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| | |-+  Shady rules of Houses or Groups
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: Shady rules of Houses or Groups  ( 52418 )
Hero Member
: 10350

« #105 : January 06, 2015, 06:42:25 PM »

Yes, it's fact she put you on ignore. We don't know if she has done it because she felt it was best to do or because she was told to do. I don't call you or any other person here a liar - more I'm sure, everyone believes he is right and telling the truth.
If you think, I would be against you, you're completely wrong - if you want to discuss it with me, you can send a pm.

All I asked for was to stop it now. Which the HDSR agreed and you don't. Because it doesn't make sense, to circle around without new arguments, I will lock this topic now and the same willl happen with every new topic which is started with same content.

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #106 : January 06, 2015, 08:20:31 PM »

This topic has been an interesting one to say the least.  It had bought an interesting subject to Forum about Rules of House or groups and how it effects the Achat community.

The rule was discussed on whether there was blanket black listing by a group following a girl seemingly for no reason ignoring another member.
Rightly so, this member was angry by what he saw as unfair treatment.

The matter was discussed and at some points went off topic so had to be moderated accordingly. This was mainly because the subject was either misunderstood or was degenerating into a slanging match which of course is not appropriate for a public debate.

The reasons for the moderations were explained to each by PM.

The House in question has answered and assured us there is no blanket banning.  Unless the opposite is shown by complaints, then we have to assume only individual banning occurs. There are people they do not play with as their behaviour is against TOS.  I can confirm that I have received complaints in regard to this as stated by Amber_Stone and they have been dealt with or resolved.

The matter had been discussed publicly to clarify the points raised. The discussion had reached its end.  The member aggrieved, although not fully satisfied had received an answer from the House in question.
No other persons had come forward with similar complaints.   

It is a pity the girl in question and reason for this debate, did not explain her actions either here or by private message or game message to the ignored member but that is her prerogative.

The Moderators in Forum are neither against nor for any particular side in a debate. We may ask questions to bring a debate on and we may moderate posts as outlined above. There is no need to attack any of us.  You can PM us at any time to discuss our actions.

The House has accepted a truce and I hope TG will too.
The decision to now lock the topic was made as a joint decision by all the Forum Moderators. 

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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