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+  AChat Forum
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| | |-+  April 08, 2009 - improved Windows Vista compatibility
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: April 08, 2009 - improved Windows Vista compatibility  ( 5436 )
Sr. Member
: 336

« : April 09, 2009, 02:18:05 AM »

The new AChat package has better Windows Vista compatibility, it works also with switched on UAC (User Account Control). If a warning message about the version upgrade was displayed at the beginning of the program, we strongly recommend to install this new package.


This is a complete package, that means you have to uninstall the existing AChat and install this new one.
This package will NOT solve connection problems automatically, if your hardware devices (e.g. router) restrict the internet communication, the connection problem will still exist. In this case please check the other topics of this forum.
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