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: Soldier, Hero, Maiden, Princess..  ( 5980 )

« : May 04, 2014, 10:38:17 PM »

Who are you? Read below, and see where you fit in the pattern. This is meant usually for heterosexual couples, but I'm sure it can apply in other ways.

It would be fascinating to see who see's themselves as what, so please put below your response to this as follows:

Name: Jensen
Who am I: Soldier
Who is my best match?: Maiden
Who do I want to be?: None other than I am, a Soldier.
Who do I usually pursue?: Princess's. Gawd, this needs to stop.

I hope everyone has fun!

Soldier, Hero, Maiden, Princess...


The Hero is a rusher; someone who breaks down barriers (violently when necessary), scales the walls, and kills captors and tormentors to get to what or whom he wants.

When the Hero is done, the castle is stormed and the dragon slain, and the girl falls hard for him. Once his task is done, he has no other purpose, but to be the Hero again. If the girl he rescues doesn’t put herself back in the tower, and wall herself back in, he looses interest. He has a shallow perspective. He wants what he wants, and when he’s done, he’s done. This can be applied to any aspect of a relationship, mentally, emotionally, or physically.

The Soldier is backup; one who fights behind the Hero, is supporting to him in his efforts, and all the while wishing he were in front. The soldier is stronger, can endure longer, takes more behind the scenes risks, and is loyal to a fault. He pursues what or whom he wants at a distance. The soldier is never satisfied that he never took the hero's place. He is always fighting. He never pauses. Problem is, the soldier is too afraid to accept when the one he wants comes to them. They push away, and cause them to run back to the Hero.

Most friendships between guys, especially those which are Best Friend-ships, are usually a pair of both a Hero and a Soldier. Some group friendships are mostly Soldiers, with Heroes at the forefront of the group. The same applies to women, as explained a little later

There comes a time when the Soldier needs to be the Hero. He'll need to step up when the time is right. And sometimes the time is never right.

There are two cases where the Soldier needs to step up.

The first: When a Hero becomes a Villain. It is up to the Soldier to take him out. When that happens, if there is still Hero in the Villain, he will take the defeat, recognize his failing, learn from it, and move on. Or he will complete his transition, and go berserk on the Soldier, and what or who was being fought over.

The second: When it is time for the Soldier to get the Girl. Step up, take action, and win Her heart, no matter the cost.


Just like there are two kinds of Men, there are two kinds of Women.

Some are the Princesses, and others are Maidens.

Princesses love to be in the castle, love to put themselves at risk, in the path of danger, and often intentionally return to a place of “captivity”. They are perfect for the Hero, because they never tire of being rescued, and the Hero never tires of being a rescuer. They also, however, must ALLOW their Hero to rescue them, or there will be no lasting relationship.

Then there are the Maidens. They long to be fought over, but never put themselves in a situation that needs to be won. They sit idly by and watch. Crushes, loves, and desires come and go. These are good match for the Soldier, but they both sit by and let it all slip by. They too, must at some point, put themselves into the path of those who they wish to capture their heart. If they are interested in a Soldier, but never do anything to let them know, the soldier will most likely NEVER GET THE HINT! (We are kinda dumb you know...)


No Soldier can ever maintain a relationship with a Princess, unless they recondition themselves to meet her needs. This usually causes the Soldier to become virtually unable to meet the emotional, mental, and spiritual Needs of their partner.

Nor can a Maiden can satisfy a Hero, unless they do the same, change who they are, and begin to purposefully put themselves in harms way (either mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or physically).

This, is settling.


Now. Yet another side to this little section of information. Some who are Heroes, Soldiers, Princesses or Maidens, are not truly themselves. Some, through trauma, past events and relationships, parental influences, or just by the way they were raised, are not who they were meant to be.

Because of this FACT, whoever you TRULY are inside, you need to take into account the other persons past, their hurts, their emotional trauma, and current and future desires.

It is up to you to correctly evaluate your partners standing, who they are, and what they need from you. At some point, you may need to ask them what they think they are, and whom they see you as. This would help in the evaluation process for a continuing romantic relationship.


Hero Member
: 10457


« #1 : July 25, 2014, 01:31:25 AM »

Nice story Jensen
I am a Princesses

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL

« #2 : January 10, 2017, 07:08:53 PM »

I'm actually pretty surprised not more people commented, or replied to this. Still very relevant tho.
Hero Member
: 10457


« #3 : January 11, 2017, 12:38:04 AM »

I like to read all that  is posted on the  forum  ;D

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL

« #4 : January 11, 2017, 08:13:36 AM »

Hi JEN *hugs* , Like FOXY, I too read EVERYTHING posted to forum so I was quite surprised to read your comment and was wondering how I missed your original post until I looked at it's posting date.   JEN ..... you silly boy, you posted this before I met you, before I discovered this wacky world ...... you posted this all the way back in MAY 2014.

I suggest you give your original post a bump to present times, then maybe more of us "newbies" will read and comment.  I am not one who believes people can be sorted and placed in different baskets like fruits or vegetables. We are all so unique, different shaped by so many things in our lives. I am more inclined to agree with one of your passages:

"Because of this FACT, whoever you TRULY are inside, you need to take into account the other persons past, their hurts, their emotional trauma, and current and future desires."

And when it comes to RELATIONSHIPS, between two souls looking for a connection, finding their "chemistry" ....... that is more like magic than a process to me. Each so different.

"It is up to you to correctly evaluate your partners standing, who they are, and what they need from you. At some point, you may need to ask them what they think they are, and whom they see you as. This would help in the evaluation process for a continuing romantic relationship."

Just my opine. I see individuals, each of us our own. The cover of our book does not tell our story, for that the reader must open the book and take the time to read what's inside.

Thanks for posting and sharing JEN, it is good to hear your voice in the forum.

*hugs n Tickles* to you JEN

Your friend Kaitlyn
Hero Member
: 10350

« #5 : January 13, 2017, 10:26:54 AM »

Some ight have thought it's "just" a story, have missed it or just don't find themselves in it.
To speak about myself, I don't see me in any role. I'm just me and I love who I am.

It might fit for some or even many though. At least could give them an idea to think about what they are, how they wanna be or why they (always) get into the same situations. And for some it must ne more modern lol... talking about Star Wars figures and other role models ;)

Hero Member
: 503

« #6 : January 18, 2017, 11:01:22 PM »

Hi to all of you,

This is one of the most challenging topic here. I agree with Kait that each individual speak for yourself and that we can't fit into the same pattern. But still, I think this is not meant as a discussion or conversation, more likely as a way to say something about ourselves or how we see ourselves, at least in some funny and entertaining way.

The manner in which Jensen told the story and the way he opened up and exposed part of himself here , I think, is very brave. The story is very touching and I admire you Jensen for all of that.

Finding words to describe myself I thought is easy but now trying to explain or describe who am I in English is difficult, but anyway I'll try.

Name: Jean
Who am I: Dreamer
Who is my best match?: Doer
Who do I want to be?: None other than I am, Dreamer
Who do I usually pursue?: Quitters = It was really hard for me to admit this. Lol..

It may sound pathetic but I am incorrigible dreamer and idealist, especially when it comes to love and emotions. I believe that I have always known exactly who I am and what I want out of my life. Being a independent from a very young age (due life's circumstances) helped me to get to know real world, myself and to understand who I am and how to get what I wanted out of my life.

I used to be often confused, suspicious in terms of my beliefs, self-doubts and fears and I was disappointed countless times. Due the time things had changed. My growing up, independence and ability to handle being away from home for long periods of time taught me a lot about the real world, reality, people and about life generally . I’ve made mistakes, I fell many times but I’ve learned how to raised myself from the ashes and failures. And I’ve never stopped believing in my dreams, people or stopped believing in love. I can't help myself - I am a romantic dreamer, wide eye believer who try to reach the stars and keep my hopes up the entire road to them.

My best match is a Doer. He has (as people say)  strong power of observation and a keen sense when dealing with other people. He can be very perceptive, witty and clever. He has a natural ability of convincing others of his point of view. Doer is an energetic person who live completely in the here and now and makes spontaneous decisions from one moment to the next. He loves being together with other people and he is sensuous, lively and amusing conversationalist. It is no problem for him to be the effervescent centre of attention anywhere and he is generous. He don’t brood over consequences for long, he quickly grasps all the relevant facts, make a pragmatic decision and enforce that decision vigorously. Should a decision later turn out to have been wrong, he can always makes new plans. Doer has charisma, eloquence, charm and persuasiveness. By nature, he is much too open and direct to negatively outfox someone. Any intrigue is foreign and unappealing to him. I usually - better to say all my life looking for a Doer, but still at the end turns out he is a Quitter.

Well, I guess we all know personality of quitters but sometimes they look like and act just like Doers. And this is probably the reason why I always get stuck with those who gave up - Quitters.

Last time I thought I’ve found my perfect match, my Doer. It seemed like my dream, my longings and desires led me directly to that man. We fell into a robust, intense, passionate love. It last 4 years, with almost unabated passion. We were filled and overwhelmed with love. At that time it seemed that we both were motivated to achieve incredible things in various spheres of our lives. After, I find out that he has been cheating on me, just at the moment we decided to merge our lives permanently.

Didn’t hurt me what he starts an affair with another woman as much as the fact that he gave up on us. We tried to overcome that but it didn’t work out. I’ve never blamed him too much. Guess he did the best he could and I do believe nothing really worthwhile in this world, like love, can’t be forced. Anyway we are still close friends and I’m grateful for it.

One of my beliefs, I’ve recognized through my life experiences as a great truth, is that loves comes and goes constantly, we need to know how to forgive and let them go of our present when they must pass. Every love, the one that was, the one that is, the one that will be deserves to be free and released. Only in this way gets the true meaning and makes us happy even when remains only as a part of our memories. We shouldn’t forget the beauty of moments in which we enjoyed or all amazing feelings we’ve felt. Traces will remain forever, they are valuable and precious, and it is valid for any kind of love in our lives. Instead of bitterness and regrets we should let these traces become a walk in the beautiful memories that will inspire us in everything. And after all, these traces partly make us the kind of person we are today or kind of person we will become tomorrow. I am infinitely grateful for every love I've received and I was able to give.


Thank you Jensen,
This was like some kind of relief  :)

« : January 21, 2017, 09:16:04 PM jeanona31 »

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