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: Shady rules of Houses or Groups  ( 52459 )

« : January 04, 2015, 10:27:06 AM »

-Encouraging their subs to delete users (mostly male) who have personal gripes with the masters of the house.
-Encouraging gift begging/whoring on the part of their subs as opposed to simply allowing it
-Showing disregard for Achat members outside the BDSM community by having rules regarding "slave permissions" which do not extend to non-slaves.
-Rules which violate basic human rights such as "subs" not being allowed to remove tags without permission
-Founders failure to adhere to their own standards,  insisting upon a higher morality outside the house

These are all things that isolate members of these groups, making it difficult for them to make friends outside of the group, as well as making it difficult or even hazardous in my case to befriend people inside these groups.

I have had 3 cases where a person went through with deleting me from their friends list based on an order from a master. I have had cases where whoring was maliciously targeted at me, as in the gift beggars took actions against me such as complaining to their masters in order to get me shitlisted or attempting to coerce mutual friends themselves to delete me, these people were not dealt with by house leaders and encouraged in both cases. Most recent was one of the 3 in which a girl deleted me from her friends list and ignore listed me with no apparent reason other than the fact that she acquired a slave tag over the same night in which she deleted me.
« : January 06, 2015, 03:24:32 AM TG_Chaser »
: 2

« #1 : January 04, 2015, 04:04:56 PM »

I normally don`t post on the forum but your Topic does Intrest Me,First off when You TG_Chasher started this program you gifted women by A$ now men also can be gifted ,seems Your beef is not with this Home but of you not being a man but acting like a child.
very few women dont ask for gifts it is not your idea subs are made to beg for gifts.Have you ever just thought that they needed a gift not all subs beg gifts or as you say prostatution it was here way before you that men giftd women. subs are not mindless nor stupid. ever think you were put on ignore  because of your childish bullshit or because you had to gift for a pitty fuck?And before you even think it I am not a member of the HDSR but I would like to thank them for thier well behaved subs. Remember TG as you get older  people will treat you as you act be it child or adult
« : January 04, 2015, 07:28:24 PM Lover »
Jr. Member
: 50

Mistress Chrissy from HoDP

« #2 : January 04, 2015, 05:38:17 PM »

far as I know nowhere is that it is prohibited or your girls to have under one roof to organiesieren. plus it's better this way for others to read where or who their master. also which sub does not feel safe if it knows belongs where?

but it also does not mean the same time, the all will be forced to do so. clearly there's some people here that are not popular,not like other master or Mistresses. but every girl decides monument to himself, who wants to have it on his list or.

« : January 04, 2015, 07:29:29 PM Lover »

« #3 : January 04, 2015, 06:12:20 PM »

Girl holds most of the blame yes, but the fact that she was asked to delete me was unethical. She didn't appear to be angry or frustrated with me, I have a good memory and chat logs. The friends deletion coincided with her adding the HDSR tags as if she was told to delete me.

I know a few things, one of them is that this isn't the first time they pulled unethical shit on me as a HOUSE and not just individuals fucking with me. Another is that they do not prefer to recruit guys as they get jealous, and there are a lot of males on this game who have been abused for different reasons in similar ways by this house.

I also kind of think this is an exploitative way to play the game, many of the girls I've seen join this house were undergoing emotional trauma as they joined the house, so at least in a few cases there's been emotional leverage held over these girls, a couple times financial from what I heard too. The point is that there should be no conditions to join the club, you know people can't legally agree to slavery and making them do anything as a condition to join is tantamount to blackmail. Even if the only leverage is that they would like to be submissive steadily, its a relationship not ownership.
« : January 04, 2015, 07:29:44 PM Lover »
Hero Member
: 2044

Never push a loyal person to the breaking point

MSN Messenger - mick.woodman@gmail.com
« #4 : January 04, 2015, 07:23:09 PM »

I quote

" Based on several disturbing emails I have received from various women on
FetLife.com and CollarMe.com, there seems to be many, many men online
who call themselves “Doms”  but really they are only misogynist who want
to physically/emotionally abuse women and then sexually use them
in the name of “BDSM or Domination”.

End quote

In my personal experience those who must dominate their sexual
partners are compensating for a real life lack of power and control
in their real life, controlling others in who they associate with, 
talk to,  how they interact with others, Is  nothing more than
MENTAL ABUSE akin to  physical abuse in a relationship

Common assumptions about people who participate in BDSM
are that they psychologically anxious and maladjusted;
that they are acting out a past history of sexual abuse;
and that they are attempting to compensate for sexual difficulties.

in fact in a dom / sub relationship it is the SUB who actually
has the power and the dom is dependant on the subs permission
for their sexual pleasure

« : January 04, 2015, 07:43:35 PM AusWoody »

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Mean What I Say  -  Say What I Me
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: 10350

« #5 : January 04, 2015, 07:31:39 PM »

Mod-edit by Lover: I didn't change any post, just the title. The name was changed to aid an informative discussion


« #6 : January 04, 2015, 08:50:46 PM »

I quote

" Based on several disturbing emails I have received from various women on
FetLife.com and CollarMe.com, there seems to be many, many men online
who call themselves “Doms”  but really they are only misogynist who want
to physically/emotionally abuse women and then sexually use them
in the name of “BDSM or Domination”.

End quote

In my personal experience those who must dominate their sexual
partners are compensating for a real life lack of power and control
in their real life, controlling others in who they associate with, 
talk to,  how they interact with others, Is  nothing more than
MENTAL ABUSE akin to  physical abuse in a relationship

Common assumptions about people who participate in BDSM
are that they psychologically anxious and maladjusted;
that they are acting out a past history of sexual abuse;
and that they are attempting to compensate for sexual difficulties.

in fact in a dom / sub relationship it is the SUB who actually
has the power and the dom is dependant on the subs permission
for their sexual pleasure

Helps with my point. Sure I could walk away going "yeah she chose to delete me her loss" for the 3rd time, I can name 3 girls this happened with and the only reason I'm not is because that's unfair to them and I kind of see them as victims of this. I've been arguing as to the fact they HAD to choose is wrong, but I know so many self-respecting girls who would tell someone to fuck off at a request to delete a friend like that. Can't help but think that these girls they've added have been emotionally beaten down by circumstances on this game and are willing to join clubs like these at any cost out of desperation for community.
Either way in all 3 cases these girls had no problems with me, they deleted me under grounds that I'm some kind of enemy to the house. The reason I'm an enemy is pretty fucking laughable considering the drama has been started by a member in each case.
« : January 04, 2015, 08:55:24 PM Lover »
Jr. Member
: 50

Mistress Chrissy from HoDP

« #7 : January 05, 2015, 04:13:59 AM »

Quote from: AusWoody on January 04, 2015, 07:23:09 PM

I quote

" Based on several disturbing emails I have received from various women on
FetLife.com and CollarMe.com, there seems to be many, many men online
who call themselves “Doms”  but really they are only misogynist who want
to physically/emotionally abuse women and then sexually use them
in the name of “BDSM or Domination”.

End quote

In my personal experience those who must dominate their sexual
partners are compensating for a real life lack of power and control
in their real life, controlling others in who they associate with,
talk to,  how they interact with others, Is  nothing more than
MENTAL ABUSE akin to  physical abuse in a relationship

Common assumptions about people who participate in BDSM
are that they psychologically anxious and maladjusted;
that they are acting out a past history of sexual abuse;
and that they are attempting to compensate for sexual difficulties.

in fact in a dom / sub relationship it is the SUB who actually
has the power and the dom is dependant on the subs permission
for their sexual pleasure

Helps with my point. Sure I could walk away going "yeah she chose to delete me her loss" for the 3rd time, I can name 3 girls this happened with and the only reason I'm not is because that's unfair to them and I kind of see them as victims of this. I've been arguing as to the fact they HAD to choose is wrong, but I know so many self-respecting girls who would tell someone to fuck off at a request to delete a friend like that. Can't help but think that these girls they've added have been emotionally beaten down by circumstances on this game and are willing to join clubs like these at any cost out of desperation for community.
Either way in all 3 cases these girls had no problems with me, they deleted me under grounds that I'm some kind of enemy to the house. The reason I'm an enemy is pretty fucking laughable considering the drama has been started by a member in each case.

if you can help this viewpoint, you would have just as much a hate on the House passion & whip cherish and not only to the house HDSR. what you do not do.
because if the name is already there "whip", listed it will be there to make IN USE preferred to girls too shy and docile.

basically means only one thing. you have been sometime, somewhere with your type of bypassed crashed together with one of the top members of this house and banned. and I know your art as you are on the go kominukativ, only too well. just pissed you because some of the girls
treat yourself or have deleted and you now suspect that they have been forced to.

but so far these are all guesses and no facts to prove it. and now try with the help of a public discussion against this house to arrive
and you are referring exclusively related to a house and not to all houses here

Hero Member
: 1885

« #8 : January 05, 2015, 04:24:25 AM »

This is how you choose to use your leisure time?

I've always been a firm believer that gifting.. when it's not a gift ..shouldn't exist here.
and telling other people who they can be friends with shouldn't exist here.

However we all play our own way. Make our own choices (even if that choice is to let someone else control us and manipulate us).

Fight the battles you can win ....

and associate yourself with nicer people.

The important thing is if you don't enjoy your time on a game .. then u should either find a new way to play it.. or find a new game.

PS thank you lover for the title change of the post
« : January 05, 2015, 04:26:04 AM HisGirlOnly »

Visit me at The Town Square.. http://achatsquare.chatango.com/
Hero Member
: 2044

Never push a loyal person to the breaking point

MSN Messenger - mick.woodman@gmail.com
« #9 : January 05, 2015, 08:07:08 AM »

AWWWW come on HGO, i truly enjoy a spirited debate.
there entertaining  and educational.
So let the  debate  / discussion run its course :)

Join us in the The Achat Square meeting place for broad-minded  adults - fun and games - http://achatsquare.chatango.com

Mean What I Say  -  Say What I Me

« #10 : January 05, 2015, 09:01:47 AM »

This is how you choose to use your leisure time?

I've always been a firm believer that gifting.. when it's not a gift ..shouldn't exist here.
and telling other people who they can be friends with shouldn't exist here.

However we all play our own way. Make our own choices (even if that choice is to let someone else control us and manipulate us).

Fight the battles you can win ....

and associate yourself with nicer people.

The important thing is if you don't enjoy your time on a game .. then u should either find a new way to play it.. or find a new game.

PS thank you lover for the title change of the post

noone's trying to "win", just bringing things out to the public.
Jr. Member
: 58

« #11 : January 05, 2015, 09:14:12 AM »

Just a stupid question>>>>why are all you guys bitchin when everyone of ya`lls profiles has SM in it?


« #12 : January 05, 2015, 09:22:28 AM »

Just a stupid question>>>>why are all you guys bitchin when everyone of ya`lls profiles has SM in it?
So if one likes SM one likes being targeted and harassed by houses?
Jr. Member
: 58

« #13 : January 05, 2015, 10:42:35 AM »

Bravo Roxxy  but all BDSM isn't pain or torture . its kind of like sex everyone has their own way of doing it personally I agree I don't care for pain but some do i.e how much pain can you get watching a seen on a computer?
« : January 05, 2015, 10:50:54 AM xShezawolfx »

Hero Member
: 7883

« #14 : January 05, 2015, 11:19:21 AM »

*scratching my head*

Moderator mode on:

Here the point is not if TG or Others like or dislike BDSM, the question is really different. For him it's about being targeting by the Group  who forced (his words) girls who were once his friends or lovers to delete him if they want to join HDSR. And on this, if it's the truth, we all agree it's not a nice line for the HDSR Group, but till now, we don't have the elements to say how thigs effectivily are.

This is a very hot and dangerous thread (IMHO), so please, avoid to make more mess than how much we have here till now and be sure this will be settled soon or later (better soon!). And if you want to talk about how crazy can be someone interressed in BDSM is, please, don't do it here but go and open a new thread or find some old one were you can do that. Thanks!

Moderator mode off.
« : January 05, 2015, 11:27:42 AM hentaiboy69 »

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