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: gifting rules ( 14818 )
Hero Member
: 6966
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Re: gifting rules
#15 :
August 10, 2014, 10:22:38 AM »
The only way I can see round that is if the chosen freeuser can somehow verify their age to Achat to receive some kind of gift receiver status by a questionaire supplying information that can be checked.
I'm not sure Achat would want that extra administration, especially if it is not cost effective or if the freeuser would want to give it.
Anyone got any ideas where we can find a suitable solution for this?
Re: gifting rules
#16 :
August 10, 2014, 11:30:03 AM »
I'm not sure what the problem is.
Many sites enable access through credit card identification without necessarily taking money. All I was suggesting was that when a user attempts to buy a three day pass (i.e. typically, a new user that has been gifted $A) that they provide credit card identification.
Hero Member
: 4985
Re: gifting rules
#17 :
August 10, 2014, 11:37:03 AM »
Many people in holland don't have credit cards because we don't have use for them, we normaly buy everything with debit cards in stores and for online buys we have a special banking system that does not use a credit card.
So age conformation without having a credit card can be a problem for Dutch wannabee members.
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Re: gifting rules
#18 :
August 10, 2014, 12:56:45 PM »
Then how do you go about age verification for a site that requires it?
Hero Member
: 1600
Re: gifting rules
#19 :
August 10, 2014, 02:12:02 PM »
I think Concerto's solution is a good idea.
seems to work on many "adult content" sites why not here?
As far as ccbill as achats bank we may be stuck with that for the time being.
Some friend of mine a few years back were working on a adult content cooking site, and ran into road block after road block trying to get a bank to handle their payment transactions. the USA banks citing moral clauses. "we don't do business with pornographers" was often said on the fiance rejections they got.
It might explain the fact that most adult sites are based in Canada
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: gifting rules
#20 :
August 10, 2014, 03:55:12 PM »
Even age verify systems cause troubles and costs. Read this article
Hero Member
: 705
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Re: gifting rules
#21 :
August 10, 2014, 05:00:07 PM »
Just gotten to reading this topic and this all seems to do with much about nothing...
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" the saying goes and I don't know, I guess I feel the way the gifting system, as far as Achat goes, was fine the way it was. Don't see much of an effective impact of pixelating or censoring private areas and limiting free users from indulging in 3-day passes. Why fuss and lose brain cells over a persistent but not an outright common practice in almost all adult gaming sites/programs? The little troublemakers here and there will always find a way or a crack or a hole somewhere, no matter what measures are taken. I only foresee Achat losing business, revenue and potential customers/subscribers over this.
From my point of view, improving the game itself seems to be a more important issue at this point. When was the last time a new room update occurred? From what I can recall, the last new room update we got was the beach, which seems to be ages ago. There's so many places Achat can go, from interactive gaming to going beyond rooms and developing social rooms such as a bar or a club of some sort. Taking it several notches down, I've been waiting for that lovely shirt Marilyn designed and submitted a month ago to be published in the shop and that hasn't even happened yet.
All in all, I just think there's so many other issues, of a higher significance to us members who have been here for quite a while, that Achat can and should address.
Re: gifting rules
#22 :
August 11, 2014, 01:36:55 AM »
Hear, hear!
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: gifting rules
#23 :
August 11, 2014, 01:51:07 AM »
Amy, I (and I think many more) agree with your post. We just have to know one point:
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"
Obviously it was broken. Now they did "first aid". Or AChatcould have got really hard troubles and none of could ever play again. Means, at the moment we may not ask if it was good - it wasn't - but it was necessary.
We all hope there is a better solution. So the best is, to find this better way. The more ideas we get, the bigger the chance to have a perfect one for all of us. Let's start
Hero Member
: 1688
Re: gifting rules
#24 :
August 11, 2014, 12:17:06 PM »
Well... don't expect any changes for at least 3 months. If AChat is smart, which they seem to be, they will compare the number of NEW paying members (those subscribing for the first time) from this quarter we are in now, to the number of NEW paying members from the same quarter of the previous year.
If the numbers of NEW paying members is significantly lower then expect some changes. If the numbers are comparable (give or take a few), or the number of this quarter exceeds the numbers from last years quarter, then expect NO changes.
I am not privvy to the numbers, though it would be fascinating to see them, to see if we're growing.
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