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: FAQ - Relationship building and ignore list  ( 5514 )
Hero Member
: 10350

« : March 24, 2012, 07:35:27 PM »

- How to make someone your friend/lover/spouse

Make sure the person you wanna ask is on the main window. Use the "Start relation" button on the left side. You get a pop up where you are asked, which relationship you want. Make your choice. If you wish a secret relationship activate "Others may not see this relationship..." . Then your partner isn't shown if other members are looking at your list. Of course he is visible for yourself.

Instead of "Start relation" you now see "Building relation..."

The person you ask has to logout first if he/she is online. After login the button "Relations" is blinking and if he clicks it, a new window is shown
YOUR NAME asked you to be her/his friend. Do you accept?           (or ...asked you to be her/his secret friend....    if secret is wished)

- I know I was asked for friendship, but don't get a message and can't accept.

You have been asked while you have been online. First you have to logout and login again, then you get the request.

- Unfortunately I asked the wrong person. How can I cancel this?

You can't cancel your request. Either this person declines or you send her a message and explain your mistake.

- How can I cancel a relationship?

Choose the person. On the left side you read "NAME is your (friend)." Beneath is a button "Cancel". But take care, there is no second call back - if you click "Cancel", the relationship is cancelled at once.

- I wanna change relationship from friend to lover or spouse

Just cancel the current relationship and immediatly after that choose the new form of relationship. The friend the request was sent to, will receive the new request and can accept. (ThightFit74)

- Other user cannot see my secret friends/lovers. How can I differ my secret from my non-secret?

You don't see it in game. But if you login to homepage you see all your relationships. The name of your partner and the kind of relationship. The secret friends/lovers/spouses are called "private".

- Someone of my friends list disappeared, though I didn't get a message he has cancelled relationship

If a member is inactive for some time (in about 6 weeks) he disappears on the relationship lists. If he comes back he is back on your list.

- The ignore list

Using the list is explained here http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,194.0.html

Note: The ignore list is saved on your harddrive. If you re-install the game your list is empty! If you wanna keep it, save the data file and replace after re-installing.
You find the file in .........personal\ignorelist.bin' - it will be generated when you put the first person to this list. The file doens't exist if you don't ignore any persons.

« : June 28, 2012, 10:02:36 AM Lover »

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