Hello fellow A-Chatters!
So what are "work-a-day" clothes?

I am not sure if the term "work-a-day" translates well to some of our members ~ We are, after all, a beautiful melting-pot of creative and sexual beings from all over the world!
I chose the term "work-a-day" in lieu of the term "normal" ... simply because, well ... I do not like the term "normal".

But for the sake of being more clear (in this already unclear post), I will use the term "normal" occasionally!
So ~ I first want to thank ALL of AChat's fashion designers! They continue to do a great job, putting together apparel that helps all of us bring our characters to life! And as we all know, most of the clothing is sizzling hot and sexy!
However, I would like to challenge AChat clothing designers to create some "work-a-day" or "normal" clothing choices that aren't so sexualized. For example, having flip-flops or sandals on the beach would be more congruent to the setting than "fuck-me-pumps".

And I, for one, would love to have the option to peel a pair of "basic" sweat-pants off of my partner instead of always peeling off hot lingerie.
(Oh ... SUDDEN IDEA ... sweat-pants bring to mind two ideas for new rooms: A Laundromat and a Gym !!! What do y'all think?)
I realize that AChat is a sexual fantasy game, but I think it would enhance many fantasies to have clothes that would make more sense in certain situations. Otherwise, our choices will always be somewhat "comic-booky" (please don't get me wrong, I love comic books! hehehehe)
In closing, I absolutely do not want this post to be seen as a criticism of our current fabulous designers. I am just hoping that as our clothing choices expand ... please don't be afraid to be "bland".

Much love and respect ~ Dexter Mandrake