Which clothes have to be taken off in which sequence? Could it even be an own pose with own actions?

- You want a shower after sex (or prefer to shower before lol)? What's necessary to do it? What do you need to shower beside the shower... foam, sponge, brushes...

- What if there are automatically running poses or actions? You choose "romantic foreplay" and poses/actions start for a given time... you choose "wild sex" and get different poses/actions or you choose a few actions (eg 4 in a row) and they change after some time

- Weve got the speed slider and the excitement bar. What else could be useful? Also think about sounds (moaning, screaming, gasping, kiss-sounds....) or text boxes.

- What about different lights? Dimming, candles, just a small lamp in the corner...

- What if we could change colours in room? The room in general, but also walls, ceiling, floor...

These are just a few examples. In the beginning, dont ask if its possible. Just post your ideas and wishes. Also dont comment negative to added ideas ("I dont like that" "This isnt possible")... there will be enough time later to look whats possible and what we will get.

Lets have a think tank here. Even just one or two buzz phrases are ok. We are a great team and will work it out together :)

I know, together we have many funny and amazing ideas. If you think "my idea isnt the best one". Forget it. Its possible YOUR idea is THE BEST!

Everyone of us has a big wish, a dream about AChat... which is yours?

Hero Member
: 10457


« #1 : February 22, 2014, 04:30:51 PM »

Thank you Lover  for bring all this  great  ideas . I would like more of every thing  I will post some mine from time to time .  I would like  more backgrounds  for my profile  and more  Character editor.....Roxxy

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 2891

Paddle Queen

« #2 : February 22, 2014, 08:49:55 PM »

A great add will be more poses


« #3 : February 22, 2014, 09:22:20 PM »

exhibition/voyeur mode... where 2 or 3 people can room and if they check this mode off other people can just walk in and watch without their avatars showing up... if its voyeur others can't talk and if its exhibition observers get another chat.

« #4 : February 23, 2014, 05:08:15 AM »

The whole chat interface needs redesigning to enable better interaction amongst players with...
.. certain copy and paste ( as opposed to will it/won't it work)
.. ability to edit messages
.. timestamps on log
.. repeating text
.. language translation
.. voice perhaps
.. separate window

and on that last point...
.. everything in separate windows instead of cluttering up the main window

.. when you buy, no need to relog
.. buying from AChat takes you to the item, not just the shop
.. ability to try things on before buying
.. ability to add your own approved clothing
.. ability to wear any combination you like

.. day and night settings, be able to set manually and possibly gradual change over a 2 hour day for example

.. multiple people in room
.. same poses for any combination (allowing for sexual differences)
.. no interruption of a pose (allowing for body position change)
.. ability to move from room to room
.. ability to invite others once rooming

my brain hurts.
« : February 23, 2014, 11:10:36 AM Concerto »
Hero Member
: 10457


« #5 : February 23, 2014, 08:40:24 AM »

I would like to ask the  dev-team  can you make me a   garden shower with lot  plants  around it  and many actions  on it    thank you this  will be one  of  my  best fantasy  I would like to experience this here .     


« : April 28, 2014, 03:34:59 PM FoxyRoxxy »

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 7883

« #6 : February 27, 2014, 12:22:13 PM »

i'll repost here my idea of the new interface for better 16:9 and with fixed icon (want to remember all they enlarge in 16:9) and with some interessing add

  • proporzioned action and poses square
  • small controlls icon
  • working icon to take snapshot, who need the add of a folder to directly save them
  • strip menù (right low corner): menù to be used during pole or lap dance or in other action who start with your character dressed. we have shirt, skirt (and pants), bra, panties, stocking, gloves, shoes and hat. i don't have add glasses, but maybe it can be done....

Here, you can see a better view of the Strip icons

A little note: as i reply to our PQ (Rukya for new member), i add the bra icon cause i think it's time to have the chance to wear them under shirt or, at least, choose one to use with the strip options.

note 2: i think the strip menù give us the chance to do some change in exsisting pose, like the "Let'stalk": i think it will be great to modify it turning the pose into one who start in street clothes and have the chance to strip our partner while kissing or caressing on the sofà.....same can be done with the "Hot kissing" pose!

Another important add is the tab chat for outside the room, but it can be usefull in room too for sending a message to only a partner. For it, i'll remind everyone to this old idea of FateInfinity (pic not avaleible on the net....scrap!). For the moment, i think i said all.

Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

« #7 : February 27, 2014, 12:52:56 PM »

HB great work, I hope that it will see the day... one day  8)
I love the graphics of the game in general but against I don't like this aliasing on avatars, objects etc ...
Very large aliasing realize that the outdated graphics of the game.
With the performance of current PC's, we expect better graphics performance issue.

A voyeurs Salon:
A room where you could accept or not people want to see evolve members in their favorite sport.
- Possibility at any time to terminate the voyeurism users.
This idea already submitted several times on the forum and I think it's a good idea that will interested a lot of people.
It should be on defining the rules.
That's it ... for now  8)
« : February 27, 2014, 01:04:46 PM Nat33 »

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Hero Member
: 3007

It's just a game...is it???

« #8 : February 27, 2014, 04:12:34 PM »

- As a beginner it is indeed hard to really see who has which place in the position shop. So for example for FS only making a difference in the designs of the shemale and the girl on the thumbs could help choosing a pose. Both always have a long blond tress, it can be confusing for some poses. (I bought one where I thought as a shemale I would be on top, but when I tried it it was otherwise. The fact that the girl generally wears a strap-on is not enough to be sure of one's choice)

- once in discussion with several people, it's hard to keep the pace and a better chat window is really needed. Separate from image would be nice if it gets bigger than now of course.

- a voyeur mode where the owner of room keeps control of chat, invite or throw out isindeed  a very good idea. Only small boxes which can be turned on or off to "allow voyeurs", "allow chat" would be needed. For the amount of voyeurs, if they could be seen or not, I don't know if harder to make.

- maybe an orgy saloon could be opened, where couples can have fun next to ther ones. At least 3-4 couples allowed would be nice. As the small chat-window can fastly be overflowed, keeping the chat between direct partners could already be enough. It can just be stimulating enough seeing other couples around. But adding a "threesome invite" button would be nice too.

- a controlable strip-tease should also be a must I think. Agreed!

- knowing who talks to you in chat should be allowed just by clicking on name in chat. now it only serves changing discussion partner, but an "see profile" option would be nice instead of having to use the "search" button.

- also agreed for dimming light. Just 3 degree options should be easy to make with one button.

- just being able to wear our streetwear during sex would be nice too. I love it when a female partner wears a dress or skirt. For pants, they could just make it go lower on legs. Enough to let hips, but and intimate parts appear.

All the aforementionned ideas should be standard features for premium users.

- as for walls, furniture, shower (+shower poses), etc... I think they could and would just add this in the shop... :/

... If I have new ideas I'll come back here later. ;)
« : February 27, 2014, 04:56:26 PM Peeka »

Hero Member
: 7883

« #9 : March 03, 2014, 02:25:11 AM »

After reading and answering to this

They need to open access to the character editor while in the room

I've seen things get interrupted because someone went to change clothes and got attacked outside of room

Honestly, Chaser.......not to the full editor, i prefear only clothes and, anyway, it can be a turn off sometimes, cause girls and shemale have a real big wardrobe compare to men and sometimes it needs time to find what you are looking for.

I have a little thing to add to modify your idea, but i'm gonna do this in the right place

this is my personal idea:

We all know girls and shemale have a good variety of clothes and it takes time to search for the good one sometimes. Plus, if we are going to try to mix the various element, is possible to create even more full set. At this point, i'd like to have the chance of an option who give to us the possibility to save a combination we create as a preset outfit (a max number of 10, maybe) who will give us a fast access to our favourite clothes.

Personally, i don't have many clothes in my wardrobe, but i like try and try to mix them to find new and interessing fashion's style and i'm sure the girls like to do it too, so why don't give us the chance to save the one we like as a preset!?


oh, btw.......i like the idea of having different light set up to give us dusk or down on the beach, or candle light during a talk at the table, now that we have it!

really....i think it's time for an upgrade of the AChat experience!

Hero Member
: 10350

« #10 : March 03, 2014, 02:36:09 AM »

HB wrote
At this point, i'd like to have the chance of an option who give to us the possibility to save a combination we create as a preset outfit (a max number of 10, maybe) who will give us a fast access to our favourite clothes.

Great idea!!! It alsow would be great to change these combis in room. If we now could change room whithout exiting, it would be perfect.

Hero Member
: 7883

« #11 : March 03, 2014, 02:42:30 AM »

Lover, as i said in my quote, it would be perfect to have it in room too, but just for clothes.

mmmm, i bet someone would like to use it to rise the RP experience to highest level: a dinner with your love (formal dress) who finish in some hot play in the interrogation room (one can wear the police outfit there) or something similar!
« : March 03, 2014, 02:44:54 AM hentaiboy69 »


« #12 : March 03, 2014, 07:08:19 PM »

Yes the preset outfit idea is a good one, even as a guy im scared to change my outfit because i might not remember exactly what i did
Hero Member
: 10457


« #13 : March 03, 2014, 08:42:51 PM »

I  would like if they can add   some  music  in the  room   with   streaming radio stations it be nice if me and my  partner can Listen to  same  music   as we are dancing  or  ahhmmmm   ;)

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
: 6

« #14 : March 05, 2014, 12:38:10 PM »

Hello all.. I would like to say that I've read great ideas around here and wish it would come to life soon..

as for my ideas I have stuff that is said before and some new I guess..

I liked the save outfits to help females and shemales as they have much more outfits than males..

I would like to have the ability to sell back whatever I bought & not using it anymore from rooms, outfits, and poses.. that would help a lot of guys as they can't receive gifts..

As well  to be able to choose like sexual orientation or favourites in the program to add language too so I can find people who speaks English or any other language that the player can speak.

I think this will help a lot of guys around here.. specially the new users who doesn't speak English.

It would be nice too if I can pay to change my nickname or sex.
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