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Illogical Assumptions People Had As Kids
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: Illogical Assumptions People Had As Kids ( 5921 )
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: 1600
Illogical Assumptions People Had As Kids
January 16, 2015, 12:58:51 PM »
i came across this article where people wrote the funny assumptions they had as children and thought it might make a good topic here. This was my favorite from the article.
Besides 2 regular bathrooms, my family also had a water closet but nobody liked to use it because once you sat down on the toilet there was barely enough room to close the door. I genuinely believed that the toilet had feelings and felt lonely and inadequate because no one liked using it. So to make it feel better I made sure to use it once a day and usually sang to it while I sat there.
So i will kick it off with one of mine
In the 1st grade we would recite the Pledge of allegiance every morning, hands on heart and looking at the flag.
I Pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic
for which it stands,
one Nation under God,
with liberty and justice for all.
I thought the line “for which it stands” was “for witches stands” and thought of the wicked witch of the west from the Wizard of Oz. every morning, till my sister straightened me out
Hero Member
: 10457
Re: Illogical Assumptions People Had As Kids
#1 :
January 16, 2015, 02:01:43 PM »
I still recite the Pledge of allegiance every now and then when I am volunteering
in our local school feels good to still do this...
When I was small and came to a American school, I felt so strange my mother would fix my lunch her way , it was
not like typical Americans lunches where it was a apple sandwich and milk , My mom packed my lunch as if I was going away a week
she had added good food but she added a lot twinkies and sweets all the good thing kids like ....well out that I guess it was a good thing I had made so many friends out that
I was never alone at lunch time
Thanks Mom I love you
Hero Member
: 3444
Re: Illogical Assumptions People Had As Kids
#2 :
January 17, 2015, 10:49:07 AM »
When I was small my dad always said
"His lost his head"
Meaning his lost his temper
I always thought the guy's head had fallen off LOL
Hero Member
: 9502
Lady of the twin moons©
Re: Illogical Assumptions People Had As Kids
#3 :
January 17, 2015, 12:04:31 PM »
When I was like 4 or 5, I thought factory smoke stacks were "Cloud Making Machines".
Re: Illogical Assumptions People Had As Kids
#4 :
January 18, 2015, 01:27:01 AM »
For the longest time I always assumed that Cats were all Female, and dogs were all Male, and when they bred, they'd have foxes and cougars and the like... Till I turned 5,
and realize that Santa wasn't real either. Haha...
Naughty boy - Frowning Brandybee
: January 18, 2015, 12:09:52 PM Brandybee
Hero Member
: 3007
It's just a it???
Re: Illogical Assumptions People Had As Kids
#5 :
January 18, 2015, 06:08:49 PM »
I don't know until when I believed that, but as a kid I thought that when it stated on a chocolate paste pot "5000 mounatin bikes to win, just send "keyword" to this adress", I would win them all.
And smart enough I would then think "yay! I'll keep one for me and the family, and sell the other 4996"
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: Illogical Assumptions People Had As Kids
#6 :
January 28, 2015, 11:03:22 AM »
When I was a little boy, I had to sneak into my brother's room and listen to his records secret. The music my parents wee listening to was really urrgh
My brother listened to english music and though I didn't understand a word, I loved it.
I grabbed this one special record, listened and was wooow!!! Great music and, I couldn't believe it, it was a german band (so I thought). I saw the names - Paul (german name lol), George (another german name), John and Ringo.
Much later I found out, The Beatles are not a german band. But I didn't mind, I fell in love with their music
Sr. Member
: 392
Re: Illogical Assumptions People Had As Kids
#7 :
January 28, 2015, 11:31:56 AM »
I used to think that there was a tiny person that lived inside the refrigerator. I thought that he sat there and switched the light on and off. I used to open the door really fast to see if I could catch him. My Dad put a tiny hat in the fridge once and made me think it belonged to the man. I was almost 7 when I realised. I was tall enough to reach the button and pressed in by mistake.
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Hero Member
: 1064
Re: Illogical Assumptions People Had As Kids
#8 :
January 29, 2015, 12:13:00 AM »
In the Black community you hear allot of funny sayings, that as a child can be very mystifying to a child.
Such as a friend of mine, parents telling her and her siblings if they didn't stop they (parents) would knock their heads off and make them go find them. used to ask them, "wow what could you have done that bad your parents are going to make you find your lost heads???"
: 20
Re: Illogical Assumptions People Had As Kids
#9 :
February 07, 2015, 05:27:00 AM »
JC ... your post is excellent!
So sweet that you sang to the toilet!
And "for witches stands" ... is simply brilliant!
~ Dex
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: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: Illogical Assumptions People Had As Kids
#10 :
February 07, 2015, 05:58:23 AM »
Talking about mishearing lyrics ...
I kept hearing Last Christmas - by Wham, when it first came out, liked it and learnt the words due to its repetitive playing on the radio...
Should be
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away.
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special.
What I thought it was and very often still sing it
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day you gave it away.
This year
To Semi-Frontiers
I'll give it to someone special.
I thought it was a Star Trek / space love song ... Dohhh
I never could understand when I eventually saw the video what skiing on a mountain had to do with space...
I still think my version is better.... lol
Wham! - Last Christmas
: February 07, 2015, 06:03:53 AM Brandybee
Sr. Member
: 392
Re: Illogical Assumptions People Had As Kids
#11 :
February 09, 2015, 10:19:45 AM »
I thought that Cliff Richard was singing about his 'Disco Bunny'
'Disco Bunny why we don't talk anymore'
Made perfect sense to me'
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