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: Shady rules of Houses or Groups  ( 52421 )
Hero Member
: 707

Founder & Owner of the original HDSR

« #15 : January 05, 2015, 12:23:56 PM »




I am DONE with this discussion

« : January 05, 2015, 03:38:08 PM icebox »

 Authors note- This is BDSM.If it offends you please Do not read it.Every Person is of legal age and has givin consent.No one will will be harmed or forced against his or her will,PERIOD.
Hero Member
: 1842

« #16 : January 05, 2015, 01:19:42 PM »

I have read this discussion and have read the rules of the House.   I think these rules are unfair to the good of the AChat game overall.
Rule 7;  ANY member found to be recruiting or attempting to STEAL another's slaves will be decollared and booted!   Any outside House, entity or individual found to be recruiting or attempting to steal an HDSR slave, thus bringing SHAME on themselves and their own collars.. will have all relationships with all members permanently terminated & be placed on PERMANENT IGNORE by ALL members of HDSR!

Rule 8; ALL slaves and members of HDSR will immediately report to Master Oli, Master Dante, Mistress Amber, Mistress Cherry or Mistress Nicky (CherryTart, Nicola_D) any infractions of the rules!

(( **ALL MEMBERS of HDSR collectively accept that those listed have given sufficient abuse, misconduct towards and/or offence to one or more members of their family, be they Owner, Affiliate or Owned, that they are encouraged to avoid interaction with and Ignore with the rest of us!  THIS LIST does not include those who may or may not be IGNORED by individual members of personal insults or just simply not getting along with some of us but getting on well with others!  All members may play with whom they wish of course, but those who make the list , most if not all of us are fed up with!**))

**TO PREVENT FLAMING we chose not to publically list these individuals in this forum.  House members please see A Master or Mistress for complete lists and helpful hints!**

This is clearly saying if a member of AChat upsets one of your house, you black list them for all your members.

Personally I think this is wrong and spoils the nature and balance of the AChat game.

Your rules should only be on an individual basis and not as a collective family House.  If a person upsets another person, only the persons directly involved should be able to ignore.

What is stopping you taking over AChat. I think this is wrong and should be stopped immediately. 

I am with TG on this one or anyone else who has been ignored for no reason by your house.

Please note -  My name is not a part of this at all.  I am my own person.

Hero Member
: 10457


« #17 : January 05, 2015, 01:50:10 PM »

If TG felt targeted and felt the  girls where forced ...do you  call them friends,..... ?
No one can force any one to do what they  don't want to  do. They  are in a group  as they what to  join

and you cant force any one to be your friends

I would like to know of any proof that the girls deleted him was to do with the group.  Did they break  any TOS
or was it  him ....... it is still there Choice to ignore.

I see this as a fantasy group with there rules as long as they  don't  break any Tos

I did not see any bad in

We do NOT CHARGE for sex but HOPE for Gift$ to help the slaves!!

I dont see any thing bad about asking 

It is very easy to say  NO  and Not  go to a group  where you are not agreeing on

I get targeting all the time I think we all do some time or another 

ask me if I care

but I am not going to go post an insulting name to this group. That was so wrong.  The title change was the right thing to do.

And no,  I am not opening any more  new threads,   this  discussion remains here  but there are a lot good ideas  from here

and Shewolf   I know   btw I do like to be tied up a few ways and even spanked   ;)

everyone here has there why of how they Enjoy there game

I am also proud to say i'm a sub

to me the meaning of a sub is to respect my Man  and adore him alone that's my way .....

have a nice  day you all   


Moderated by Brandybee to keep the discussion on topic
« : January 05, 2015, 03:38:11 PM Brandybee »

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL

« #18 : January 05, 2015, 05:18:11 PM »

Once again, the argument isn't that the were literally forced but that they were coerced into deleting me. Which i mean, its wrong to ask period, other people's friends lists are none of your fucking business, I would argue you're doing something against TOS if you've convinced them it is your business cause you're their "master". You're bordering claims that you have some kind of in game authority which you do not.

Icebox, as for your rules, half your rules contradict TOS and make it look like you guys think you have a right to conquer achat....

" Any outside House, entity or individual found to be recruiting or attempting to steal an HDSR slave, thus bringing SHAME on themselves and their own collars.. will have all relationships with all members permanently terminated & be placed on PERMANENT IGNORE by ALL members of HDSR!"

- You have the right to ignore anyone who offends you on an individual basis, you have the right to discuss people who have offended you with your friends on an individual basis. You do not have the right to administer some kind of informal ban on other members via a "shitlist" in which you probably do not even adequately explain what the accused did or allegedly did. There was no kind of trial in which these people are given opportunity to explain or defend themselves. This shitlist amounts to people you and Amber do not like and decided your slaves are not allowed to talk to, I grudgingly decided that was none of my business until you came into MY friends list and started making people ignore me.
I would like a copy of this list so I can investigate if these people are even there for a good reason, I suggest you also send a copy to all the forum mods as they will probably be aware of other complaints received about these people and could probably discern if its bullshit or not.

"Rule 7;  ANY member found to be recruiting or attempting to STEAL another's slaves will be decollared and booted!"

-Complete blatant disregard for people outside of the achat slave trade, you just STOLE one of my friends, maybe you should be decollared and booted hmm?

Moderated by Hentaiboy69 for not so appropriate words
« : January 05, 2015, 05:24:14 PM hentaiboy69 »
Hero Member
: 707

Founder & Owner of the original HDSR

« #19 : January 05, 2015, 05:27:17 PM »

My last post here,as i told it before i am done with this discussion.

 Authors note- This is BDSM.If it offends you please Do not read it.Every Person is of legal age and has givin consent.No one will will be harmed or forced against his or her will,PERIOD.

« #20 : January 05, 2015, 05:30:40 PM »

If TG felt targeted and felt the  girls where forced ...do you  call them friends,..... ?
No one can force any one to do what they  don't want to  do. They  are in a group  as they what to  join

and you cant force any one to be your friends

I would like to know of any proof that the girls deleted him was to do with the group.  Did they break  any TOS
or was it  him ....... it is still there Choice to ignore.

I see this as a fantasy group with there rules as long as they  don't  break any Tos

I did not see any bad in

We do NOT CHARGE for sex but HOPE for Gift$ to help the slaves!!

I dont see any thing bad about asking 

It is very easy to say  NO  and Not  go to a group  where you are not agreeing on

I get targeting all the time I think we all do some time or another 

ask me if I care

but I am not going to go post an insulting name to this group. That was so wrong.  The title change was the right thing to do.

And no,  I am not opening any more  new threads,   this  discussion remains here  but there are a lot good ideas  from here

and Shewolf   I know   btw I do like to be tied up a few ways and even spanked   ;)

everyone here has there why of how they Enjoy there game

I am also proud to say i'm a sub

to me the meaning of a sub is to respect my Man  and adore him alone that's my way .....

have a nice  day you all   


Moderated by Brandybee to keep the discussion on topic

I only skimmed because I find your posts hard to follow sometimes, but by "hoping for gifts to help slaves" they mean upon joining they're told to whore themselves out as it turns the masters on or w/e, I don't know the reasoning but thats why its always written like Gift$ in kind of a glittery prose as if it was copied from one source. its not a coincidence, they're encouraged, so my first post saying nurturing and encouraging prostitution is accurate. Personally I think thats a really bad thing for the community but maybe I'm the only one?

« #21 : January 05, 2015, 06:03:45 PM »

Gonna go down your list

"Rule 2;  ONLY Master Oli Stone, Mistress Amber Stone & Master Dante Stone (Master_Stone) may approve and collar a slave, or invite a pet/servant Member into The House of Dark Stone Rising!"
-Confirmed that icebox or amber was behind the friend deletion

"Rule 3;  NO slave or Member of HDSR will remove their collar (ie- The HDSR tag) from their bio without discussing their desire to leave with Master Oli, Master Dante and/or Mistress Amber!"
-You can't do shit about that, that rule violates TOS, it also makes your shitlist thing more of a "we own achat" thing instead of a house thing

"Rule 6;  ALL members of HDSR will respect and observe the collars of other Houses, entities and Dominants!! At NO time is it permissible to play with another collared slave WITHOUT the permission of their OWNER!!"
-This disregards people outside of the BDSM slave culture, I think having "owners" is stupid to begin with, but this is open for interpretation and obviously a certain master feels he has the right to shit on individuals under no allegiance because they're having sex with his "property" on a sex game....  And seriously, I heard you were talking about me to EVERY mutual lover we ever had, stop doing it, because if you come up in the conversation of course I'm going to tell them all the shit you've been pulling with me in the past year.

"Rule 7;  ANY member found to be recruiting or attempting to STEAL another's slaves will be decollared and booted!   Any outside House, entity or individual found to be recruiting or attempting to steal an HDSR slave, thus bringing SHAME on themselves and their own collars.. will have all relationships with all members permanently terminated & be placed on PERMANENT IGNORE by ALL members of HDSR!"
-disregard for people outside of bdsm culture again, it claims you have the right to "steal" relationships from people outside of the culture and they cannot retaliate, as there are provisions on if they do it to you but not if you do it to them. in the last year one of your slaves attempted to coerce someone into deleting me, your 2 masters responded to that by ALSO coercing people into deleting me. so yeah all 3 of you should have been kicked out by your own rules.

So pretty much all of your rules are either unethical and rely on people outside of the club behaving with moral superiority to you, or have been broken by your 2 founders..... YUUUP you don't follow your own rules and have the audacity to put out a shit list.... you 2 are the lowest of scum
« : January 05, 2015, 06:06:34 PM TG_Chaser »
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #22 : January 05, 2015, 06:30:11 PM »

We are ALL ADULTS. No one should be controlling anything we do. This is a place for fun & fantasy & BDSM happens to be what does "it" for some people, and it so happens that between the various houses LOTS of members are either Sub/Dom or some combo of the two.  I cannot speak for everyone, but I doubt the people I know would even involve themselves in "online sex trafficking" if that's something that can even be done. The game serves a purpose. We all play roles from time to time. Unfortunately, there are some that take that role too serious, or even use it to try and get some people out of their A$. It is sad, but has it been here since the game began? Yes. What can you do short of taking the gifting system away from us completely to stop it? Absolutely nothing. I have friends in the HDSR and yes, my membership in it has been discussed as a possibility. I have NEVER been told to either a)delete someone or b) to demand gifts. The simplest explanation is usually the correct one. People delete you because THEY CHOOSE TO and ask you for gifts BECAUSE THEY CHOOSE TO. Once again, we are all adults and should behave accordingly. If someone isn't, achat provides you with an ignore button.


Hero Member
: 707

Founder & Owner of the original HDSR

« #23 : January 05, 2015, 06:35:25 PM »

.....everyone forgets that this so called "horrible rules from the house", its for the benifit of the role play,, anyone that has enjoyed the house , they did so by their own free will, and not forced, and they always can say no
« : January 05, 2015, 06:43:17 PM icebox »

 Authors note- This is BDSM.If it offends you please Do not read it.Every Person is of legal age and has givin consent.No one will will be harmed or forced against his or her will,PERIOD.

« #24 : January 05, 2015, 07:08:29 PM »

We are ALL ADULTS. No one should be controlling anything we do. This is a place for fun & fantasy & BDSM happens to be what does "it" for some people, and it so happens that between the various houses LOTS of members are either Sub/Dom or some combo of the two.  I cannot speak for everyone, but I doubt the people I know would even involve themselves in "online sex trafficking" if that's something that can even be done. The game serves a purpose. We all play roles from time to time. Unfortunately, there are some that take that role too serious, or even use it to try and get some people out of their A$. It is sad, but has it been here since the game began? Yes. What can you do short of taking the gifting system away from us completely to stop it? Absolutely nothing. I have friends in the HDSR and yes, my membership in it has been discussed as a possibility. I have NEVER been told to either a)delete someone or b) to demand gifts. The simplest explanation is usually the correct one. People delete you because THEY CHOOSE TO and ask you for gifts BECAUSE THEY CHOOSE TO. Once again, we are all adults and should behave accordingly. If someone isn't, achat provides you with an ignore button.


getting really annoying that people dont actually read back before they post... everything you said has been addressed

She was asked, I had no bad blood with the girl in question. She never indicated a hint of hostility towards me, she was asked to delete and ignore me, and it has been PROVEN that there is a shit list.

all evidence points to this happening, it has not been denied by the parties involved, there is evidence, if you asked the girl involved why she did it my guess is its the shit list. being a "member" and being asked to delete people is the entire point, your entire post acts as of you speak from the perspective of one of their slaves when you do not
« : January 05, 2015, 07:27:21 PM TG_Chaser »
Jr. Member
: 58

« #25 : January 05, 2015, 07:16:41 PM »

For Fucks sake kiss and make up you 2 lmao


« #26 : January 05, 2015, 07:32:27 PM »

.....everyone forgets that this so called "horrible rules from the house", its for the benifit of the role play,, anyone that has enjoyed the house , they did so by their own free will, and not forced, and they always can say no
and apparently you don't have to follow them... so theres that
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #27 : January 05, 2015, 08:13:04 PM »

We are ALL ADULTS. No one should be controlling anything we do. This is a place for fun & fantasy & BDSM happens to be what does "it" for some people, and it so happens that between the various houses LOTS of members are either Sub/Dom or some combo of the two.  I cannot speak for everyone, but I doubt the people I know would even involve themselves in "online sex trafficking" if that's something that can even be done. The game serves a purpose. We all play roles from time to time. Unfortunately, there are some that take that role too serious, or even use it to try and get some people out of their A$. It is sad, but has it been here since the game began? Yes. What can you do short of taking the gifting system away from us completely to stop it? Absolutely nothing. I have friends in the HDSR and yes, my membership in it has been discussed as a possibility. I have NEVER been told to either a)delete someone or b) to demand gifts. The simplest explanation is usually the correct one. People delete you because THEY CHOOSE TO and ask you for gifts BECAUSE THEY CHOOSE TO. Once again, we are all adults and should behave accordingly. If someone isn't, achat provides you with an ignore button.


getting really annoying that people dont actually read back before they post... everything you said has been addressed

She was asked, I had no bad blood with the girl in question. She never indicated a hint of hostility towards me, she was asked to delete and ignore me, and it has been PROVEN that there is a shit list.

all evidence points to this happening, it has not been denied by the parties involved, there is evidence, if you asked the girl involved why she did it my guess is its the shit list. being a "member" and being asked to delete people is the entire point, your entire post acts as of you speak from the perspective of one of their slaves when you do not

Even if it has been addressed, I can still give my 2 cents. The point is, is if everyone behaved as an adult these types of issues wouldn't exist. I don't know about your situation in particular...its not my business. I was speaking about the BIGGER PICTURE. And if there is this shit list, then SO WHAT? All of this is online! If people want to be childish, let them! All I'm saying its people make their own choices...and I highly doubt anyone lets someone they met on a sex site control their actions in real life.

Love & Peace

« #28 : January 05, 2015, 08:55:24 PM »

yeah i guess i can always just quit the game instead of trying to solve my problems ::)
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #29 : January 05, 2015, 09:06:37 PM »

yeah i guess i can always just quit the game instead of trying to solve my problems ::)

You have that option too....
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