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: Récit en français  ( 7270 )
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« : April 29, 2014, 01:28:51 AM »

De petites histoires vécues en français.

Premiers jeux... il y a longtemps
Depuis que je suis toute petite, la sexualité ne m'a jamais posé de problème. J'ai toujours vu mes parents et mon frère nus, sans honte ni curiosité malsaine. Ça a toujours été normal à la maison, là où la nudité est naturelle, la salle de bain par exemple.J'ai pris mon bain maintes fois avec ma mère et avec mon frère jusqu'à passé 17 ans, sans pensées "perverses".

J'avais, très jeune, un "petit ami", un voisin très gentil avec qui je partageais tous mes jeux d'enfant.
Un jour pluvieux de vacances, nous nous étions retrouvés dans sa chambre, ne sachant pas tellement quoi faire pour passer le temps. C’est moi qui a proposé de jouer "à la visite médicale" (ma vocation d'infirmière qui débutait !). Nous avions 8 -9 ans et étions poussés par une sorte de curiosité sur l’autre sexe, sans vraiment l’avouer. Il prit l’initiative.
- C’est moi le docteur
- J’aimerais bien aussi !
- Après ce sera toi
J'acceptai le compromis.
- Je fais quoi ?
- Tu te déshabilles, tiens !
- Complètement ?
- Tu peux garder ta culotte
Rassurée par cette réponse, j'enlevai mon short et le T-shirt que je portais uniquement ce jour là. Ce n’était qu’un jeu et il "fit semblant" de m’ausculter comme un médecin.
- Couche toi
Je m’étendis sur le lit. Il me palpa le ventre.
- Soulève toi un peu
Je soulevai mon bassin. Il passa ses doigts sous l’élastique de ma culotte et la fit glisser sur mes cuisses. Il regardait ma vulve avec intérêt. Il m'écarta un peu les jambes. Il aurait sans doute voulu en (sa)voir plus mais je me levai du lit.
- A toi maintenant
Interloqué, il s’exécuta. Le problème était que tout cela lui avait procuré une érection qu’il avait honte de découvrir. Il était en slip devant moi.
- Tu ne te rhabilles pas ?
- Ça te dérange ?
- Non, pas du tout
IL se coucha sur le lit. Je procédai alors à la "visite médicale". Lorsque je baissai le slip, sa verge surgit, tendue vers le haut.
- Pourquoi ton zizi est tout dur ?
- Sais pas, c’est quand je t’ai vue toute nue
Incrédule, je touchai le membre dressé de mon petit ami. Je m’ étonnai de sa raideur sans plus.
- Et moi, je peux toucher ton kiki ?
- Si tu veux, mais ça ne s’appelle pas un kiki ! C’est une vulve
Je m’étendis près de lui et il put me toucher les lèvres intimes. Ce contact me fit frissonner, agréablement. Ne sachant quoi faire d’autres, nous nous sommes rhabillés et nous avons continués nos jeux d’enfants.

En route vers l'adolescence

Durant la première partie de ma vie ( et même après ...), je n'ai jamais eu de problèmes avec la sexualité. Mes parents nous ont élevés mon frère (deux ans plus jeune) et moi dans le respect de l'autre et de soi. Sans fausse pudeur aussi, mais sans exhibitionnisme. J'ai toujours eu une grande complicité avec ma mère et mon frère.
Nous adorions prendre notre bain avec maman dans la grande baignoire. Elle était et est encore très jolie car elle a toujours pris soin de son corps. J'étais émerveillée par ses seins (105D je crois maintenant) et sa toison pubienne, moi qui n'avais à ce moment là que deux petits boutons à peine visible et une fente glabre entre les jambes. Elle nous lavais, nous essuyais, un vrai bonheur.
La plupart du temps, c'est-à-dira quasi tous les jours, avant le coucher, je prenais mon bain avec mon frère.C'est d'ailleurs resté une sorte de "rituel" jusqu'à passé mes 17 ans. C'était surtout un moment où nous discutions beaucoup, de tout et de rien, où nous nous faisions des confidences.
A la puberté, nous avons vécu la transformation de nos corps de façon très normale. J'étais fière de devenir une femme. Ma poitrine s'est vite développée. En classe, c'est moi qui avais la plus grosse (je n'ose pas dire la plus belle ...). Dans les vestiaires, à la salle de sport ou la piscine, mes copines regardaient mes seins avec un œil envieux. Moi je faisais exprès de me promener nue devant elles. La plupart étaient très pudiques, coincées même.
Mon frère et moi partagions la même chambre, séparée par une cloison. Une nuit (il devait avoir 11/12 ans), il s'est mis à pleurer au point de me réveiller. Ça n'était jamais arrivé. Je suis allée voir ce qui se passait. Il était paniqué à mort. Je lui demandai la raison. Il baissa le drap et me dévoila une érection qui lui faisait mal au point de pleurer. J'avais déjà remarqué dans la baignoire que sa verge grossissait parfois mais jamais à ce point. Je ne savais quoi faire et lui non plus. J'ai appelé les parents. Il lui ont dit que c'est parce que il devenait un homme et l'ont fait uriner, ce qui a fait cession l'érection. Ça m'avait quand même troublée. Je me souvenais de mon petit voisin qui s'était mit à bander en me "voyant toute nue". Je ne tardai pas à en savoir plus.
Pas longtemps après, je m'étais réveillée très tôt. Je m'apprêtais à me lever quand j'entendis de drôles de sons venant de la chambre des parents. Curieuse, je m'approchai. La porte était restée entrouverte. La lampe de chevet allumée diffusait une lumière douce. Ils étaient nus. Ma mère, à genoux, tenait en main la verge de mon père qui lui caressait les seins. Soudain elle se pencha et prit le membre en bouche. Elle le suçait avec application et lui gémissait de plus en plus. C'était la première fois que je voyais une fellation et je ne pouvais m'en détacher les yeux. Cela semblait si naturel, si normal que je ne m'en offusquais pas. Au bout d'un moment, elle s'assit sur le ventre de mon et je vis la verge de mon père entrer en elle en longs et lents va-et-vient. Le plaisir qu'ils éprouvaient, l'amour qui se dégageait de cet acte me faisaient chaud au cœur ... mais aussi ailleurs. Ils se sont retournés en "missionnaire" mais j'ai eu peur d'être surprise et suis retournée dans mon lit. Une douce moiteur s'était installée entre mes cuisses. J'y portai les doigts. Un choc quasi électrique. Instinctivement, mon index parcourait ma fente de plus en plus humide, attiré vers le petit bouton qui avait grossit sous la caresse. Mon premier orgasme me cloua de plaisir. Épuisée, je me suis rendormi tout de suite. Je venais de découvrir la masturbation. Je ne m'en suis jamais lassée même si maintenant, je ne la pratique qu'occasionnellement. J'ai mieux ...

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #1 : April 29, 2014, 05:30:19 AM »

Translate -

Small Life Stories in French.

First games ... a long time ago

since I was little, sexuality has never been a problem for me. I always saw my parents and my brother naked, without shame or morbid curiosity. It has always been normal at home, where nudity is natural, the bathroom by exemple.J 'took my bath again with my mother and my brother up past 17 ​​years without "evil" thoughts .

I was very young, a "boyfriend", a very nice neighbor with whom I shared all my childhood games. A Rainy Day holiday, we had found in his room, not knowing what to do so pass the time. It was me who offered to play "a medical examination" (my vocation nurse who started!). We had 8 -9 years and were driven by a kind of curiosity about the opposite sex without actually admit.

He took the initiative. - I am the doctor -
I'd love too! -
After this you will I accepted the compromise. -
What do I do? - You undress, here! -
Completely? -
You can keep your panties
Reassured by this response, I took off my shorts and T-shirt I was wearing that day only. It was only a game and "pretended" to listen to me as a doctor. -
you layer I lay on the bed.
He patted my belly. - Lift up a little I lifted my pelvis. He ran his fingers under the elastic of my panties and slid on my thighs. He looked forward to my vulva. He pushed me legs a bit. It would probably wanted to (its) more but I got up from the bed. -
Yours Now aback,
he complied.
The problem was that this had given him an erection that he was ashamed to discover.
He was in his underwear in front of me. -
Do not you dressed again? -
 Do you mind? -
 No, not at all IL lay on the bed.
I then proceeded to the "medical examination". When I lowered my underpants, his cock popped, stretched upwards. -
Why is your penis hard? -
 Dunno, that's when I saw you naked Incredulous,
 I touched the upright member of my boyfriend. I 'm surprised its stiffness without. -
And I can touch your cock? -
If you want, but it is not called a cock! It's a pussy
I lay down beside him and he could touch my labia. This contact made ​​me shiver, pleasantly. Not knowing what to do others, we dressed again and we continued our childhood games.

Towards adolescence During the first part of my life (and even then ...), I've never had problems with sexuality.

 My parents raised my brother (two years younger) and I respect for others and themselves. Without false modesty, too, but not exhibitionism.

I have always had a great complicity with my mother and my brother. We loved taking our bath with mom in the big bathtub. It was and still is very nice because it has always taken care of his body. I was amazed by her boobs (105D I think now) and his pubic hair, which I had at that time two small buttons barely visible and a hairless slit between the legs.

She washed us, we wiped, bliss. Mostly, this is to say almost every day, before bed, I bathed with my frère.C is also remained a kind of "ritual" to my past 17 ​​years.

It was mostly a time when we talked a lot, about everything and nothing, where we did secrets.

During puberty, we experienced the transformation of our body very normal. I was proud to become a woman. My chest is quickly developed.

In class, it was me who had the biggest (I dare not say the best ...).

In the locker room, in the gym or pool, my friends watched my breasts with an envious eye. I did express to walk naked in front of them. Most were very modest, even stuck. My brother and I shared the same room, separated by a partition.

One night (he must have 11/12 years), he began to cry to the point of waking up. It never happened. I went to see what was happening. He was panicked to death. I asked him why. He lowered the cloth and revealed to me an erection that ached to cry.

 I had already noticed in the bathtub that his penis was growing sometimes but never like this. I did not know what to do, either. I called the parents. They told him it was because he became a man and have to urinate, which made ​​an assignment erection.

It was still troubled me. I remembered my little neighbor who had started bandaging me "seeing naked."

I was soon to learn more. Not long after, I woke early. I was about to get up when I heard strange sounds coming from the room.

Curious, I approached. The door was ajar. The bedside lights diffused soft light. They were naked. My mother, on her knees, held in his hand the rod of my father caressing her breasts. Suddenly she leaned over and took the member in the mouth. She sucked him moaning with application and more. It was the first time I saw a blowjob and I could not take your eyes off.

It seemed so natural, so normal that I do not offusquais. After a moment, she sat down on my belly and I saw my father's penis enter her in long, slow back and forth.

The pleasure they felt the love that emanated from this act made ​​me warm heart ... but also elsewhere. They returned in "missionary" but I was afraid of being caught and went back to my bed.

Soft wetness had settled between my thighs. I carried her fingers. An almost electric shock. Instinctively, my finger went through my slit wet increasingly attracted to the little button that was bigger under the caress. My first orgasm nailed me pleasure. Exhausted, I went back to sleep immediately. I had just discovered masturbation. I do'm never tired though now I practice occasionally. I better ...

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #2 : April 29, 2014, 05:47:24 AM »

Hello  catherine_24,

Thank you for your story. I have read it and found it interesting.

Please be aware,  We do not usually accept stories that involve sex and under 18's here.

At the  moment I am giving the matter some thought and will seek the advice of the other Moderators.  The reason I am hesitating to remove it straight away  is  that it is a story of past child hood memories and a story of becoming sexually aware.

Each of these stories, however will be judged on its merit. 

I would also be interested in hearing the Forum villager's view on the matter.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 3007

It's just a game...is it???

« #3 : April 29, 2014, 06:28:46 AM »

Jolies petites histoires catherine! Mignonnes mêmes!  ;)

C'est sympa à toi de partager ça avec nous. J'espère que tu en auras d'autres par la suite.

"Nice stories catherine! Even cute ones!
Nice of you to share them with us. I hope you'll have more in the future

@BB : when I read this, I didn't think one second of child sex. Just because it doesn't involve an adult doing naughty things to an unwilling child.
It is just a testimony on how she innocently discovered sexuality. And I guess most of us have discovered it in a similar way. It's just about memories we all could relate to.
Nevertheless, I admit, it shouldn't go further than these small touches. In order not to motivate the ones who'd really like to tell kinkier children sex. Because we know adolescents start earlier and earlier nowadays. This shouldn't be the start of child porn here.
So if catherine stays on these two stories and goes further telling about 18+ experiences, I'd say it's just cute and ok.  ;)

Hero Member
: 3444

« #4 : April 29, 2014, 11:28:01 AM »

Hello Catherin

Welcome to the forum  and what a great child hood memory thanks for sharing it with us.

To Brandybee  and forum members

On reading Catherin's childhood memory I did not see anything wrong with it   as it was only two good friends exploring and growing up and there was nothing wrong with that as there was nothing forced and we have all played doctors and nurses.

And to catch her parents having sex is nothing new lots of us here have done this to, I personally think ifs fine to stay

Its only my thought   Tango 
« : April 29, 2014, 12:15:03 PM tangoracer »

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: 2078

Later, Space Cowboy

« #5 : April 29, 2014, 03:36:50 PM »

Hey Catherin. Welcome to the forum! Hope you're enjoying your stay thus far.

@Mods & Forum members

I can understand the hesitation in wanting to remove Catherin's story. While it doesn't necessarily offer anything sexually explicit between any of the young characters featured in the story, it does  place young characters in a sexually themed environment.

I'm pretty liberal when it comes to discussing sex and sexuality, so as long as it' presented in a mature fashion - something I feel Catherin has accomplished. The only reason I would consider taking it down is the risk of facing any sort of legal trouble from outside forces if they believe this to be ch ild pornography.However, I think they would be hard pressed in trying to label this story as such.

Hero Member
: 1885

« #6 : April 29, 2014, 06:52:40 PM »

A few years back a very talented artist was forced to remove work from a few of his collections because they featured nude children. The pictures were in my opinion sweet and beautiful but many felt they verged on being child porn. The courts agreed. I was disgusted at the time that art be dictated by the acts of criminals (paedophiles). This is unfortunately a sign of the times.

I really hope this does not dissuade Catherine from future posts in the forum.
I would hate a persons creativity and talent  to be destroyed because of the unhealthy world we live in.

That said, while I believe it is ok to mention early experiences but I feel it would be best to limit them to short sections of a story (eg. I recall as a child I saw… )
To present them fully, in one post as here I feel is creating an erotic station for paedophiles within our  forum.

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: 10457


« #7 : April 29, 2014, 10:32:10 PM »

Fist I would like to say hello to you Catherine_24

and welcome you to the forum I see you are very new to posting but have been here some time now
and its nice that you are posting..I hope this dose not stop you from my comment, I am a tough critic
and I am very Opinionated on my belief.

About your story

Well it  was a little Shocking and disturbing to me it has to many
personel details of your family and your lifestyle and culture
all that is ok, but you are writing about your sexuality as a child and that is
a little to hard for me to take in. They are your sexual childhood memories.

My childhood memories are nothing like this so I do not relate to them.

A writer when Writing is careful they pulls us in to the story. When you wrote this you are showing us your childhood through the eyes of a child  as how you lived it...

As Hukk said :  While it doesn't necessarily offer anything sexually explicit between any of the young characters featured in the story, it does  place young characters in a sexually themed environment.

I agree with him, it does not place a  child in it haveing sex,  but to me it places a child watching sexual activity
and it gives us a detailed description of it..

: We loved taking our bath with mom in the big bathtub. It was and still is very nice because it has always taken care of his body. I was amazed by her boobs (105D I think now) and his pubic hair, which I had at that time two small buttons barely visible and a hairless slit between the legs.

       ( here you are talking about the description of the body of a child
         and not just that to me its incest as well by what you say till you
         you are 17 years.)

: She washed us, we wiped, bliss. Mostly, this is to say almost every day, before bed, I bathed with my frère.C is also remained a kind of "ritual" to my past 17 ​​years.

   I don't know any ( and would not like to know ) family's that would take showers at that age and up to 17  years of age.

  To me its not natural, or normal

 ( and  when you said about your parents )

when I heard strange sounds coming from the room.
Curious, I approached. The door was ajar. The bedside lights diffused soft light. They were naked. My mother, on her knees, held in his hand the rod of my father caressing her breasts. Suddenly she leaned over and took the member in the mouth. She sucked him moaning with application and more. It was the first time I saw a blowjob and I could not take your eyes off.

It seemed so natural, so normal that I do not offusquais. After a moment, she sat down on my belly and I saw my father's penis enter her in long, slow back and forth.

The pleasure they felt the love that emanated from this act made ​​me warm heart ... but also elsewhere. They returned in "missionary" but I was afraid of being caught and went back to my bed.

Soft wetness had settled between my thighs. I carried her fingers. An almost electric shock. Instinctively, my finger went through my slit wet increasingly attracted to the little button that was bigger under the caress.

  I found it a little too disturbing a child watching her parents having sex then describing it
and saying she was turned on
  by her warm elsewhere and caring her finger to her slit  .... its ok you have all this
they are your's  memories but I don't want to read this when it portrays a child's sexual activity and watching sex.

any thing as consenting adults is ok here it is a adult sex place and any thing go's but when you bring things with children it should not have any think to do with sex.It may be a memory   but it is around childhood ...

 you brought it in to public so it is my own opine  and any one can  have there own.

I hope you keep writing posting .

my only suggestion would be that when you write
it be story's of you as a adult
even when you wrote about you parent
was ok till you watched them as a child that
was to hard for me

If it was me and I saw my parents I turn around and go to my bed

not watch them .. ;D

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
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: 10350

« #8 : May 02, 2014, 03:58:49 PM »

We mods have discussed it and agree, its not a sexual story including sex with young people. Its a story about growing, getting first contact with erotic and sexuality. As no sexual actions happened, everything is ok and there is no reason to remove it.

The reason we are very careful with such stories is, we dont want to be a place for any bastards who like young sex and also dont want to expulse against any TOS or laws of countries.

: 10

« #9 : May 09, 2014, 12:47:23 AM »

Good morning.
I read your comments.
I apologize if I offended some people.
It was not my intention.
I see no problem if these posts are deleted.
I will be more careful in the future.
My next story will be memories from 18 years.
Thank you for your understanding.

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #10 : May 09, 2014, 02:05:02 AM »


I always enjoy new writers who appear in our Forum Village and take the first steps of publishing their stories.   

It is a popular section here.   

Welcome and please write more. We will all look forward to reading them.

If you write in your own language, please would you also provide an English translation too.   Thank you.

And please take a look at our Erotic Story Contest.  It may inspire you to enter.  I hope you do.

Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News  > Erotic Story Contest 7 - Journey. OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS TILL MON 30 JUNE 2014.   http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,3121.0.html
Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests  > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.  http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,2509.0.html

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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