It really is the most awkward thing, more awkward than bad 'dirty talk' or lack there off completely, haha.I play as a shemale and I have to say 90% of the time is a genuant experience, where someone is really enjoying it and keep it classy purely roleplaying, complements and desires. Those are really wonderful experiences(and there are planty of those).Everyonce in a while you would expect creepiness to happen with new players, but every once in a while I get a guy with 60+ poses in nice clothes etc. so I assume he is experienced and been on this platfirm for a while and to my suprsise some of those guys are the actual creeps, not new players.Multiple times after showing a good time right in the middle I was asked personal questions out of the blue.Like:"how old are you?" , "where are from?" And "are you really a shemale?" (Wth,even if I was, I wouldnt answer that straight)This guy the other night was asking all these questions after which he spammed something like "buying you, be my wife exclusive to me only" etc.Just weird stuff like that..I'd like to know how you deal with people like that and what do you say?Do you like...answer it? Or..exit the room immediately? Everything is helpful thanks guys~