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: Resignation as Moderator  ( 2997 )
Hero Member
: 3856

« : July 30, 2014, 09:31:19 PM »

Over the past 18 months I have found that my capacity to be an active participant as a forum moderator increasingly difficult. hence I have decided to tender my resignation to tom and suzy and the forum moderators that effective immediately I will no longer be a forum moderator.

That said I desire to give my thanks, to tom and suzy for taking a bold step and instilling active forum members as moderators. My thanks to Lover, Tightfit and Keiko, who volunteered to step forth and do this with me and face the initial firestorm of what was then not a popular idea.

I wish to give gratitude to Lover for his unending devotion to the banner of Achat, he worked tirelessly to the creation of the structuret within the forum that we have today. His eagerness to answer questions and direct newcomers in the right direction.Again to Tightfit for developing and encouraging the groundwork of threads for creative members to find an outlet to express themselves.  To Brandybee for her tireless efforts in recruiting and encouraging members to take a look and participate in our growing community. To HB for picking up the slack of matters during my absence, his uncertainty grew into confidence.

I am certain they will find someone within the community with equal zeal and appreciation for what has developed here.

And finally my thanks to all of you readers and posters it is you who brings life to these threads. I have seen much here thru the years. Be it by simple banter, or the suggestion of creative ideas to enhance the game for all to play, to those who stepped forward perhaps with trepidation,and posted stories. and those who.... *cough, cough*.... gave us some visually appealing erotica.

You all collectively make this a special place.


: [1]  
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