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: Achat Newsletter !  ( 14012 )
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« : November 05, 2014, 03:50:28 PM »

Hey I think aChat should implement a newsletter! This would be a great way to keep Members informed of various updates and development of new features and fashions. Also, winners from contests (such as the Erotic story contest) could be featured as well as the winning submission for the Member's enjoyment. It could be published on a monthly basis and be emailed to subscribers. I think it would also be a great way for the development team and achat designers to gather ideas for what they should be working on next, as they can include an overview of the idea and provide a link in the newsletter that would direct the member to the appropriate poll where they could place their vote. Finally, they can tease us with sneak peeks of pending releases and make their member's feel as if they are kept "in the loop." This would basically streamline the ideas and thoughts thrown around in the forum, so members can see which ones made "the cut" so to speak and what we can expect to see with the Client soon. These are just some ideas I'm throwing out, what do you guys think?

Kisses & Hugs,
« : November 05, 2014, 03:52:55 PM MissDee87 »
Hero Member
: 3856

« #1 : November 05, 2014, 09:12:50 PM »

Wonderful idea... maybe you can drag that out of them... I certainly haven't had such luck

Hero Member
: 7883

« #2 : November 06, 2014, 02:47:53 AM »

Wonderful idea... maybe you can drag that out of them... I certainly haven't had such luck

We wasn't able to do that........when they change the gift sistem, we mods waren't informed till someone else post it here!   :-\

Hope they will be more open with us about their future project, but i don't count on it too much!

Hero Member
: 1688

« #3 : November 06, 2014, 07:10:35 AM »

MissDee, I think that is a splendid idea.  While I put out the Tattler, it's not really a newletter in the way you are suggesting.  I think it would be very beneficial to everyone, us users and AChat itself if they would give us an idea of what to expect in the way of updates.  Knowing what is coming out in the future would probably help to keep members.

Just a little blurb here in the Forum would be enough.  They could lock the topic after each post so it doesn't get filled up with our blather.  We here in the Forum Village would also have to understand that these updates don't happen magically (though we enjoy the magic of them).  There's a lot of work involved, everything takes a lot of time and manipulation, then it has to be tested repeatedly to make sure everything works the way it's supposed to.

Right now, I would be happy to hear from the AChat Gods that they acknowledge the current problems with the flickering rooms and furniture and are addressing the problem.  Right now I'm almost forced to use the City Apartment room, as it's the only one I've found that doesn't flicker.  Though you got to watch out for that cat across the way who spies on you and takes pictures.

*Be good or at least be good at what you are doing*
Hero Member
: 1600

« #4 : November 06, 2014, 01:53:02 PM »

I also think this is a fantastic idea, and makes marketing sense for Achat.  A dialogue with developers and users  would enhance what the company i work for calls "the customer experience "
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #5 : November 06, 2014, 02:25:11 PM »

 Thank you to everyone who has chimed in so far! Its awesome to have the support of more established members of the forum! When is the next poll, and is it possible that this idea can be submitted to it ?

Kisses & Hugs,

Hero Member
: 10350

« #6 : November 06, 2014, 03:43:39 PM »

I support any idea of getting/giving news and infos. No matter which way they take, either a newsletter, giving us infos to post, taking ideas from forum...
We can start a poll - just I think it doesn't make sense. The outcome will be unique but it doesn't mean, we will get it. The question is, would there be a member who says "Yes, I make a newsletter?" We had this question in about 1.5 years ago. We have been asked by teh A-Team, if there would be any member doing it - but not as a newsletter, getting infos about news and updates. Only to explain the updates which already have been. We had some questions, but they never have been answered.

I would like to keep this idea in mind and work on it. Like getting news about planned or forthcoming updates. These questions we're discussing with them and I hope to to get good news. Though for sure it will take some time.

Hero Member
: 3856

« #7 : November 06, 2014, 08:37:17 PM »

Perhaps a more aggressive approach might reap better responses Lover. Would flooding them with PM's requesting such make better headway?

You and I have talked of such in the forum for years that we wish this would happen. Maybe draft a letter that forum members could copy and PM the AChat gods. Sec while I get my oracle cloak on and the staff, Dildo of Divinity... to raise in voice and hand to the almighty.

Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #8 : November 06, 2014, 09:51:36 PM »

Perhaps a more aggressive approach might reap better responses Lover. Would flooding them with PM's requesting such make better headway?

You and I have talked of such in the forum for years that we wish this would happen. Maybe draft a letter that forum members could copy and PM the AChat gods. Sec while I get my oracle cloak on and the staff, Dildo of Divinity... to raise in voice and hand to the almighty.

I completely agree Bear. I have spoken about other games I have played before this and even during the time I've been playing Achat and each of them have had newsletters. Thrixxx (the company that makes 3DSV2) publishes one on its site where users can exchange custom content. I personally liked reading them first when I logged into the site and it made me WANT to use the site, continue to subscribe (and purchase IN GAME credits) so that I could obtain some of the "new releases" that the company released.

Since Achat has a more intimate community based forum based on posts (not videos, custom poses and screenshots of the models that the other site seems to favor...) our Members here would benefit from communication from our developers, moderators and achat designers. I would not mind working with others to help produce this, as long as there is an open dialogue with Achat management.

Echoing someone earlier, I too work for a company that focuses on the Customer and their experience. I would not mind PM'ng Achat management regarding this subject with a copied letter as Bear suggested, but I think if they see enough interest being stirred up in the forum VISABLY, then it might cause them to ACT. In today's world it is not hard to come up with a Blog or anything socially related. If they have time to do Facebook posts, or Instagram posts or any other form of social media, they could conceivably come up with a short newsletter ONCE every 30 Days. What is a newsletter, if not just a modified blog? I'm all for including it on a Poll.

LOL @ Bear "Dildo of Divinity" .... #Hilarious

Kisses & Hugs,
« : November 06, 2014, 09:54:52 PM MissDee87 »
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #9 : November 06, 2014, 10:29:12 PM »

I think the best bet is to have a poll to see what the masses will think; then once the information of the people has been collected it will give you more ammo if you will to know just how to approach the A-team itself. I have worked in customer service almost all my life and nothing gets the upper directors excited and "hard" like numbers that show how improvement on their product will be more beneficial to them. With a poll it cuts out all the "fat" and gives you the ability to appeal to the those who truly have the upper hand; without drawing them in a bunch of literacy. Good job Dee, I wish you the best.
Leigh  :D

I'm with you too Leigh! I agree as well the numbers (that cannot be manipulated) will paint a compelling argument as to HOW the "product" would be improved, as well as what the customers of the product want as well. The only way to gauge those numbers is by using a Poll. Thanks Leigh your support is appreciated!!!

Kisses & Hugs,

Hero Member
: 3856

« #10 : November 06, 2014, 10:46:29 PM »

Well hell, I was hoping to use the Dildo of Divinity... but I am in favor of a poll as a starting point,... I'll just have to find another use for this staff.

Run a poll, draft a plea letter,... and try canvassing support in game.

You are right Miss Dee, other sites have a strong communication line from the developers, whether this is a language issue here or not I do not know.
Something should evolve beyond the home page releases to keep customers interested and connected. That just makes good business sense.

Hero Member
: 10350

« #11 : November 07, 2014, 09:51:30 AM »

Bear, you know how often we tried to get infos, to get more involved (the forum) and how quiet they always have been. Slowly it's getting better lately. They still are very mystical.

A poll? How many yes votes do we get? 15, 20... is it really a big number? Is it a sign to them? Can we get 50 or even 100 yes?
I like the idea of a newsletter, don't get me wrong. I imagine a message in game "New newsletter - read it here" and a link to forum. Love that pic :)

Who would make it? Who would have the time to do it all over the year? Let's say once or twice a month. A-Team? Member(s) of forum?
The question is, how can we show them it's helpful - which means they get more customers - and not just for our fun? How do we show them,it's a win-win-situation? Could we get infos for next planned or given updates?
Will it be an addition to the forum? Would it be more for thos who don't read forum? Would it replace some topics here?

Some questions to think about :) Flood me with ideas and answers

Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #12 : November 07, 2014, 12:08:33 PM »

Bear, you know how often we tried to get infos, to get more involved (the forum) and how quiet they always have been. Slowly it's getting better lately. They still are very mystical.

A poll? How many yes votes do we get? 15, 20... is it really a big number? Is it a sign to them? Can we get 50 or even 100 yes?
I like the idea of a newsletter, don't get me wrong. I imagine a message in game "New newsletter - read it here" and a link to forum. Love that pic :)

Who would make it? Who would have the time to do it all over the year? Let's say once or twice a month. A-Team? Member(s) of forum?
The question is, how can we show them it's helpful - which means they get more customers - and not just for our fun? How do we show them,it's a win-win-situation? Could we get infos for next planned or given updates?
Will it be an addition to the forum? Would it be more for thos who don't read forum? Would it replace some topics here?

Some questions to think about :) Flood me with ideas and answers

My Answers
Q : A poll? How many yes votes do we get? 15, 20... is it really a big number? Is it a sign to them? Can we get 50 or even 100 yes?

A: Yes Lover, a Poll. Even if we only obtain 20 votes for it, that is SOMETHING. It will bring the topic more visibility and as Bear said earlier, perhaps it is time for a more aggressive approach to force the A-Team to open up the lines of communication with US the Members.

Q: Who would make it?
A: Achat could do it, OR delegate responsibility to a group of Members who will correspond as to the contents of the newsletter and submit it to the A-Team for final approval.

Q: Who would have the time to do it all over the year?
A: Those Members who are asked by the A-Team & who agree to take part in its creation and release. No one would be obligated to Volunteer.

Q: Could we get info for next planned or given updates?
A: That would be one feature of the newsletter, and one intended goal to have, but not the only thing featured. Erotic Stories and winners, Featured Members, Pose reviews etc could also be included.

Q: Will it be an addition to the forum?
A: It could be, depending on how they want to create it. It could be emailed to us, OR It could be a locked Post that they update once a Month in the forum.

Q: Would it be more for those who don't read forum?
A: No, I wouldn't think it could possibly be a replacement for the forum as of course it would not be interactive. I would think it would be supplemental to the forum.

Q: Would it replace some topics here?
A: That may be the side effect of it, however, it would only serve to streamline and clean up the forum. Information would be released more efficiently and the product of that would be some threads going obsolete. Is that a Bad thing? I think not, that way the really important things aren't cluttered up by threads with the same questions/concerns/requests.

Kisses & Hugs,

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #13 : November 07, 2014, 04:47:25 PM »

I like this idea too. Well done Miss Dee, We have tried similar things before with limited success.  The Achat Gods do not always answer us, I presume because they have been busy with real life or other businesses or here.

Maybe, if they could release a newsletter themselves in a topic, it would work better.

It is a great idea.

It would be nice, if they would take the idea up and keep members informed.  Fingers crossed they see this and take some action.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 10457


« #14 : November 07, 2014, 05:00:06 PM »

I think its a wonderful idea  if you can get the Achat team to inform you of situation updates and development of new feature

from the time I have been here,not even the Moderators got informed of some of the updates they did .So it have to be very well organized

I like to see it more in the  forum then email , and of it  is  to be send to email I like Achat to do this its more formal coming from them ..

I do question myself  with a lot  how will it be done...One option I would like if it is emailed  we as member want it or not send to our mail , this is why I say I like it more in the forum ....

Over all its   great  idea and wish you all the luck...

Good ideas  are away wonderful for Achat  to grow...

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
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