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: Teaching Achat Users How To Make Dresses .  ( 6515 )
Sr. Member
: 385

« : June 05, 2014, 10:42:24 AM »


Im Lauching This Topic, For All Achat Designers , To teach and to Show Videos, how to make Achat Dresses !!!

Please Awesome Designers ...
Join This Topic , And TEACH  with your AWESOME experience ,The Basic Skills,from Easy To Hard,To  anyone Interested to offer more clothes to man and women.

Kisses .... Pati  :-*
Sr. Member
: 385

« #1 : June 05, 2014, 01:26:00 PM »

For the absolute beginner... this will hopefully give you an  idea as to what you can possibly do but there is a lot more involved.
There is more information at the main thread  http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,473.0.html

To start...

From the Achat Login screen

Choose your model from the Profile Sex, just as if you were creating a new character... i.e. female or male (sorry, shemale is not possible).
You can change the Skin color, hair and other body characteristics too.

Then type tex in the chat text box and hit enter, this will take you to the Texture viewer and your model will be displayed.

To get a feel for what you can do choose a "cloth piece" by checking the box next to it, for example Shirt, and your model will get one automatically.

You can zoom in and out and rotate using mouse or keyboard just as you can in the game.

Select "Load diffuse" and that will open File Explorer to enable you to select a graphics file that you can use as an alternative to the piece of clothing that you have selected. It can be anything you like and any size you like. Pick a photo of yourself, if you like. The only condition is that it has to be a png type graphics file. Find a suitable graphics file on your hard drive somewhere and select "open".

It will apply your file to your model in place of the piece of clothing that you selected. It may well look larger than the original piece of clothing because it assumes you are providing the full possible extent of that piece of clothing. If you have any transparent areas in that png you will see skin showing through.

The default shirt is almost as big as you are allowed for a shirt. To demonstrate the full extent of another piece of clothing, making it more obvious, a good one to choose is the "garter belt." When you apply your image file you will see that it covers a lot more area than the original garter belt, implying that you can make a much larger piece of clothing but it will only be usable like a garter belt is. The full extent of a piece of clothing is "described" in image form in the UVW files that you can download, view and use, if you like, as per the main thread on clothing at http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,473.0.html

That is the basics and, as I said, there is/can be much more involved to produce an innovative piece of clothing.

I already  know how to do that!  , altough some begginers dont !
 But Thank You CONCERTO , its important what you ve said here!!!!
I and and others  would like to know  tecniques to use ,to make our dresses.
EX :  Sometime ago the user STRAY , published a video how to make a dress ,
 why dont advanced designers do the same to teach others,and others skills?

Hero Member
: 2891

Paddle Queen

« #2 : June 05, 2014, 02:32:01 PM »

There is yet a topic about the clothes editor i think somewhere . And personally i think there is enough clothes made each week

Sr. Member
: 385

« #3 : June 15, 2014, 04:09:48 AM »

There is yet a topic about the clothes editor i think somewhere . And personally i think there is enough clothes made each week

I dont agree with you Rukya, but well thats your opinion,and i respect it .  :-* ,
but we need more suits specially for men,and more add-ons for them and us
« : June 15, 2014, 09:36:03 AM Patricia1975 »
Hero Member
: 10350

« #4 : June 15, 2014, 04:28:40 AM »

Patricia, i copied my post from "Editing cloth textures"

It takes a lot of time to do video tutorials. Next question, which software you use to do it and for which programme (photoshop, gimp...)
You have to do a script...which is important, which are basic rules, which would be good to know but is not really important.
Just this would take month - time, our designers here had to take from their free time, all without getting paid.
Also there is a difference if you desing or if you teach other how to...

Good books and vids are expensive - think about the reason!

Though there are many websites with tipps and support, also free vids - all you have to do is google. For some special questions, im sure you always can ask our best designer here and they will answer.

Sr. Member
: 385

« #5 : June 15, 2014, 06:37:35 AM »

Patricia, i copied my post from "Editing cloth textures"

It takes a lot of time to do video tutorials. Next question, which software you use to do it and for which programme (photoshop, gimp...)
You have to do a script...which is important, which are basic rules, which would be good to know but is not really important.
Just this would take month - time, our designers here had to take from their free time, all without getting paid.
Also there is a difference if you desing or if you teach other how to...

Good books and vids are expensive - think about the reason!

Though there are many websites with tipps and support, also free vids - all you have to do is google. For some special questions, im sure you always can ask our best designer here and they will answer.

I can understand that , put it that way Lover,i thought they get something for dresses , like A$ only to spend on the shop.
Either way thank you for your coment.  :-*
Hero Member
: 10350

« #6 : June 15, 2014, 06:40:45 AM »

Youre welcome :)
I meant they wont get anything for spending all of their time to do vids. And wouldnt have time to design anymore ;)

Sr. Member
: 385

« #7 : June 15, 2014, 06:43:28 AM »

Youre welcome :)
I meant they wont get anything for spending all of their time to do vids. And wouldnt have time to design anymore ;)

One thing im sure....there´s 1000  :-* , coming your way!
 :D  ;)
Hero Member
: 3007

It's just a game...is it???

« #8 : June 15, 2014, 08:28:35 AM »

I never used a program like photoshop or gimp before I tried to design for Achat. It took me at first much time only to adapt to it and understand the possibilities. And I still learn a bit each day.

The first hardest thing is to get used to the functions of the programs. To know what they do and how to use them.
The second one is to understand how the cloth map applies on the character to be able to cut a model out of the basic diffuse provided by Achat.
Sometimes a straight line on photoshop gets curvy on the final result because of the relief effects.

For the first one, each program has youtube videos or sites that explain each function thoroughly. Just type your question in google, and you'll come on one of these.
Like: photoshop+how to resize layers? gimp+how to move a selection? How to create a light effect? How to use patterns? how to create fading effects? ...
Watch a lot of vids and read the program tutorials.
Tutorials for photoshop: http://www.tutorvid.com/category/photoshop-tutorial/
Tutorials for gimp: http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/

For the second one, any tutorial vid, is it for 2nd life, i.m.v.u... is good enough to get the basics to create clothes. Then adapt it to Achat ones. Only the shape of the basic diffuse is different.
After that, it is just a question of trying, trying, and trying again.

Basic "rules" and ways to work:

- open your chosen diffuse : go in files-open-<cloth diffuse>
- rescale your image in: image-rescale. Options: size 300%, 300dpi (will add much more detail)
- duplicate this layer : right-click on layer, duplicate this layer. So you always keep the basic one untouched to be able to see how and where to cut it right. Make it "visible" to correct, then "invisible" again when needed.
- cut your diffuse in the wanted shape: Use selection tools to delete the unwanted parts of the diffuse. Any transparent part just won't appear on the final result.
- adding colors and patterns: use selection tools to add the colors where you want them on the diffuse.
- adding images or patterns: open your saved image (like the flag symbols, the jewels I used...) as "new layer" in "open file". Delete the unwanted parts of it using "color selection" or other selection tools. Then place it at the right place with "moving layers" option.
- once all layers as you want them, save your image as "PNG" file. The layers you worked on but you don't need for the final result have to be invisible. Only visible layers will stack and appear on the character.
- keep loading your diffuse on Achat at each step to see if your cuts and colors are right. To see where to cut, just save all layers and the basic diffuse as "visible" on the character, and you'll be able to see how they appear and adapt on it. Keep comparing and adjusting.
- the height map : is almost only your finished work reworked in black and white (grey too) colors. Save it separately from the colored cloth and load it additionnaly as height map on Achat. (white is height, black is depth)

I know this is quite a very basic tutorial and doesn't explain much. But I hope it helps a bit. For the rest...keep on watching tutorials on the web and trying.
It just takes time indeed. Be patient with yourself and you'll come to some results for sure.   ;)

Sr. Member
: 385

« #9 : June 15, 2014, 09:53:16 AM »

Thank for the Tutorial Peeka,there´s  important steps there!
i saved your instrutions on JPG , to follow them as i will try experimenting.

THANK YOU  ;) :D :-*
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