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: Invites  ( 3241 )
: 21

« : March 24, 2015, 12:13:53 PM »

As a new player it has been obvious to me that the invite time is way to short and I often miss who it is let alone press the button . Please increase the time and or add it to the message tab so you know who wants you in their room . Most of us are not always with our model/avatar but in the forum or else where like checking mails .I do like the ideal of a crush or/and a wink buttons .
Hero Member
: 1064

« #1 : March 24, 2015, 01:54:57 PM »

As a new player it has been obvious to me that the invite time is way to short and I often miss who it is let alone press the button . Please increase the time and or add it to the message tab so you know who wants you in their room . Most of us are not always with our model/avatar but in the forum or else where like checking mails .I do like the ideal of a crush or/and a wink buttons .

Makes sense and it does help out on missing someone's attempt to contact you.
Hero Member
: 1842

« #2 : March 24, 2015, 02:17:57 PM »


I think your idea is interesting and thank you for sharing it in Forum. It makes for an interesting discussion.

I actually disagree with prolonging the invite time.  I do not like cold invites and think chatting first and then the invite request being sent is much nicer.  That way there is no need to extend that red window as its expected.

If you do like cold invites, that's fine too but if the time runs out before you accept, I'm sure there is no problem as the inviter has no doubt sent the cold onto the next person.
Put it in your short info, I'm sure you will get flooded with more.

The idea of a crush button or wink is interesting too and if it is implemented I would ask that an optional button is included to turn it off. That's what the messaging facility is for.
Cold invites are annoying enough without having winks added to the mix.
Then there is the detrimental effect it may have on players wondering why they haven't got many winks sent to them.

Just my views of course.  I'm sure many will disagree with me.

I hope you post more of your ideas and are not put off by my thoughts.  It's the only way the game can improve if we can discuss them here and brainstorm together.

Hero Member
: 10350

« #3 : May 04, 2016, 03:12:38 PM »

I think this could be done easily and would be good.

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