There is always much hawdoo about releases here in the forum with lots of speculative statements made. I thought it might be interesting to look into this further and compile some statistics. The following is a comparison of releases between September 1, 2012 to August 31, 2012 and September 1, 2013 to the current date (August 25, 2014). Out of curiosity I probed the advertized releases of another site for comparison. There are differences between the sites, Achat poses have 8-14 subactions available, the other site from my understanding may have 2-3 if any at all.
Anyways my findings....
Just a comparison by no means complete, there are some holes in this I could not close
9/1/2012 – 8/23/2013 9/1/2013 - 8/31/2014 other site
Cosmetic/Hair jewelry
Male 0 5 6
Female/shemale 3 4 8
Total 3 9 14
M 0 0 0
F/S 5 8 4
Total 5 8 4
Clothing (general)
M 1 5 7
F/S 12 21 17
Total 13 26 24
Pose updates
FF 2 3 0
MF 15 9 0
MS 3 3 0
FS 2 1 0
Total update 22 16 0
NEW Poses
MF 12 12 12
MS 10 16 0*
FF 15 2 3*
SS 1 0 0*
MM 0** 0** 6
Solo 0 0 4
FS 15 2 6
Totals 53 32 31
New 3somes
MSS 0 2 N/A
MMF 1 2 N/A
MFF 5 3 N/A
MSF 2 2 N/A
FSS 0 1 N/A
MMS 0 2 N/A
Totals 8 12 N/A
Rooms 1 0 2
Other *** 0 0 13
Total 105 103 100
*The site advertises specific orientation releases, these combinations were never disclosed and may be available. I am not a member and cannot say for certain. I only can remark I saw no visible evidence of being offered.
** Achat does not advertise MM offerings on their home page where I sorted thru to find the release information. Perhaps someone can clarify if new releases/updates were provided.
*** Other categorizes offering provided by the site which are not applicable to Achat.
N/A The site does not offer 3some play at all
Note edited to correct the date ranges. I had them backwards. Whoops