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: Fuck doll seeking greedy fucker  ( 4570 )
Full Member
: 167

« : January 19, 2015, 04:19:15 PM »

While it seems unreasonable to begin a want ad with a rant, this situation is so pervasive it needs saying right up front:


I'm looking for someone who isn't going to make a big deal about the fact that my character is black.  Sadly, every single person who has spoken to me so far has mentioned it within 3 messages.  It's my skin, I can't change it, it's my skin, not my kink.  Frankly, I've been there and I've done that. I have no desire to go there again.  If fucking the black chick is your kink, please,  I beg you, move on.

Seriously, don't even mention it.  Don't ask if I'm "a  blacky chocolate princes in real".  Don't tell me, after clearly reading my comment about this not being ok,  "Sorry but your colour is a huge turn on for me."   or "Your colour isn't my kink, I just love it."  The level of offence is huge.  It makes it glaringly obvious that the clear statement that I'm not interested in that sort of thing, meant nothing to you, (which I know is a problem across many situations, not just ethnicity).  If you can't respect this simple thing, I who enjoys power exchange, now know I can't trust you with something deeper.  You will go on ignore.

Fuck my brain, not my skin colour.  Again, if this is your kink, please, there *are* like minds out there.  Go, find them and have a great time exploring the power of the socio-economic-cultural divide.  It's a powerful experience.  It is also damaging for me.  So if you need that, even a little bit.  I'm sorry but I have nothing to offer.


Still here?  Wow.  :o  Thanks for your interest and patience.  :-*

NAME: Zinah
SEX:    Female
AGE:    45-55
ORIENTATION:  Heterosexual, bottom, masochist
DESCRIPTION: Black female, large tits, round ass, 5 foot 3 1/2 inches tall.  Bright smile, slight tilt to dark brown, (nearly black) eyes.  A loud and honest laugh, a loving heart and strong desire to be a sex toy.
AVAILABLE TIMES/DAYS: Sun,  Mon, Tue, Thur  6pm through 10 pm US Pacific.
I'm looking for men, who enjoy descriptive role playing scenes along the lines of sexual usage.  Yes, perhaps it's not a good idea in this day and age to encourage a story line where a man will slide up behind me, bend me over a picnic table, take what he wants from me and then leave me there gasping and whining, but yup, that's what floats my boat.  However, I want to be *his* to do that to; his toy, his pet, his fuck doll to use how, when and were he wishes, no questions asked.  If I orgasm, his largess, if I do not, his right to deny.   

I enojoy bdsm both irl and online.

Hard limits: Spitting, anal sex, urine, feces and ageplay  The very idea of someone spitting on me will end a scene.  I'm old school, spitting at or  upon someone is a level of rudeness even my lusty heart cannot overcome.  Anal sex:  Never was enjoyable irl, no matter how I tried, slow, careful or sweet.  I'm not wired for it irl, so I can't get around it in game, sorry.  Bodily waste: Work with people who can get you covered in it and you go one of two directions, love it or hate it.  i went the hate route, it's a turn off, sorry.    Ageplay:   My Daddy made it clear he no longer wanted to be my Daddy in 2013.  That wound still bleeds, nor do I ever seek to have a Daddy again.  So no, I won't call you Daddy or any version thereof.

Let's discuss what you like or want to try.

Thank you for reading,
Sr. Member
: 450

« #1 : April 16, 2015, 12:32:49 PM »

We are all the same on the inside.
We have dreams and desires.
The best of luck finding your hearts desire here.

Hero Member
: 2044

Never push a loyal person to the breaking point

MSN Messenger - mick.woodman@gmail.com
« #2 : April 16, 2015, 02:54:22 PM »

G'day  Zinah,

Welcome to the forum.
What an excellent  intro to yourself :)
maybe  we should use it as a std  :)
look forward to chatting with you in Zinah

Brandy has  just told me your no newbie    sorry  use the info below  as a reminder  :)

(now my spiel lol )

People are friendly here I hope you find  as many good friends as I have.

We also have an open chat room where a lot of the members hang out and  chat.

Here's a bit more about it.

Forum Home Page > Organizations & Events > Groups & Families > Achat Town Square

Feel free to drop in and  get to know  some of us :)   Same TOS  as Achat.  You would be made welcome.

The Square

Look forward to seeing you there.

Oh, the bar is open  and the chef  will feed you :)
« : April 16, 2015, 05:14:04 PM AusWoody »

Join us in the The Achat Square meeting place for broad-minded  adults - fun and games - http://achatsquare.chatango.com

Mean What I Say  -  Say What I Me

« #3 : April 16, 2015, 04:50:04 PM »

Love the introduction. I have only 1 problem with it...

That darn 1/2 inch above 5'3". lol

All joking aside. As Woody said earlier, I have found the forum a much nicer class of people that a few in the game itself.
If someone can't accept you for who you are, even here in AChat, well you don't need or want them in RL of fantasy.

: [1]  
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