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: Achat Lottery Sweep Stakes  ( 5051 )
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« : May 18, 2014, 07:28:32 AM »

Achat Village Sweep Stake Lottery.

The Achat Village Sweep Stake Lottery is a bit of fun for a chance to win a little extra A$  and helps to buy poses, clothes or rooms from the shop.  You can watch who has decided to play and how big the prize money gets by the appropriate topic in Forum …
It is fun and none – profit making, except for the winner of course.
The Achat Village Sweep Stake Lottery is open to Members only.  The winning ticket takes the pot or stake.  There will  be  1 winner  ONLY.

1.     Participants  will  choose 6 numbers  between  1 and 49.  This will be their Lottery Ticket.

2.     Tickets cost 10A$ each to play.  You can play up to a maximum of 5 tickets. ( 50 Achat Dollars )

3.     The idea is you pay a flat fee,  usually between A$10 and A$50 depending on the amount of tickets you want. ( Gift  Pythia  or  Osiris_Forum -  Our Forum Bank Avatars ) and the pot / Stake grows as each player / Sweeper enters.  The appropriate Avatar to gift will be identified in the topic so the Moderators can manage the accounts.

Gift the cost of your tickets AND send a PM  to the Director  AND Co-Director of the lottery, stating the date  you have gifted, your numbers & number of tickets paid for.  Please ensure you tick the box to save a copy of this personal message for your records.

4.   On confirmation of your gift & ticket numbers, participants will be listed to play the lottery in the appropriate topic.

5.   The winning ticket holder must claim his or her prize by posting in the topic. The Stake or pot collected will then be awarded to the winning ticket holder.   

6.   The winning ticket holder has time to claim until the last day of month the lottery has taken place, ending Midnight UK time. Otherwise, the Stake or Pot collected will roll over for the next draw.

7.   The Draws will take place as determined in the appropriate topic and advertised in advance.

8.  A separate locked topic will display the Winning Ticket number , date of draw and later on.. confirmation that the winning ticket has been claimed & by whom, confirmation the award has been made and how much ....   or  whether it is a Rollover. 

9.   The Winner or Sweeper here wins all the Stake  collected if he or she holds the winning ticket. 
10. Good Luck to all.               


To Gift a player. 
Only Females & Shemales  can be gifted. Males cannot.  Pythia & Osiris_Forum are female.
(Male winners are awarded their winning prize by special arrangement with the Moderators and Achat Gods )

1 ) Go to  “Shop”  on top bar as Forum or Shop on Achats web page -  (www.funnyadultgamesplay.com)

2 ) And log in to your account.  It will say -  “ Welcome and your name “

3 ) Click on “ Members “  on top bar with “Forum” &  “ Shop”

4 ) On the left in little writing  is “ Partner Search “ ,   Click on that, a box will appear – enter the name of the avatar you intend to gift and click    “ ok”

5 ) On the top of the pic that appears is the avatar name and  “ Make a Gift”   Click on “make a gift”

6 ) Enter the amount and click on “ Make Gift “ 
7 ) It will ask you to  verify and click on   “Perform Gifting”

8 ) The gifting will then be complete and will be shown in your account on the right of the screen to confirm “ Recent Gifts”  on your account.


To Reply to a Topic.

You may have found  a topic you wish to reply to and add, you views or ideas.
It works in exactly the same way to reply to the appropriate Sweep Stake Topic to register your intention to play and be included.

1 ) Find the topic of interest or the Sweep Stake topic.  Look to the right, just above the topics listed in the page,  and you will see some little red boxes with white writing in – 1st one along is  “Reply “ -  Click on that and it will open up a  “ Text Box “

2 ) Click the cursor in the text box where you want to and type in as normal.  ( The subject is already chosen as this is a reply to the topic ). Type your message.

3 )  Underneath your text box,  is  POST  and   PREVIEW.     Preview allows you to see your post above your text box,  before making it public.  Click on “Preview” and it appears above your text box.  This is where you check your spelling, presentation and spacing.

4 ) When you are satisfied all is ok, click on  POST and you have now added your reply to the thread or page of that topic.  Check again you are satisfied.   If not, use the “ Modify “  box , top right of the topic, to edit. 

It’s quite simple -    go try it. 
You will probably notice that you can use colours and change the look of your printed words to bold print etc...  Play around with the boxes, colours and smiley faces, using the “Preview “ box  to check.. it’s just practice and you will soon learn how they work.  If not, just ask.


Sending a pm (personal message) to another forum member

A PM is a message, which just the addressee is able to read. It's like an email you send, but the addressee just receives it, if he is logging in to this forum.

A ) There are several ways to choose the addressee. The best is to click the small box below his name in a thread or topic. If you move your mouse over this box and then wait for a second, you read: "Personal Message" in brackets you read "Online" or "Offline"

If you click on this box, you get a new page, similar to the page you get if you add a post. The differences:
There is a box "To"     
If you did it this way, the addressee is written in already.

B )If you want to add more addresses, you click on the white !  blue box and the end of the “To “box,  to “Find members”  You can add a maximum of 10 names.
Or you can  go one field below to "Bcc"
Bcc means, all other members you add also get your message - but no one knows of the other.

C ) You can also click the white ! on blue box – Find Members.   A new search box  opens (make sure, your browser allows pop up) and you can search for the names.

If you don't know exactly, you can use wildcards. A wildcard means, you just type 1,2,3, or 4 letters and then add a star (*)
Go to "search" and you get a list of all members including your letters in this order you wrote them. If you want to add someone of this list, just click the name in the list below. This member is added at once.

If you want, use a subject, but it's not necessary.  In games, however, we ask you identify the Game in the Subject.  It also helps if you are searching through your own personal messages.

Write your text, then "send message"
If you want to get a copy of your text, activate "Save a copy in my outbox"


To activate your  “ Message alert”

1 ) Under  your welcome box  are smaller red boxes with white writing in. Click on  “ Profile” to open the page. 

2 ) On the left in a menu list  “Modify Profile”    Click on  “Personal Message Options”  and a new page will open.

3 ) “Tick”  Save a copy of each Personal Message in my outbox by default.
    “ Tick “    Show a popup when you receive new messages?

4 ) Then click on “Change Profile”  at the bottom  and
5 ) return to Forum Home Page by clicking on the little red box with white writing  “Home”   located on the same line as  “Profile” just under your welcome box.


If the addressee is  online, he will get the message when he is updating a page of the forum or when he refreshes the page. The pop up window, if activated will appear "You have received one or more new messages - do you want to read them in a new window?"
He will  receive the same message when he logs in after being offline.
You also see it in the red line of boxes under your welcome box. There will be a number e.g. (1) in brackets after "MY MESSAGES"  Click on “My messages” to read them.

If the member has activated email notifications, he also will get the pm as an email.


To check for new topics such as Sweep Stake events or updates of topics.

1 )  Log in to Forum

2 )  Just under your name and next to your Forum pic  are the  following :-
         Show unread posts since last visit.
         Show new replies to your posts.

Click on either to show such topics.

3)  If for some reason, this is not shown,  look to the right of the page -  in the same line as your name shown.   You will see a small  pink + in a red box.  Click on this to turn it to a pink - sign.  The above at 2 will then show.


The appropriate topic will identify who is running the Sweep Stake. This person(s) does not take part in the Sweep Stake to protect the integrity of the lottery. It will also identify whether Pythia or Osiris_Forum is used,  all updates and of course the Winner who claims and when the prize has been awarded to their account.

Good Luck in any you decide to take part in.

« : May 18, 2014, 08:46:39 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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