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: Secret Easter 2015  ( 56634 )
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« #105 : April 27, 2015, 01:39:33 AM »

Brandybee - TeachHer

First of all, my apologies for taking so long to share with all of you here my time with a lovely and fascinating lady.

After some problems in finding a mutually acceptable date, I was more than happy to invite Brandybee, on a whim, to my yacht, which I'd just made fast at the local harbour. She was so prompt in arriving that I had barely time to stow away the trash from a long cruise and to shower, shave and dress for the occasion, when I heard her calling up to me from the pier. I welcomed her aboard, and my, what a gorgeous woman I clapped my eyes on! Her bunny ears and tail were frivolously in keeping with the Easter theme, as was the chocolate Easter egg she presented me with. The bottle of wine, however, was in a league of its own, as was she. While I let her get her bearings, I opened the wine to allow it to breathe, and put on some soft tunes to go with the lapping of the waves against the hull and the doleful cry of the mews over our heads.

Chatting amiably over the wine, I asked her for a slow dance, so we could get better acquainted, and also to breathe in the smell of her skin (after several weeks of salt air, a true balm to my nostrils!). Since I knew that she was a long-time resident in town, I asked her where the locals usually hang out for a quiet chat, and she promptly invited me to their little hide-out (which I still have to visit, I know...). Having complimented her on her choice of wine, and settled on my type of dance, I did the same on the sofa, and enjoyed her show. For her dance tune, she'd chosen a song I actually knew quite well, as it had been used on the soundtrack of one of my favourite movies. A word of from the worldly-wise to the boys out there: this is a real lady, so if she offers you a dance, you keep your hands to yourself! Following her every teasing move with my eyes and egging her on, I was soon in for the show of a lifetime, her slender, yet womanly body swaying seductively in front of me, yet tantalisingly out of reach...

When she was done, I helped her gather her clothes, thanked her profusely for her offering, walked her down the pier to her car, and bade her a good night, in the (maybe foolish) hope of seeing her again some day.
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #106 : April 27, 2015, 07:40:20 AM »

mwahhhhhh.  Thank you TeachHer.  I enjoyed it too as expressed in my previous post.

If anyone is having trouble arranging / contacting with their dates,  let Lover or me know and we will try and make alternative arrangements with our "extra date"  volunteers.

Well done everyone for some great reports.  I love the detail, pics and effort that daters have took the trouble to do.

Keep up the good work.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #107 : May 01, 2015, 10:16:57 AM »

Lover – Brandybee.

This pairing made me laugh when I saw it on the notice board. My good friend and King Moderator himself had been drawn with me to carry out a massage.

We have been friends for years and seen each other through a few ups and downs in the forum village life. We are close enough to tease each other about our nationalities, especially during the national football tournaments where we are sworn enemies and is usually an underlying torment in many a chat and discussion.  It was only right, therefore, that when preparing for my date, the Union Jack bikini was the natural choice of clothing for the shoulder massage he would carry out.

Due to work commitments in Forum and Real Life, plus priority for our delightful Achat partners, our date was arranged a little later than most.
I phoned him up and arranged our date. I was quite excited as I got ready and fixed my bunny ears and tail in place. I already knew, Lover was excellent company, could speak fabulous German/English. He is after all a regular writer and story teller in our Forum Village and had a wicked sense of humour. 

On route to his place, I run into the local grocery shop and bought a Belgium chocolate Easter Egg and bottle of fine quality red German wine.
I arrived and he invited me inside. He had decorated his penthouse suite, with scented candles that wafted in the air and we both played soft Heart (Love songs) from the radio station I regularly use.

Chloe – Free Internet Radio. http://www.181.fm/playing.php?station=181-chloe&embed=1&TI=95135:IVsDaZXC

(It’s a great way to listen to songs at the same time in a room without messing about new songs all the time)

We danced, chatted and laughed at some things that had happened in our daily lives, plus a few games and contests for the Forum Village.
Then it was time for the massage, he had promised. He led me to the massage couch and I smiled secretly thinking he will be amused by my patriotic bikini and get the “in joke” immediately.  I knew I had the advantage, I don’t think the local shops sell flag pants yet so was quite interested in the underwear he would choose.

He had warmed the oil and we dressed in our underwear or ….. so we thought…

The magic of Achat sort of ruined the delivery of my “shock patriotic moment” and backfired in spectacular fashion! Suddenly my avatar was sitting there in a bikini top but minus the bottoms.  But not just sitting there, I had my legs open and was displaying my secret bits!!! And my face… well.. What a slut!!   LOL.

Lover was the complete gentleman and shut his eyes of course, staying behind me, but I felt the same thing had happened to him. He was poking at my back and I knew it wasn’t his hands, they were on my shoulders!!

Lover gave me the most, wonderful, relaxing massage. He was attentive, charming and his attention to massage detail is second to none. No wonder his spouse, FoxyRoxxy adores him. He knows how to pamper and treat a lady.

I was so relaxed and getting into that deep sigh, dozy moment of the best shoulder massage ever, when I suddenly noticed something… my bunny ears had stayed on and so strangely had my bob tail which I thought unusual under the pantiless situation.
I casually mentioned it in my massage euphoria state…  to which Lover replied, in his blunt German English.

“LOL,  Yes, you are tickling my cock!” 

The tea spurted, the euphoria was gone and we were both crying with laughter.

I will never look at or wear that bob tail again without thinking of that ... tickle  LOL.

Which sums up our very close relationship. I love him to bits. He is fun, chatty, can laugh at himself -as well as me - and we adore each other.

Our date was brilliant and I would do it all again, anytime.

Thank you Lover, apart from your choice in football teams, you are the perfect partner for a great and entertaining date.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 4985

« #108 : May 01, 2015, 11:36:25 PM »

Both my date's are still M.I.A.    :'(

mrsexlover, loving all girls, any shape,size or color

Come and join the chat at the town sqaure http://achatsquare.chatango.com
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #109 : May 02, 2015, 04:26:06 AM »

Pairings -

Just a reminder to those who have not completed their dates.

Round 1: First person is giver

AusWoody    -   auryn
dxdynamite   -   LorenaSex92
xstacyx    -   Covems
Brandybee   -   teachHer
EllieDone   -   Lover
ItsAmy123 -       Curious12 
Tommy_72   -   Lisaria
jvhelvis1979   -   Stone
Sam_Hawke -   ItsAmy123
Jayc          -   Stone
iamincharge -   Lisaria
freddie   -   Misdevious
mrsexlover   -   darbi29
Sarevok   -   Kaitlyn72
Misdevious   -   Frederico
Kaitlyn72   -   SexxxyTexan

Round 2: First person is giver

Stone          -   Tommy_72
LorenaSex92-   mrsexlover
Covems   -   EllieDone
Lover          -   Brandybee
Frederico   -   xstacyx
Lisaria          -   Jayc
ItsAmy123   -   dxdynamite
Curious12   -   Brandybee
teachHer   -   Misdevious
Misdevious   -   Sarevok
darbi29   -   jvhelvis1979
Kaitlyn72   -   Sam_Hawke
auryn          -   iamincharge
Lisaria          -   AusWoddy
Brandybee   -   freddie
SexxxyTexan - Lisaria

@ mrsexlover -  Lover & I will fix you up with a couple of blind dates to replace your no show dates.   We will be in touch by PM.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Sr. Member
: 367

« #110 : May 02, 2015, 08:43:37 AM »

Misdevious - TeachHer

For a more dramatic reading of this little account, check out the music links, I feel it adds to the experience.

Laying back on the massage table in my physical therapist’s office,I notice that I’m going to be late for my date with TeachHer. This frustrates me because we had to reschedule Monday due to my doctor’s appointment running over.  I wish I could tap my foot impatiently, but the PT has got it in her hands, making me bend it in ways it doesn’t want to go so she can measure the progress, which ends up being not much.  Finally, after torturing me, she wraps it in ice and hooks me up to the electric muscle stimulator.  During my 15 minute imprisonment on the massage table. I grab my phone and try to google shortcuts to the hotel where I’ve planned to meet TeachHer.

Finally, I'm free.  I jump in my truck and check the traffic, set my route on the gps, and head to the hotel.  I try to keep my speeding limited to the +10 the posted speed that seems to be the true speed limit here in Michigan;  but, as I tend to be naughty, I went over even that.  I park my truck right on time, which means by the time I get up to the room I'll be late, and I hate being late.  I quickly threw on my ankle wrap so that  I can sprint (bad idea with a bum ankle, even wrapped) to the hotel, and rush to the elevator.  A few minutes later I arrive breathless at the door to the room.

He opens the door and he’s impeccably dressed in a sharp, spring weight gray suit. (Note to male readers, suits are to women what lingerie is to men.) As soon as I saw him, I knew this would be a long date.  I felt a bit underdressed in my old worn jeans and skimpy shirt showing off my temporary henna tattoo, but after seeing the expression on his face, I didn't regret my choice.  He invited me for coffee, this man knows my favorites, so I took a seat while he switched on some music.  After assisting me to my chair, he comes in with a sheepish look on his face, and we both had a chuckle over our coffee being drunk from silver goblets, but it was what the hotel gave us, so we settled in to catch up.

After some lovely conversation, I excuse myself to the restroom to get changed for the massage.  Looking into the mirror at my flushed cheeks, I smirk.  I decide then and there that I will forgo putting on the sports bra and panties that I had bought to wear during the massage and strip to the buff.  Exiting the bathroom, I look over and notice him in boxers and an undershirt.  Wordlessly,I convince him to strip as well.  Once he is naked, he walks over and takes my hand, guiding me to the sofa, and very considerately wraps my damaged ankle in ice.

As he starts rubbing my pain away, I notice the song that’s playing.  I inwardly grin, maybe we are on the same page after all. 

And I'ma love you girl
The way you need
Ain't no one goin' stop us
Ain't no one goin' stop us
And I'ma give you girl, what you fiend
I'm the drug in your veins
Just fight through the pain

The Banks - What You Need (The Weeknd Cover)


After doing a wonderful job working on my tired legs and feet, while being tender with my injured ankle.  He offers a massage, well, who am I to refuse.  One of my favorite instrumentals starts up.  Duke Ellington’s Prelude to Kiss.  Sometimes it’s just amazing that music can say so much more than words. 


I relax as his hands slowly work on my shoulders, easing out the tension of my hectic, stressful life, and I get lost in the music and sensations he’s evoking in my body.

Now, I’m afraid this account wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t kiss and tell.  Of course, between the music and the closeness, and all the wonderful feelings, I just had to turn and brush my lips over his, moving into a deep, slow kiss.  We lost ourselves in this kiss for several minutes.

I get up a few moments later, and plug my my phone into his music system and quickly find the song I want, Ariana Savalas - One Man Show  (Ladies, you really must listen to this one!)


(The real Misdevious smirk)

I give a little smirk and walk back to the bed.  He lays me on my stomach and proceeds with a full body massage.  I am in heaven!  I’m melted into the bed, softly moaning, and near falling asleep, when the little devil slides one of the melting icecubes from my ankle wrap down my back.  I tease him, he licks it off, and as I turn to grin at him, he captures my lips in a kiss.

I grab my phone again, and switch it onto Nina Simone’s Feeling Good


While I may kiss and tell….the rest of the date you will have to just imagine.

Hero Member
: 10350

« #111 : May 03, 2015, 03:45:15 AM »

My date with Brandy

As Brandy, I also had to laugh when I saw her name. You have to know, when I do the drawing, I don't draw names, but numbers. Every member gets a number, those who offer extra dates also get a little star. So I do the drawing and when it's done, I don't know who is who. Then I compare the names with the numbers and see the couples.

We mods are too busy (do I hear an awwww?), so we needed a few weeks to make this date. But it was worht it. I prepared my penthouse, bought Bacardi, beer and red wine (you never know what Brandy wants to drink ;D ) and also bought some pralines. I lighted a few candles, filled the air with a relaxing scent and looked for chilling music.
Brandy is right with everything she says about her and me. Just one thing I have to correct: She's not really a rivale in football tournaments, the english team is just a victim - I silently enjoy the germans victories and have some moercy for her :D

We danced and did what we usually do: Talking. You know what it means: The girl is talking, the guy listening. But as always, it was funny and we had to laugh a lot. She brought a delicious red wine and some choco, which we both enjoyed. I just had to be careful not to drink too much, cause I also had a job to do: To massage her back. Though it's not really a job, more a pleasure for me. She is doing so much for the forum and such a great support, that I was happy to give something back. Also she is much more than just a friend. I love her as the wonderful friend she is and if she would knock on my door at 4am, I never would ask why, but get up and do what she is asking for.

When she removed her street clothing, I saw she was wearing a bikini (really Brandy, was it the UK bikini? I didn't notice...) and I quickly tunred around when I saw, AChat was evilish and had removed her panties. Which they also did with my briefs (and believe me, I even made sure to wear new, clean ones). On the other hand, we're more like bro and sis, so being (almost) nude in one room doesn't mean something bad.

Funny was, she wore the bunny costume and her tail tickled my cock. We both had to laugh so hard, that the "relax and feel good"-mood was gone and we had troubles to focus on the massage. But we also are professionals and got it back.

Using my massaging skills and my own perfect genglish (german-engish), I tried to make her feel great and relaxed. I had a wonderful time, which much to soon was over.

Thank you Brandy!

Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #112 : May 03, 2015, 06:19:37 AM »

@ Lover ....   mwahhhhhhhhhh darling.   :-* :-* :-* :-*

Both my date's are still M.I.A.    :'(

Mrsexlover -  a volunteer has kindly stepped in to replace one of your dates.  You are to give this lady a massage.

mrsexlover   -   Jaynie     

Please arrange your date as soon as convenient to both.  I hope you both decide to do a date report for us to enjoy. 

Well done on everyone completing their dates and reports so far.  They are really good and the ones who do pics -  Amy, Misdevious - they are great and really add some naughty colour to the topic.  Thank you.

There are still some to go.  I know I  have yet to arrange one of mine due to his work commitments.

« : May 03, 2015, 06:28:22 AM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #113 : May 09, 2015, 01:35:50 PM »

Brandybee – Freddie

Freddie had messaged me a few times to apologise that we would most likely have our Easter date in the month of May due to his work commitments. We exchanged a few more messages before we were finally able to carry out our date.

We are old chat buddies from way back and have often chatted away in the Achat Town as well as the Forum village. Freddie is a renowned member of the prestigious Cocks N Roses House Band in the AB&G so we are happy and quite relaxed in each other’s company. I have seen him perform and serenade the patrons of the bar.

Freddie is an Italian gentleman and has a good command of the English language. He is funny, pleasant and flirtatious as he should be with Latino blood.

He was back in town and he saw me in the street and on the spur of the moment, both found we were free for a while and therefore we could carry out our Easter date.
I arranged to meet at his penthouse suite and rushed home to get changed. Of course, the bunny ears and bobtail were a must. I changed into my blue dress, thigh high boots and sexy but decent underwear.  After all, a lap dance needed to be hot and to sizzle and entice the man watching.

I collected a bottle of champagne from my fridge and the Easter egg, I had bought for him last month, in readiness for our date, knowing it was likely to be a sudden meet.

I arrived as arranged and he invited me inside. He was wonderful, handsome with one hell of a sexy accent. We danced, opened the champagne and chatted for a while, catching up on past news.

Then I carried out my lap dance.  As he hadn’t been in Achat much because of work, I treated him to a Brandybee red hot special.
I chose a naughty and  "down and dirty"  song. I changed the words a touch to tease and tantalise.

SammieWetter   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgfafrfAbQg

As I sang softly, I moved to the music, sexy, provocative and naughtily suggestive …. Moaning, pouting a licking my lips. I fondled my body sinfully……

“Mmmm  yeah, uh  yeahhh, its Brandy baby, believe that, uhh  listen,
You callin me Brandy, Brandy.  You callin me Brandy, Brandy
Mmm, I’ll be your baby, baby. Won’t you be my baby, uhh listen ..
I’m going to make it rang rang, won’t you make it rang rang?
No need to explain, splain.  Won’t you make it rain down on me..

Tell me what you need need, 
Cos I got what you need need,  fulfil your fantasy, see
If you know what I mean, baby…
You got me wetter then waves
So take me to your bed and lead me all the way…
Cos I know what you like like.. and you know what I like like !!
So tell is it right, right? ooh I think I might might…

Moving on slow, you’re kissing me below
I think I’m boutta blow
So, please don't stop. My hearts about to drop.
Bite me on ma neck, yes slowly undo my top!
Ooh, your touch… Its too much!
Im boutta, Im boutta, I’m boutta… shhh

I can make you feel better,
Can you make me real wetter
Can you make it rain down on me
You be good,
I can make you feel better,
Can you make me real wetter?
Can you make it? Rain down on me

Whisperin and talkin, ooh and aww. We go again!
Kiss me there, and grab my hands…
Damn! You just so understand..
You got me screamin baby, baby, baby
Take me all and have me and you sayin "gladly."

Grippin the sheets now, you in so deep now
I don't know what to do, cos your so into it too
You kiss my lips now, I need a grip now
You promised satisfaction! And now its guaranteed!
Please don't stop,  my hearts about to drop
Bite me on ma neck, yes slowly undo my top!
Ooh your touch, it’s too much
I’m boutta, I’m boutta, I’m boutta,  shhh

I can make you feel better, Can you make me real wetter
Rain down on me, You be good,
I can make you feel better, You make me real wetter!
Can you make it rain down on me.
I can make you feel better, Can you make me real wetter!
Rain down on me, You be good,
I can make you feel better, You make me real wetter!
Can you make it rain down on me

I’m calling you baby, baby uh…  Can you be my baby, baby? uh
Mmm, I’ll be your baby, baby uh, Mmm, I’ll be your baby uh
Cum make it rain down on me? Can you make it rain down on me?
I can make you feel better, Can you make me real wetter
Rain down on me, You be good,
I can make you feel better, You make me real wetter
Can you make it rain down on me?

I’m calling you baby, baby uh … Can you be my baby, baby? uh
Mmm, I’ll be your baby, baby uh, Mmm, I’ll be your baby uh
Cum make it rain down on me? Can you make it rain down on me?
mmmm. "

As the song ended, I kissed him tenderly.

He was wonderful and sweet.  He joined in to encourage my efforts and made me feel like a million Achat dollars for all my efforts in dancing and singing and serenading.
Freddie is a proud, Italian, red blooded male. He is wonderful company, funny and such a brilliant date. If you ever have the chance to spend some time with him, do so. You won’t regret it. He is lovely, entertaining and hot as hot cakes.

Thank you Freddie ... Hugs & Mwahhhhhhh

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Full Member
: 248

Sweet child o'mine

« #114 : May 12, 2015, 03:47:13 PM »

when i open the door i get astonished:
an heavenly vision in front of me !!!
Brandybee :)
wonderful with a shiny blue dress and black high boots, so beautiful , even with those bunny ears and bobtail :)
i welcome and let her in, seeing she brings a bottle of champagne and an easter egg
tx god  i think, i dont even know if there is something in my fridge , well at least my apartment is clean and doesnt look like a battlefield :)
the radio playing some sweet tunes and we dance slow and chat, tellin each others news
its always a great pleasure talking with Brandy, she's really smart and kind , i've been away for long time but it seems we talked the day before :)
after some champagne she leads me to my couch telling me to make myself comfortable
she strips revealing a sexy lingerie and i loose my breath for a while
then the music starts
and so my so long waited dance :)

well...i knew that a lap dance performed by Brandy is something special so i was thinkin i was prepared
but i wasnt
she is so amazing
the way she moves
the way she sings
the way she stares at me
oh i cant find the right words
but...it's too much for  a mortal man
i feel my latin blood boiling and i bite my lips a hundred times
this is The lap dance

really a wonderful time
we're long time friends and its always great spending time together
thank you very much Brandy
you get a 19/10
the one

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