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: Harassment  ( 13298 )
: 19

« #15 : May 25, 2014, 04:25:21 AM »

This is a shot in the dark, but I think the reason we are having such a bad time and attracting all the bad is from not being an open couple.  I think me not being an open slut for anyone and everyone is bringing me all the bad attention.  So all these guys are randomly messaging me to tell me off.  Simply from me not wanting to sex around with everyone.

« #16 : May 25, 2014, 06:18:19 AM »

Hello Mrs Wife,
sorry to hear about your bad experiences.I hope the good of achat will outweigh the bad.
I agree with youre assesment that as an exclusive couple you get more negative comments. I sometimes wished achat had a way for me to choose only to be open for the ones i wish to be open for. Maybe in the future? :-)
I found achat not only beeing a great game but also a community of many good and nice people. One place where many go to socialize is the achat town square. It is a multichat where we talk together. It can be found here: http://achatsquare.chatango.com/
The guy that you initially wrote about is one of those inevitable in internet, who unfortunattelly harass people. Please try put him out of your mind. If you by any chans get negative attention again, use the ignore button, the faster the better. Everything you say can and probably will be used against you.
I wish you a good time here in achat and a lot of fun. If you and your husband feel to socialize with others then I hope to see you in the Town Square.
Best regards

« #17 : May 25, 2014, 03:04:23 PM »

that blog is displaying a bunch of throes of desperation right now, as one of his favourite targets i can tell you that i just find it amusing... the guy thinks he's batman and he thinks im the joker... just let the kid play batman and robyn for a while longer before achat bans the 2000$ or so worth of accounts he's made for TOS violations.
Hero Member
: 10457


« #18 : May 25, 2014, 03:46:40 PM »

I also am  in a  exclusive relationship 
they  will come but they  get tired

and  go away .

This is a Virtual Sex
& 3D Sex Game

 I hope you understand you where   going to  get this all this  kind of Attention

they   go away     Achat    is   great place

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
: 19

« #19 : May 25, 2014, 03:52:41 PM »

Oh wow TG_Chaser, I never thought about all the money he must have tied up in all those accounts.  That is freaking nutty. lol

And you have a point FoxyRoxxy, I'm sure they will get tired of it.  And it is a virtual and 3D sex game, but we still get to choose who we do, and do not, have sex with.  People should not get mad and trash others just from someone not wanting to have sex with them.
Hero Member
: 3435

« #20 : May 25, 2014, 05:41:17 PM »

Hi :)

Sorry to hear that you and your husband had such a bad experience.
I agree with other members and can assure you it´s usually not the norm.
Since I joined Achat and forum I met a lot of interesting, nice people and made a bunch of friends.
It´s a crazy and funny crowd, everyone special and unique.
A real tight community, supportive and very helpful whenever a problem occurs.
So don't let it get to you, ignore the ones with `special needs´and enjoy the time with your husband.

The aChat Town Square  http://achatsquare.chatango.com
Hero Member
: 1842

« #21 : May 26, 2014, 09:48:43 AM »

I spouted off in this topic but  my message is the same for here too.


: 19

« #22 : May 26, 2014, 06:32:08 PM »

I just posted this under the other topic about the same issues.

Stone had a lot of good to say.  Nice to see.  Though AChat is doing nothing on these problems.  No behind the scenes or any such thing.  That would be why these guys keep doing what ever they want and trying to harass others.  They know they can get away with it.  I reported this a few times to AChat support, have screen captures of the chats and all that has gone on.  All support had to say was sorry, nothing we can do.

Any way, the game seems interesting, lots of poses and a ton of actions.  But the total lack of any and all support makes paying for it very iffy. 

I will say now that I have a better grasp on things I can do I am able to laugh at all of this as a really bad joke.  And laugh at "support" as well.  When I say support I do not mean you mods here on the forums.  I can take two seconds and see you mods here do help as best you can.

On another side note, there seems to be a good number of males who don't like it when a female stands up for herself.  In their minds any females on the game are sluts and nothing more.  So when they read my profile or talk to me they get all pissy.  This gives me a good giggle.  Also sorry to say this has been most the guys who have talked to me.  Gives a rather bad view of the games community.


« #23 : May 26, 2014, 07:32:33 PM »

Dear Mrs Wife,
all the nice people showing their support to you here. Isn't it amazing. This is the spirit of our community that i rather look at and concentrate on than the ones that behave in unwanted ways. Stone, Jensen, His_Girl_Only, Foxy_Roxxy, Auswoody, Brandybee, Hentaboy, TG_Chaser, Maron211177. All of them come to show their support to you because they want to. All ot them feel you are wronged and that it matters. All of them good people. This is the spirit of our community that matters to me and  i wish that you can make it yours too. Let go of the rest.
Best regards
: 19

« #24 : May 26, 2014, 08:10:11 PM »

By all means your right, have been nice people on the forums.  From what I can tell the trouble makers on the game don't come here.  And I am sure there is a very good reason for it.  My focus was in the game not here.  The forums seem a nice place, the game itself how ever is another story. 

Thank you to those of you here that have been nice in hearing me out and sharing with me. 

Thinking on it, being how folks seem pretty nice here on the forums and how things are tossed to the wolves in the game.  Maybe the mods of these forums should be allowed to be mods on the game too.  As it seems they do a good job here. 

As is everything is taken care of, have a handle of what I can do to deal with any problems.  No more worries.  Again thanks to all of you that have shared and been kind here.
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