I m not "new" in Achat , but I really enjoy reading sometimes here the Forum ..so I thought maybe it's time for me to introduce myself

I m 40 years old ..( ok I know in my profile it s written 39 but I just became 40 few months ago and I need a bit time to realize that I have a 4 now
in my head I'm still 39 ... I come from a very small country called Luxembourg in Europe and I enjoy spending some time in Achat, where I was really lucky to meet very nice people and which become friends I really appreciate.
I speak 5 languages...italian, german , french , english ..and of course luxemburgish
To my person .. I 'm a very positive person ..which loves to laugh .
A Hopeless romantic with a dirty mind
In Achat I found a place where I can dream a little bit..escaping from the reality ..let s call it a little refuge

But real always comes first .
I think this quote can describe me very good ...
I'm occasionally selfish, impatient and a little insecure.
I make mistakes, I am sometimes out of control and at times hard to handle.
But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.
Enough words now..and have fun