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: Harassment  ( 13299 )
: 19

« : May 24, 2014, 02:44:10 AM »

Not even sure where to start, since joining like 4 days ago many male members have done nothing but hound me down and harass me for no reason other then I do not throw my pussy at them.

But I am listing a crazy chat that a user threw at me.


Conversation with name changes -  Crusader seemed apt somehow.

Re-Moded by me, Crusader did not fit.  Tiny_Dick suits this guy much better.  I'm sure that is what he is trying to compensate for.

Tiny_Dick -  Hi sweetie, a cheating wife. I love that
Me – What makes me a cheater
Tiny_Dick – Your husband is off line.
Me – Yeah, he keeps losing connection.
Tiny_Dick – And you have hidden all your friends and lovers.
Me – Did what?
Tiny_Dick – Well he was never in a room with you now.
Me – No he was on shortly a bit ago, but lost connection in the middle of rubbing my feet
Tiny_Dick -  The parameters sweetie in the search engines. You are on page two. Which means you have got a lot of friend, lover invites. 
Tiny_Dick -  lol
Me -  Have no lovers. Had a few friends, took them off.
XXXX -   Lost connection. Have a thunderstorm here.
Tiny_Dick – Listen, I am a computer engineer.  You need at least 40 invites to get on page 2 so why are you lying?
XXXX – You don’t want to continue?
Me -  I have had 3 friends. That is it.
Tiny_Dick -  Have we met before perhaps?
Tiny_Dick -  Then you would have been on page 6 or 7
Me -  And when I was on yesterday, I was on like page 6 or 7 , so I don’t know
Me – I have not even talked to 40 people yet. Lol
Tiny_Dick -  Well that’s how the parameters are set sweetie
Me – Well mr  Thinks-he-is-a-dom, maybe you know MUCH less than you think. In fact I know so.  So go try to play know-it-all Dom with someone on your own level.

Footnote by Moderator -   Crusader is wrong about the search parameters.

So here from the start I am called a cheater, from what ever spot of the page listings I was in that night.  And talked down to by this nut job all the time after.

After this chat I put him on ignore.  The next time I log on I have an offline from a random guy saying more crazy stuff, very easy to tell it was this user under another name.  And that he was putting me on some blog.  Two days later another random guy sends me this link.


No idea what I have been slammed as a scammer for.  The only thing I have done is turn guys down.  And not even in a mean way.  They act very rude, curse at me, call me every name in the book, simply from not letting them have sex with me.

So how far does the total crazy go on this game?  And why is it these people doing this crazy stuff are let free to do what ever they want by the AChat staff?

But maybe posting this will get help with some of the problems I am being swamped with for no reason.  Or at least let others know about this USER and what he does. 


Please remove offending names for publishing and report original to Achat support.  Forum is not a place for personal spats to be published.

« : May 25, 2014, 02:03:12 PM Mrs_Wife »
: 19

« #1 : May 24, 2014, 03:22:00 AM »

Just found out XXXXXX  is one of XXXXX alts.

He was the 3rd random guy I had never talked with to leave me a offline.  He had the link to that page listing me as a scammer.  But after talking to him just now it was easy to tell it was the same guy.

By the way, I have logs of all of this stuff, and screen captures as well.  Where are all these of me being his scammer?  And what is it I am even scamming?  5 days on your game and this is what I am getting for doing nothing other then not letting every guy have sex with me.

NAMES REMOVED TO PREVENT EMBARRASSMENT. Please forward your complaints and chatlogs to Achat Support.
« : May 24, 2014, 04:57:15 AM Brandybee »
Hero Member
: 7883

« #2 : May 24, 2014, 03:23:59 AM »

Hello Mrs_Wife and thanks for putting him again under our attention (but the truth is we always have an eye on him....sigh!)....i'm sorry you join the forum for something like this but i hope after this event you and your hubby would like to take a tour here and join us!

For all: don't forget you can talk with me, Brandy, Lover and Bear for any problem......we try to help you!
« : May 24, 2014, 04:57:41 AM Brandybee »

: 19

« #3 : May 24, 2014, 03:36:53 AM »

Thank you hentaiboy69, means alt.  Glad to join you all, let's hope for better reasons as time goes.
« : May 24, 2014, 04:58:07 AM Brandybee »
Hero Member
: 7883

« #4 : May 24, 2014, 03:38:03 AM »

We all hope that, dear.....aaanyway, welcome, again!
« : May 24, 2014, 04:58:35 AM Brandybee »

: 19

« #5 : May 24, 2014, 04:08:13 AM »

So it seems XXXXX is the main account for XXXX.  The link I posted at the start of this thread is this guys own little ego inflating hole on the net.  He goes there to trash people from AChat behind their backs like a coward.

So right here right now I'm calling you out XXXXX A.K.A. XXXXX.  Stop acting like a big shot on your little praise to yourself page on the net and meet me here.  You can rant and rave all you want on that bubble blowing baby page, it means less then nothing.  Come be a man and not a baby and meet me here.

Or could it be your too scared to talk where others have a chance to talk back?  Bring it coward!

« : May 24, 2014, 04:58:57 AM Brandybee »
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #6 : May 24, 2014, 05:15:51 AM »

Hello Mrs_Wife,

Welcome to Forum.

I am sorry you are having such annoyances in the game.  I do know of the player you speak of and have spoken to him.  I have also made his blog.  His comments are amusing and I think Hi light his irrational thinking.

If a player is harrassing you,  then you have done the right thing in reporting it through  Achats Support.

You need to copy all your chat logs and abusive messages, outline your complaints to Achat and forward them all to " Support" which can be accessed on the top bar above where  " Forum"  "Shop" etc...

Achat will investigate and deal with the member accordingly.

They will not tolerate on line bullying or harassment and it is against TOS.

Forum, however, is not the place to name and shame offenders, nor to seek revenge in this way.
The Moderators will not allow personal spats to overspill  onto here.

It is only in exceptional circumstances do we allow users to be named,  examples are :-

* when there has been  a flood of multiple attacks on a mass of members,  stating things that are clearly not true, 

* warning people of scams that are circulating the game

This list is not exhaustive and we will judge every case on its merits.

This however, albeit annoying is not for publication.  The correct procedure is outlined above and I urge anyone who is abused in this manner to report in the manner as directed or to one of the Moderators who  can assist in reporting it or trying to resolve the matter.

I strongly suggest , you put this player on ignore and any of his alternative accounts who contact you.

Report all of the accounts who abuse you.

On a much lighter note -  A massive welcome to Forum.
Please introduce yourself to the rest of the Forum Village  and come join in the fun and games.   Please bring your spouse too  :P

Forum Homepage > Organisations & Events > Introduce yourself

Forum Home Page > Announcements > Posting rules  > New Members. Info and Tips on Forum.http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,2788.0.html

I hope you enjoy it here. Dont judge us on the cookie monsters you've found already. There's lots of good folk too :)

« : May 24, 2014, 06:31:22 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
: 19

« #7 : May 24, 2014, 06:30:59 AM »

I did all the things you said, reported, chat logs, screen captures, ignore, repeated, did it again, repeated, did it again.  I took it here so maybe some how some way the guy would be seen for what he is and others would know.  ACaht staff has made it clear this guy can do what ever he likes.  Bully, lie, post false claims on people calling them scammers.  Anything he wants he can do and AChat staff does not care. 

They say it is a public chat like any other, you have to protect yourself.  That is all.  So that is why this guy and those like him do this, they know they are free to bully, rant, lie, and any other such thing all they want.  There is no stopping it according to AChat rules.  Those rules or rather complete lack of rules on these topics only protect the one being the bully.

All the legal ways of having it dealt with lead to nothing.  He can bully all he wants, how ever he wants, any time he wants.  So say the AChat gods.

So I will not bother your forums with it.  Others will be left clueless to him and be forced to go through his crazy game of bully.  And he will be left to enjoy it all he wants at all the other players dismay.

How ever in game is another story, this guy can get away with it all in game so can I.  This guy can put up his own little blog to trash people with full names and info, so can I.  This guy just bit off way more then his bubble blowing baby mouth can handle.

The all time worst thing about this silly stuff is, I paid money to be put through it.  Not for a fun game, nope, to be thrown into a bunch of crap.  4 days on that game and 1 person was nice.  Everyone else started off trashing me, even though I have never spoken to them at all.  And called every name in the book.  I had nothing bad in my profile just that I was new and playing with my husband, that's it. 

Any way wasting my time going on and on, wasting any ones time reading this too.
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #8 : May 24, 2014, 06:51:36 AM »

I hear your frustations Mrs_Wife,

Believe me, at some point we have all been there.

All I can say is, the more who complain, the more the Achat Gods will see who is at fault.  They are aware of the players who are making these problems for our community.

Do not think, we do not take it seriously because we do and there is a lot of work The Moderators do behind the scenes to resolve matters.

You have had a bad experience in the short time, you have been here and for this I am sorry.  But the majority of people are great here, especially in Forum. I think our Forum is the best in the World and you did the right thing joining here and reporting your problems to the Achat Gods.

Put the Cookie Monsters on ignore,

Come meet the rest of the residents of Forum by introducing yourself.

If all the good people stick together, we will eventually kill the cookie monsters with kindness.  We have a great community spirit here. We laugh, play and banter together. 
That is the part of Achat we want to flourish.   

Dont let one or two idiots spoil the game for you.   And you know, in the end, their silliness is just that.. something that belongs on the bottom of your shoe that you can scrape off and crush.

The only people who make them important are the ones who let these silly idiots feed off them.

My message is to these Cookie Monsters -   Come get me,  you know where I am. I keep asking, I'm not going anywhere...

Yet, they dont.   They have small minds who enjoy disrupting things in their own little world.  That blog you mentioned is utter tripe. Full of inaccuracies,  most are not even true. He voices his thoughts and clearly shows his irrational thinking.

Everyone who reads it, honestly thinks he has mental health issues. No one takes it serious and only read it for a source of amusement.

You are among friends now.  Use your energies on building our community spirits and in doing so tells the Cookie Monsters to go screw yourself.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P

« #9 : May 24, 2014, 07:19:11 PM »

If you're ever in need while online of someone to kick his balls, let me know. I'll join in, and put him in his place for you.

I think it's a sweet thing to use this place as a couple. I hope you and your Husband find this place rewarding, and end up staying a while. :)

Welcome here. Both of you.

Sorry about the assholes.. just put them on ignore. Works for me.
: 19

« #10 : May 24, 2014, 09:17:55 PM »

I'm stuck for at least a month as I did not stay a free member long enough before dropping money into he game.  So I'll see how it goes.  But has been more then the one guy.  Most these guys that start a chat with me start out calling me a slut, whore, or something of that nature.  And these are people I have not ever talked to before.

I may only be seeing the bad side of it all, but it does look pretty bad being new and dealing with nothing but these kinds of people all the time.  And the games ignore feature if flawed.  I kept noticing those I had put on ignore would be able to still message me the next time I got on.  Turns out if you ignore someone, and they ignore you they can then take you off ignore and it takes them off your ignore as well.  So no help there.

Thank you for the offer Jensen, but I don't want you to do that.  I am sure this guy would simply get off on someone else giving him attention.  And giving him another person to make up more wild dreams about. 

I will just keep logging all the chat and taking screen captures to send in.  Maybe the AChat staff will get tired of it and finally do something.  But again they said it's nothing but public chat, there for your on your own. 

My guy was going to go premium as well, but since all this is going on we decided to hold off on putting any more money into the game.  Hate to waste more funds on something that wont be used.  On his side of things and off topic but, anyone know what net speeds you need to run AChat?  He has been having a hell of a time being able to get on and stay on. 
Hero Member
: 10457


« #11 : May 24, 2014, 09:35:29 PM »

Well   if you should go   good  luck  finding a place  like here   
there is  no other  place  Like  Achat  I love it here .
 It would be sad you ran off   for a   a few   fools that
don't know who to have social skills to communicated with others.

I love  Achat   I would not let  others  run me off  and  I know who
 it can be like ,  with others bothering us   

Life is not perfected 
 But we make the best out it  :)

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL

« #12 : May 24, 2014, 09:39:43 PM »

To my knowledge, I've never had issues with the ignore option here... but I'll keep an eye on that. Also, I'd rather let him focus on me, than anyone else... I can give him all the attention and pain he needs.... I'm good at that.

Plus... I seem to have a bit of weight with the gods here when it comes to users, or ideas... every one of my reports has been taken care of.

Don't let the bad here get to you, it is only a very small part of people here like that. Not everyone. Although it does seem that way sometimes.
: 19

« #13 : May 24, 2014, 11:37:15 PM »

We are not being ran off, but it would be silly to pay money into something that there is more bad then good.  There are a few other games we have tried kind of like this as well.  Had very few problems with those, so would rather put money there.  It's finding a good place to be, and so far here has been all bad.  Like I said not just one guy, or a few, been many.  I'll have about 5 guys talk to me each time I get on.  Just random people, out of those 5 maybe 1 will be nice.  The numbers are looking very bad here.

You say it's a good place with good people, I have yet to see it.  And what is the point of being on a game you have to ignore everyone on.  I'll be on and off for the month I paid for, so like I said I will see if anything changes.  But so far most on the game have simply been mean for no reason.
Hero Member
: 1885

« #14 : May 25, 2014, 03:57:18 AM »

We are not being ran off, but it would be silly to pay money into something that there is more bad then good.

It's certainly not the norm here.
While I have met some baddies here I still say this site offers so much that outweighs the bad.
I have made over 200 friends since starting less than 12 months ago. All decent fun loving people.
We have the opportunity to share the lives of people from many different cultures, a melting pot of diversity.

Combine achat with forum and i believe the experience gets even better.
Here u have group support. and with threads like the one you have posted we are put on alert to the few bad apples and their scams.

The Town Square is also good for this. Open discussion with a close community,  most of whom are members with forum also.

If you enjoy meeting people and sharing experiences with others achat is an amazing site. I hope you choose to stay.

Visit me at The Town Square.. http://achatsquare.chatango.com/
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