Hey peeps, i know this is an old thread, but i'm a new girl..

I'm hoping i can add a new perspective to this debate, but know I agree with all sentiments expresses so far.. well most anyway.
First of, I am Nicola, a TG girl, loved achat from day one and immeditely met some great people.. So, I signed up for a monthly renewal..
Sooo.. why do I ask men for a gift to room?! Simple.. It eliminates the wham bam not even a thanks Ma'am.. Yes the dicks that exit as soon as they got their rocks off.. Never had that with any girl.. So tell me that is not hustling on a worse level? At least one who is willing to gift will 99% of the time stick around for a little affter play.. And this girl needs her mind as well as her body stimulated... <my bad>
As for the poses, heck yes i want more, loads more.. <pun intended> but last night I played with a girl for 2 hours and used 3 poses... The RP was way more of a turn on than any pose.. Some times a few words does say more than a 'picture'..
Soo.. thats my view.. poses are great but imagination wins hands down..
and f*ckers and leavers I will continue to weed out.. Persistancy wins over gifts eventually...
Love Nix..