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: When he said no  ( 2556 )
: 15

« : October 10, 2014, 08:05:34 PM »

I came home from work around 11 AM, stripped off my work clothes, refreshed myself and slipped on a light green tank top and some loose fitting cotton shorts that are almost as soft as my skin.  I slipped in between the sheets and curled my arms up under the pillows, in haled deeply, sighed sweet relief and drifted into sleep just as the AC kicked on to begin cooling the house.  In my dreams I saw the beach, and felt the wind on my legs and in my hair.  I tasted fruit and vodka on my lips and felt that pleasant warmth from the sun looking down on my skin, shimmering with sun screen lotion.  Oh, it was such a peaceful dream. I think I must have squirmed in my sleep, because as I dreamed I enjoyed sliding my ankles along my calf muscles and tilting my knees to either side.  A heavy book sat in my lap, propped up by my thighs and for so long I was on vacation in paradise.  Then I woke up.  The nap lasted only a few hours, and my muscles felt coiled throughout my body.  I sat up, pushed the sheets back and stood up out of bed.  I went down the hallway to the front room and found him sitting in office chair in front of the computer by the corner. 

"Hi," I said.  He made a motion and a grunt, very cute half response.  One that I was not going to accept, oh no, I was going to have his complete attention and enjoy tearing his attention away from the monitor.  I walked over to him and stood at his side, propping my right hip against the back of the chair and took his hand.  He tossed me a smile for half a second and started to turn back to the monitor.  That's when he felt me place his hand on my butt cheek. 

Now he paused. 

"What are you doing?" I asked him. 

He mumbled something.  He couldn't seem to form the words right, because I swung myself around in front of him, straddle his lap and took his other hand off the mouse and placed it also on my other butt cheek.  I settled on him, resting my elbows on each of his shoulders, so that he got the full view of my tank top's low cut, the girls squeezed ever so slightly together to push the fabric of the top away from my skin. 

He mumbled a bit more, but his fingers flexed and squeezed on my cheeks.  Good Boy, I thought and continued smiling at him.  He muttered, "chatting, just chatting with some friends."

That's allowed of course, but as long as I had him captivated I thought I would continue the torment.  I moved one of my hands down between us and slipped it into his shorts.  I found his cock, just starting to harden and felt my fingers carefully around the shaft and head.  There was a warmth to his skin, and he immediately began to harden as I stroked up and down the shaft with gentle attentiveness around the base of the cock's head. 

"What's going on?" he asked, and I smiled and put a soft giggle into my expression. 

As if he didn't know I thought, then said, "I am in the mood to have my ass touched and squeezed." 

He made a noise that was something like a cross between a cough and a laugh, then grinned at me and flexed his fingers on my cheeks in a drumming and squeezing motion.  I continued to stroke him, but after less than a minute the computer beeped one of it's noises and he reached for it with his right hand.   Are you kidding me???  I gripped his cock a little tighter.  He shuttered, his tongue pressed visibly to the top of his mouth and looked up at me.  "I can't be rude," he explained. 

I brought my other hand down and pulled my shorts aside, then freed the head of his dick and most of the shaft; the band of his shorts cut across the bottom of his shaft but the elastic gave way to his stiffness as I teased the cock head along my pussy lips. 

He moaned.  "you're such a tease," he said in a husky voice.  I smiled, leaning forward and extended my tongue as if I were going to lick his lips.  But at the last second I pulled up and instead playfully clasped my teeth on the tip of his nose for less than a second.  "Yes I am" I told him. 

He was fidgeting now, his hips flexing up at me a bit, instinct over riding his sense of manners to who ever the hell he had been chatting with.  I thought he was finally going to pull me into his arms and dive his tongue into my mouth, but no ... "its important, I can't be rude," he repeated. 

I scoffed, yes, I won't deny it.  I climbed off his lap, and started out of the room.  Over my shoulder I called back to him, "Don't say I didn't try."  If he replied, I didn't hear it.  I went back to my room, closed the door, and stretched out on my couch.  My laptop powered up, and I logged into Achat.  Music humming through the speakers, I settled back into my pillows and started typing as soon as I logged into the forums for the first time ...
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #1 : October 11, 2014, 01:18:27 AM »

Interesting story and quite funny. I can assure you, the guys wont neglect you here  ;D ;D ;D

His loss girl :)

Please, I'd love you to enter the Erotic Story Contest,   Heres the links.

Forum Home Page > Announcements > Forum News  > Erotic Story Contest 8 -  Cheating / Infidelity. OPEN FOR SUBMISSIONS TILL MON 30 NOV 2014. 

Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Contests  > EROTIC STORY CONTEST RULES.  http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,2509.0.html

Enjoy and I hope to read more from you.

Have fun now :)

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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