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: Clothing in shop  ( 5681 )
: 27

« : January 07, 2015, 01:01:26 AM »

The OUTFITS IN THIS  GAME 1 COST TO MUCH 2 ARE  SO NOT SEXY WHO IN THE HELL MAKE  THE  OUTFITS  HERE  NEED  TO  DO BETTER  AND  LOWER  THE  PRICES >:( >:(   I  WAS  JUST  LOOKING  IN  SHOP 1 DRESS THERE IS  500As and it  is  so   ugly wow designers  here  need  to  do  better
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #1 : January 07, 2015, 03:22:18 AM »

Welcome to Forum,  I hope  LOL

Please introduce yourself to the rest of the Forum Village and tell us about yourself.

Forum Homepage / Organisations & Events / Introduce yourself  http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/board,22.0.html

You have certainly entered the Forum Village in a very explosive way with your comments and shouty capital letters.

You are entitled to your opinion though which of course cant go without correction.

The designs in the shops are from the Achat developers here and some of our own very talented members. They endeavour to do the best they can with very limited maps.  The member designers have their names on their clothing designs and show off some of their designs in Artist alley.

The designs are very nice and take a lot of work.  They try and cater for all tastes and have made designs from requests here in Forum from members.
I disagree with you and own most of the wonderful outfits.  Some are not always to my tastes but then you dont buy them, unless you lose a wager of course LOL.

The costs of some are expensive but there are many that are affordable. I advise to look around the game and profiles see the designs on display before you decide to buy.

Achat in general is very affordable compared to other games.


                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 3771

« #2 : January 07, 2015, 05:22:30 AM »

Hello Money50, welcome to the forum.

I'm one of the amateur designers that provide clothes to the dev-team.
If that expensive dress that costs 500 Achat dollars is one of  my creations, feel free to Private Message me here. I would love to hear your suggestions.  :)

But yes... we try to fulfill everyone's desires. And it's fairly impossible to please everyone.

Looking forward to receive your PM. :)

My alley: http://www.funnyadultgamesplay.com/forum/index.php/topic,1884.0.html
Hero Member
: 1064

« #3 : January 07, 2015, 07:04:54 AM »


Hero Member
: 1064

« #4 : January 07, 2015, 07:16:50 AM »

Hello Money50, welcome to the forum.

I'm one of the amateur designers that provide clothes to the dev-team.
If that expensive dress that costs 500 Achat dollars is one of  my creations, feel free to Private Message me here. I would love to hear your suggestions.  :)

But yes... we try to fulfill everyone's desires. And it's fairly impossible to please everyone.

Looking forward to receive your PM. :)

Girl Marilyn, keep busting them nice outfits on out there! See everyone does not realize how hard what you do is, but I most definitely know first hand...for I have begun to teach myself and its no walk in the park or no picnic at the zoo, ok! So go head and do what you do and know you have allot of supporters who understand the time and effort you take with each item...is each item for everyone? No they aren't but still give props where its due! And all I want to say is YOU GO GIRL  :P :P :P :P

Sr. Member
: 367

« #5 : January 07, 2015, 07:42:30 AM »

ok, clothes addict here.  At first I thought most were ugly too...but in reality many of them actually look quite nice on.  Especially when you mix and max different pieces. 

A try it before you buy it option would be wonderful, as the pictures rarely do it justice.  One good tip is browse the females and if you see something you like message them and ask which outfit(s) they are wearing.

True, there are several that are not my personal taste...but I don't have the same taste as everyone.  Different strokes for different folks.
: 27

« #6 : January 14, 2015, 08:36:05 AM »

I have work in the clothing industry in real for over 15teen years i like to know  who in their mind put arm bands and UGLY stocking with a sexy Dress  that are on sale in game , the oufit  here are  OVERPRICED AND RIDICULOUS/ UGLY/AND SO NOT SEXY PLEASE FIND SOME1 TO MAKE BETTER OUTFITS  ITS A DRESS IN SHOP COST 500As wow so uncool  run a contest and find DESIGNERS MEN WANT TO SEE US LADY,S IN SEXY OUTFIT NOT SOMETHING THAT LOOK LIKE A LITTLE BOY WOULD WEAR  NOTE TO THE OWN,S OF GAME HELL GO OVER TO GAME other game AND HIRE SOME DESIGNERS JUST SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT I LOVE TO SHOP AND WOULD BUY OUTFIT THAT MAKE MY AVTR LOOK SEXY FOR MY MAN >:( 8) ???
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #7 : January 14, 2015, 09:14:10 AM »

Well it seems you have mentioned this before and it is why I have merged your topics.

There are all sorts of out fits. If you dont like, dont buy.  Take a look at some of the profiles, I'm sure you will find things you like as well.

You do seem to be in the minority however.  The majority of members like their clothing, although improvements are always welcomed. I think the guys probably have more to complain about than the women as they do not have so much choice.

Some of our designers are members and if you read your own topic above, one of them invited you to speak with her to discuss ideas with you.
There are some restrictions due to the maps on offer to our designers but I think they do very well with what they have and are quite talented in this field.

If you feel you can design better, then please show us the designs you have in mind.  Our designers will then be able to tell you if they are possible or not.

The price of the outfits are not in control of the designers. Achat charge what they believe should be the cost of the outfit.  Some have complained about this before.  The simple advice is, don't buy it if you are not satisfied with the look or price. 

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 10457


« #8 : January 14, 2015, 06:25:55 PM »

Clothing in shop 

I have to say we have a lot nice oufit's more then men do here. They say we  are  lucky 

I say we don't  have enough we look like we have a lot but a lot dose not mix or match
with fashion creatively we pull it off, men may have a few but they but a lot in to what they wear to
I seen  some men dress their Avi  very stylish  for what little they have and look great ,
 but over all we  do need more for both genders

Of all the designers I think they create wonderful creations  some time it may not look so nice on the shop page but when you  have it on
it looks amazing .. It would be great if  they have a try on before  any one buys  it  so  members can really see the beauty and appreciate the outfit

OVERPRICED  on some yes , but worth it,  some are fair and one item that was overpriced  to me was the  A$1999  Ruby necklace that to me was
to high a A$
but make me a sapphire diamond one and I will get it hahah even for that price ...

or the Jean vest  I would  really love  that one as a layered outfit  would looks sexy over some of this sexy lingerie bra or tops  we already have
I don't like my voluptuous breast showing to all  ::)

The only thing  I see  as a need to improve if they created a new way for creating  maybe this will get more to start creating bring there talents

more improvement  on the hair please  :)

and one more thing,  is some of the clothing we have is great but it be nice if we can have the same one in different choice of colors.

                           LAUGHTER IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL
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