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: I ask the A-Team  ( 95188 )
: 12

« #15 : July 08, 2015, 04:50:14 AM »

I agree with Zu and Elena, the poker is a joke, and what were you thinking in not letting free members talk in it? Surely if they can join in the talk then they might think it's worth buying membership so as to meet up with people. I second the idea of changing rooms and a Club/Bar area too, again with the club you could add a VIP area for paid members where we could have fun. This would again encourage free members to buy membership. I am aware this probably won't get answered or even acknowledged, but I live in hope  >:(
(Duty Gob on a stick)  ;D

« #16 : July 09, 2015, 04:13:31 PM »

the whole achat 2 thing was a joke... they called it a sequel and it was a clumsy GUI update that hasn't improved much of anything. the blind date function is broken beyond repair (it kept glitching and now people wont use it)

the poker is a complete crock of shit, it kicks you for winning AND losing, you can't PM in there, and everyone will jerk off in your face at least once just to see what the pose looks like, which pisses people off making them think they have the right to be assholes about it. it's a very hostile environment and not a good way to meet people
Hero Member
: 1379

« #17 : July 10, 2015, 03:05:18 AM »


  Remove the poses that are stupid and obviously keep the ones that celebrate whilst sitting down.  Simple.

  As of the blind date,  I did one.  Asked for a 1 to 1 with a Female and ended up in a 3 some  >:(

  I exited fast.  :D  But maybe The ACHAT team is fixing it right now since we haven't had an update for some time.   Sorry,  me been naïve again.  (But you never know)

  But I would like too say again the communication from the ACHAT team is non-existent and this is the biggest issue that started these posts again. 

  And if there is an update they don't comment what they have done or fixed.  So come on Team Say Hi and comment on some of these issues please.  We will make you welcome.  (Well some of us will)   hehehe.  :o

: 12

« #18 : July 11, 2015, 08:33:24 AM »

Zu these are all good and valid ideas,. Myself I'd just like two things the same poses for us as the others get, and somebody from AChat to acknowledge we exist.
Posted in the vain hope of an answer
Hero Member
: 1379

« #19 : July 11, 2015, 09:07:30 AM »

  Me Too Steph.  And THANKS for posting in the MORE POSES FOR US SHEMALES as well.   :-*

  We need more Shemales to keep posing there.

Hero Member
: 10457


« #20 : July 11, 2015, 10:13:59 AM »

I agree with Zu and Elena, the poker is a joke, and what were you thinking in not letting free members talk in it? Surely if they can join in the talk then they might think it's worth buying membership so as to meet up with people. I second the idea of changing rooms and a Club/Bar area too, again with the club you could add a VIP area for paid members where we could have fun. This would again encourage free members to buy membership. I am aware this probably won't get answered or even acknowledged, but I live in hope  >:(
(Duty Gob on a stick)  ;D

I agree with you here.... with out talking how will new members think this is  fun game to stay  or get prem

  I would remove some of the stupid actions like
masturbating and poking there butts and replaces them with emoticons ( smiling face you know ) 
« : July 11, 2015, 10:15:37 AM FoxyRoxxy »

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 10350

« #21 : July 15, 2015, 09:44:52 AM »

I want to know, if you change the poker game. Do we get the chance to enter a room we want to enter? Do you change the 5k limit?

I also would give permission for everyone to talk. Free user can get kicked out by reaching 5k and maybe just restart 3x after losing all money. Prem members get kicked out at 10k and can restart always. Also only prem can decide, which room they enter. My 2cents :)

Hero Member
: 4985

« #22 : July 15, 2015, 12:50:21 PM »

I Ask the A-team if they would make it possiable to change your account/screen name.

I know we can't do it now, but the competition does allow it for some kind of payment, and i wouldn't mind if it was the same here.

Now i got stuck with the mistake i made 3 years ago, and i learn to live with it, but it would be nice if we could chance it, i know there must be more  mebers out there that would like the option.

mrsexlover, loving all girls, any shape,size or color

Come and join the chat at the town sqaure http://achatsquare.chatango.com
Hero Member
: 10457


« #23 : July 15, 2015, 02:43:16 PM »

I would like it if when we are  talk chat  we  can ignore all others incoming  maybe a another  chat  box  with selected users to
chat with  it annoys me when I am chating with some one and other come in with  foolish  talk ....

and this is with out  going in to a room...

I also would like it that  that in poker we can turn off the  tex box if  we  cant  ignore some..

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
Hero Member
: 10350

« #24 : July 15, 2015, 06:58:04 PM »

@ mrsexlover: do you want to change your name to mrssexlover?  ;)

Hero Member
: 2208

French Nympho Shemale

« #25 : July 15, 2015, 09:12:24 PM »


I want a room like the Poker room  but where you sit and where you drink tea or coffee or others and where one can discuss without ejaculating on !
Possibility to the free users to talk too.
The existing pose with the table is a good start for that.
A bar, saloon or I don't know... a tea shop for BrandyBee  ;D
Thank you  8)

I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #26 : July 15, 2015, 09:41:50 PM »

A tea room,   what a fabulous idea Nat , with scones, cream cakes and  cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off

Of course, there would be no wanking or scratching the privates in there ...  we must have standards.

Sex behind the curtain please, in the parlour only.   ;D ;D ;D

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Full Member
: 212

Mama don't let your Babies grow up to be Cowboys

« #27 : July 15, 2015, 10:28:26 PM »

Don't forget a place to hitch the horse  ;)

Willie Nelson=My Heros have always been Cowboys.
Hero Member
: 10457


« #28 : July 16, 2015, 12:20:14 AM »

Dont forgot I am still waiting for my  shower

and  with lots of actions

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
: 12

« #29 : July 16, 2015, 09:57:16 AM »

You know it makes sense
« : July 16, 2015, 10:01:01 AM CDsteph »
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