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| | |-+  “War Time” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 10.
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: Vote for your Favourite Story.  Voting  Ends  Mon 30 Nov 2015.
1. A Woman Always Helps.   -13 (22%)
2. Soumatou Phenomenon.   -4 (6.8%)
3. War Romance is Hell.   -2 (3.4%)
4. Helmand's Secret.   -3 (5.1%)
5. Semper Fi.   -15 (25.4%)
6. War of Species.   -1 (1.7%)
7. Two Birds, One Stone.   -2 (3.4%)
8. Escape!   -1 (1.7%)
9. It’s a hard Knight's life, for me   -6 (10.2%)
10. A Ring for a Tanner.   -12 (20.3%)
: 58

: “War Time” THE STORIES. Erotic Story Contest 10.  ( 12808 )
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #15 : September 30, 2015, 07:48:28 PM »

9. It’s a hard Knight's life, for me.    Part 2.  By  PrincesssK.

Clare was in the castle gardens when word arrived that a Knight with a great host of men-at-arms had arrived and was now making their way towards her castle. A goodly length of time had passed since news had reached the castle that her papa had left this earthly coil during the battle. He had fought valiantly to protect the Isle of Desire from the Lord of Moorkeep who believed he had the right to take all lands surrounding his borders.

Knights, soldiers and guardsmen were all battle hardened and a force to be reckoned with. How could she, a lowly maiden, now protect her home as the only surviving family member? She had been brought up to do her duty to the castle, the lands and the people. Now after a period of mourning, that time was upon her.

Clare grasped her gown betwixt her fingers and ran from the gardens to climb the castle wall to watch the parade of men. This did not become the lady of the manor and mayhap the Knight and his men would think her a hoyden, but her curiosity had taken hold of her senses and from her perch atop the wall she could watch all before her.

The heavily shod horses came forward like the huge engines of battle that they were. The earth shook and the power that they wrought could not be hidden. Then as suddenly as they appeared the thunder of hooves and the rattle of harness ceased abruptly and an odd stillness settled over the scene.

Then as quickly as they had stopped, one separated himself from the group and made his way forward coming to a halt at the wall right where Clare stood. The Knights face was level with her own and Clare found herself looking into deep brilliant, unsmiling eyes that were the colour of smoky rock crystal.

"I seek the lady of the keep," the Knight said.

A curious tremor flashed through Clare at the sound of his voice. She did not know why she reacted that way, because his voice was low and deep and showed his controlled power. She clutched at the stones of the wall to hold her balance, then she raised her chin and straightened her shoulders, she was the lady of the keep and so should behave as such.

"I am she whom you seek, Sir. Who are you?"

"I am Arameus of Watershed and here to claim my castle and my wife, as promised to me by your father"

A great cry of jubilation went up from the people of the castle at his words. For a lord and master and a Knight of such strength would now protect them as their lady could not. Armour clashed and rang as the mounted knights and men-at arms brandished their lances and struck their shields to show their approval.

Arameus reached out with his large mail-covered hands, caught her up and swept her off the wall. An instant later she found herself safely seated across the saddle in front of Arameus and steadied by a mail-clad arm the size of a tree.

Once inside the Castle keep, Arameus stood before Clare and bid her show him her chambers so he could speak to her in private. There was much to be discussed. Clare still shocked and dazed from the ride upon the large animal Arameus called Darkness and the feel of Arameus's arms around her, quietly bid him to follow her.

Arameus removed his sword from its scabbard and placed it down on yonder table to show he meant her no harm. Clare looked in wonder at the large man before her. She was 8 and 20 years and was no longer classed as a young maid. Her wishes to wait to find love and to be loved had meant that she was thought of as being passed her prime. This moment though, this mattered nought as the mind and her body were seeming to be reacting to a feeling, a movement, a desire she had never experienced before. What was she becoming as she looked upon this startling vision of manhood. Could she give herself to him for the good of the people.

Arameus saw the emotions of Clare flashing across her face. His eyes settled and locked with hers. He knew he had to be gentle with this lady, even though his desire to take her was strong. He had been fighting to control himself since the feel of her had been pressed against his groin as they rode to the castle. Before he had time to stop himself he reached out and pulled Clare gently but relentlessly into his arms. Clare stood shivering against him, her eyes closed and her breath held. He claimed her mouth with his own.

Arameus felt Clare's undisguised shiver of surprise. A flash of confusion washed through her as she trembled in his arms. He kept his mouth against hers, willing her to respond to him as he knew she must. His desire for this shy inexperienced beauty was nothing he had felt before and he himself trembled, as no Knight should, at the taste of her sweet lips and the feel of her wondrous body held tightly to his.

He knew she wanted him. He had sensed the passion that radiated from her eyes. The lady herself may not realise it but he would awaken the desires hidden deep within her. She would be his in all ways a man wanted a woman. He just needed to withhold his lusty strength and take her as gently as he could. Relief soared through him when he heard her tiny half-strangled gasp of excitement. If he continued now he knew she would give herself to him and belong to him alone… always.

Arameus deepened the kiss, knowing that at this moment she would not fight him. Clare mumbled something unintelligible which sounded like a small protest or maybe a feeble attempt to fight these new feelings. Arameus did not want to listen, he eased her lips apart and sank his tongue into her mouth. Clare shivered and gave her mouth over to him. The thoughts of stopping him no longer in her mind. She lifted her arms and tightened them around his neck and touched her tongue to his.

Arameus sucked in a breath, swept her into his arms and tumbled her onto the bed. The hunger to be inside her nearly consumed him. He lowered himself gently down onto the bed and onto Clare. He caressed her face and their kisses deepened. Both of them were beyond rational thought. He flung one leg over her thighs and conscious of his great weight and her much smaller size, he braced himself on his arms as he leaned over her.

He gazed was enthralled at the sight of her laying beneath him. He eased aside the edge of her overgrown and listened with deep pleasure to her quickly indrawn breaths. His fingers brushed across her erect nipples. He could not help himself as her rosy nipples looked more enticing than he had imagined, Arameus lowered his head and put his mouth to one and sucked it gently between his teeth.

Clare's reaction was a small shriek, her fingers dug into his shoulder, "By all that's held holy, my lord you drive me wild, I am no longer myself"

Arameus watched her closely as he slid his hand beneath the hem of her shift, her eyes flew open in surprise.

She shook her head once in a gesture of defeat and whispered "Please, my senses are scattered as insects in the wind, I need and want!"  Clare took a deep breath, what did she need and want, "Please, please I am burning. How can I ease this that I feel?"

Arameus hand clamped over the warm damp flesh between her thighs. Clare went rigid beneath his touch. She shut her eyes and appeared to stop breathing for a few tense seconds. Her nails were clenched so deeply into his shoulders he knew he would find marks in the morning. The thought pleased him. He would be marked as he would mark her.

Arameus probed gently, slowly and tenderly. He parted her soft honeyed flesh like the petals of a fragile flower and was amazed at her response. It was more than he had dared hope when he had first sighted her upon the old stone wall.

Clare trembled in the throes of her desire as did Arameus. She lifted herself, opened herself and offered herself to him. She was a mystical, magical creature who enthralled his senses. He was fascinated by her swift approaching release and knew her inexperience would mean she would not be able to hold back to control herself.

He raised himself up and then as gently as possible, he sheathed himself deep into her, as he would slide his sword into his scabbard.  She was his scabbard warm and waiting.

He stretched her and fitted inside her perfectly. He kissed her deeply as she gasped aloud then slowly, so slowly he moved within her, turning her gasp of shock and the pain she had felt, into moans of pleasurable delights.

She shivered like a blossom in the wind, and he looked down into her stunned face as all she felt flickered over her. He saw the awakening of a woman. A woman she was ready to become. "Arameus, Arameus, what have you done to me, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?"

"Nothing, that we cannot repeat many, many times before the dawn,” Arameus replied to her.

Then as he moved again he felt the tide turn as the waves of climax washed over her. She shuddered and cried out his name on a long panting breath, "Arameussssssssssssssssssss"

At the same moment, the control he had kept in check was lost. He released himself within her, and the stars of heaven welcomed them both into their sparkling world. They were floating to heaven, locked together in an explosion, the climax of a dance older than time.

He waited till she went limp. When the last tiny shiver had ended, Arameus eased himself up until he was once more braced on his elbows. He looked down into her stunned face and smiled. She stared up at him, silenced by the enormity of what she had experienced. The play of emotions in the eyes, entranced him. Confusion, wonder, amazement, delight, curiosity and feminine speculation all blended together to play out across her face. She looked at him with desire and love.

Arameus and Clare gazed into each other’s eyes. Could two strangers feel so strongly so quickly? He a battle weary Knight that she had at first sight feared a little and she a maiden, he had wanted only for her lands and castle. Together they had found themselves experiencing more than they could have imagined or hoped for.

As they looked deep into each other’s eyes, the flash of light the ignition of desire and want was awoken again. They smiled knowing the castle, its people and the men-at-arms could wait a little while longer.

This was, after all, a new beginning for all.

The End.

« : November 30, 2015, 02:58:07 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #16 : September 30, 2015, 07:52:02 PM »

10. A Ring for a Tanner.    Part 1.  By  Brandybee.

He felt the kick right in the pit of his stomach and fell to the floor. His knees hit the ground first, then his face thudded on the dry soil.  The dust stuck to his lips and cheek from the heat of the day and the film of sweat covering his dirty skin. His throat was parched. He was winded and swallowed trying to catch his breath. The harsh, cutting words of the Japanese soldier rained down on him from above. He had no idea what the man was saying, just that he was angry and that anger was directed at him. Then the rifle butt landed on his head and he was sparked out, lost in a sea of black haze.

His mind had trained itself to compartmentalise the horror of the presence. He could transport himself anywhere he wished to go. Mostly it was back home, back to his love. His thoughts went back in an almost automated way…

He was back in England, the night before he shipped out to the Far East. Harry Rollason was a Lance Corporal in the 1st Leicestershire Regiment, the Tigers. It was November 1939. He could hear his girl, giggling over one of his lame jokes. They had spent a pleasant evening at the pictures watching and laughing at a comedy – “You can’t take it with you” starring Jimmy Stewart.

Afterwards they had walked back to his car still laughing at the rats in the restaurant scene. Technically it was his father’s car - an Austin Ten-Four but his dad had let him borrow it for the night to take his girl out in style.

Now they were parked up in a secluded spot, out in the country, looking at the stars in the night sky.

“You’ll come back home to me won’t you Harry?” His girl had suddenly asked, worried that he was going off to war. She was proud he was going to fight for his country but never the less wanted him safe.
“Of course I will,” Harry had promised her, “I’ll be home before you know it and then Elsie Jones, I’m going to marry you and make you Elsie Rollason.”

And that’s how he had proposed, just like that and his wonderful, beautiful Elsie had accepted and flung her arms round him. He had kissed her soundly and she had responded in his arms. He wrapped his arms around her, crushed his mouth to hers and slowly allowed his tongue to invade her mouth.

She had tasted exquisite and he savoured her. She was the most important thing in the world to him. She was an innocent sweet wall flower, a couple of years younger than him and one that he would delight in making a woman. He would wait till she was ready though.

He had told her early on in their relationship, that he wanted to take her to bed but would only do so when she was ready and when she asked him.
She had blushed and told him she could never be that forward.
He had smiled and kissed her breathless. “You will. Your body will tell you.” He had told her confidently. “And if you can’t tell me, who can you tell?”
She nodded. She trusted Harry and loved him with all her heart.

Harry was not a virgin. He had bedded a few loose ladies along with his friends. The type of woman that hung round with groups of young men, women who would sometimes drink and stay out till the early hours. Maybe it was a way of getting by or feeling some affection.

For whatever reason, these ladies were always willing to drop their knickers for company, a few trinkets or even another drink. Harry, like any man of his age, did not turn down such offers and treated it as a way of learning about sex. He would also read up about the subject where he could.
Sex interested him and he soon learnt that he liked it very much.

He felt a hand tapping his cheeks to bring him round. The harsh sun beat down on his emancipated body.

“Get up H. The Japs will give you another bashing if you don’t.”  A man’s voice crept through the fog in his brain.
He opened his eyes and squinted when the sun hit his eyes. Harry ached all over and his head hurt. He looked at the man talking to him and nodded in acknowledgement.
“Damn Nip. That bloody hurt,” Harry cursed and his friend, Ron, helped him up to the railway line they were working on. They had a kinship only the constant threat of death could bring.

The Empire of Japan was determined to build a 260-mile rail track which linked Ban Pong, in Thailand, and Thanbyuzayat, in Burma. It could easily have had world renowned acclaim as the 8th wonder of the world but instead it quickly became known as The Death Railway as it was built on cruelty and relentless brutality of captured prisoners of war.

60,000 Allied PoWs worked on this railroad - Burmese, Siamese, Australians, New Zealanders, British, Dutch, Americans and Indians to name some nationalities.
13,000 would die through beatings, sickness and injury.
Prisoners worked from dawn to dusk moving earth, building bridges, blasting through mountains and laying track. The work, the hot weather, at times tropical rains and the beatings were relentless.

Water was rationed to one cup of water every day or it came from hand-dug holes in the ground. Food, of course, came in the form of boiled rice, a half cup every day– usually with grit and dirt in.
If cholera, starvation, gangrene, dysentery, snake bites, over work, bullets or any number of tropical diseases, like beriberi or malaria, didn't claim PoW lives, then the Japanese soldiers were there with their rifle butts only too happy to dish out beatings for some transgression or other.

The Japanese were cruel and unforgiving. They were feared and hated, yet that was probably their intention. Break their enemy, physically and mentally and that would make Japan their masters and conquerors.

Harry had made the unfortunate mistake of using some oil on a rag when he wasn't meant to and he was punished. The beatings were a part of daily life and if by any good fortune, one of the prisoners didn’t have one in a 24 hour period, it was classed as a good day for them.

During the creation of Hellfire Pass, where prisoners cut a route through solid rock for the railway, 69 men were beaten to death by Japanese guards.

The Japanese Imperial Army was despised for its brutality. Some days The PoW’s would be on the way to work from the prison camps and see heads chopped off and stuck on poles. Sometimes, it was people they knew.

It was harsh, a living nightmare and the men looked after each other as best they could. Some just gave up broken men and got tired of living. Others just accepted what was and had a steel determination to survive. They wanted to return to their loved ones. Harry was one such determined man. He had promised his Elsie and someday, somehow, he would get back to her.

Sometimes, he and his comrades’ spoke of escaping, even planned it but they all knew it was futile. They were too far away from anywhere! They were lost in the middle of the jungle, where would they go? Especially in their weakened physical conditions! They would die alone there!
At least if they died here in the camp, their families would know what had happened.

So they worked the rail track and made the best they could of the situation. Their clothes rotted on their bodies, never replaced and in the end, most men had nothing more than a loin cloth covering them. Hard labour, poor diet and limited food caused the weight to drop off the men. Many looked like walking skeletons. They did not carry an ounce of body fat and their muscle just wasted away.

Harry wiped his bony hand across his forehead and looked up into the hot sky, trying to catch some of the faint breeze to soothe his aching head. He felt the lump the rifle butt had caused. It was tender and sore. As he looked around, he saw a Japanese soldier walking his way along the line of working men and got back to it. He dragged another piece of track to lay and his mind went back to that night with his girl …

Elsie had always sensed he was a man who liked to be in charge and who would look after her. She liked how he would order things, whether it was in a restaurant, at the counter at the local fish and chip shop or just at a shop. He would ask her what she liked or wanted of course before he took over and spoke for her. He would always pay whether it was his own money or money she would give him just prior. He looked after her and she liked it that way. She felt protected and loved and important to him.

They held each other that night in the car and he softly caressed her back and kissed her tenderly.
“I want us to do it,” Elsie whispered in his ear when he buried his nose and smelt her hair for the umpteenth time.
“Are you sure?” Harry whispered back. He knew immediately what she meant.
“You are going off to war Harry. I want you to remember me while you are away,” Elsie confirmed, “I’m sure.”

“You know I love you.” Harry declared.
“Yes,” Elsie nodded. “I love you too.”
“Then we will.” Harry kissed her.
Elsie kissed him back and held him tight.

“I’m going to take your virginity but…”  Harry whispered in her ear, purposefully building her anticipation, “not right away.”
He caressed her head and looked her in the eyes. “First, I am going to admire your body,” he paused then continued, “To look at you,” another pause, “Second, I am going to touch you… to examine you and…”
He stalled deliberately building the sexual tension in Elsie. “Third, I am going to bring you to a climax.” He let the words sink in, “Only then will I make you a woman.”

Elsie’s breath was already panting. She could feel her body glow and tingles begin to emanate through her body.

Harry got out of the car, walked round to the passenger door and held out his hand. Elsie knew that if she took it and allowed him to guide her to the back of the car, she would enter as a girl but exit as a woman.

She looked into his handsome face and smiled. She was in no doubt about her decision. She loved him.
She placed her hand in his and allowed him to help her from the front passenger seat. She looked up at the clear cloudless sky. She could see The Plough and the moon and she knew. She knew this was the right decision.

Harry held her for a moment as if in unspoken thanks for the gift she was about to give him. And then he placed her in the back passenger seat. He got in after her and shut the door behind him. The windows were steamed from the condensation caused from the warmth of their breath and bodies inside the car, meeting the cold air on the glass of the November evening outside.

The wet misty windows gave them the privacy required for tender first love and the box shape of the car made it surprisingly spacious for what they intended.

“Undress for me,” Harry spoke softly and settled in the corner of the seat. “Slowly.”

He wanted to ravish her like an animal but he controlled himself. He wanted Elsie’s first time to be special. He wanted her always to remember this moment. And in those lonely moments away from her, he wanted a memory that he could dwell on. Little did he know, how much he would think of this night and how this precious memory would keep him sane.

Elsie swallowed a little nervous and began to deliciously slip out of her clothes from her sitting position while he watched. She was exquisitely slow and when she folded each item and placed it on the front seat, Harry smiled. It was the most erotic thing he had ever seen. Her shyness turned him on and each removed item revealed more of her white skin.

Elsie saw the look in his eyes and felt empowered and sexy. As her confidence grew, her inhibitions and self-consciousness began to dissolve.

Eventually she sat opposite him in her white underwear – a bra, girdle and matching knickers. Like most young girls of this time, her legs had been stained with tea to give the appearance of tan stockings. She wore full toed, black, laced shoes with a square 2 inch heel.

He took her feet in his hands and slowly removed each shoe. Then he unhooked her girdle and as she lifted up, he pulled it down her long beautiful legs. He let the items roll from his hands to fall on the careful pile on the front seat. Then he leaned forward and cheek to cheek he unhooked her full cup bra pulling it free from her arms and moving back as he did so.

He saw and stared at her full pert breasts for the first time. Just beautiful. His eyes lingered to admire her sitting there in just her knickers.
He looked at her knowing this would be the image of her he took with him to war. His beautiful girl sitting nude for him in the back of a car in just her knickers and the promise that held. She was the image of a fine art portrait. She was breath-taking! Her wavy brown hair curled on her shoulders and the slight nervous smile and expectant look in her green eyes captivated him. Her red lips moistened from his kisses and those beautiful white breasts jutting towards him with hard nipples waiting to be fondled.

His attention was suddenly bought back to the present. Ron the guy who had helped him earlier had slipped and fallen with part of the track. It was hard work dragging it up to where they were laying. Harry went to help.

Harry saw immediately that his foot was at a funny angle and a bone was protruding through the skin. He also saw two Japanese soldiers approaching.

Ron’s eyes showed his terror. “Hide my ankle. If they see it, I’m a gonna.”
Harry had nothing to cover it with. “You got to get up.” He whispered. “I’ll try to stall them. Maybe if they see you get up and wave as though it was nothing. They won’t come any closer.”

Harry went off in the direction of the soldiers but he knew the plan had failed when he heard Ron yell out in his effort to stand. The soldiers barged past his efforts to draw their attention and went straight to Ron. Harry had to look away as they beat him to stand and when that failed, they put a bullet in his head. Harry felt useless and incensed. He vowed if he ever made it through this god forsaken place, that murdering soldier would pay for what he did.

Another couple of PoW’s were ordered to take Ron’s lifeless body back to camp, where he would be buried later by the men.

Harry dragged another sleeper in place and then the iron rail, Ron had had problems with. He began to secure and piece it together slowly. He said a silent prayer for him and told him he was sorry, he could not do more. The look in Ron’s eyes when he first approached him would haunt his dreams forever and reruns of how he could save him would taunt him for a life time.

He picked up a sharp stone and etched the date in the wooden sleeper. He wrote:

“Ron Fairfax.”
“When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say,
For Their Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today."

The words were by John Maxwell Edmonds. He had read them for fallen soldiers in the First War and they had always stayed with him.

It took some time to complete and he had to keep going back to it so the soldiers did not think he was slacking and not working. He finished the roughly carved letters that day though and as they were transported back to camp at least he felt he had marked Ron’s passing in the best fitting way he could think of.

Harry lay in his bed on the floor and didn’t want to think of Ron’s demise anymore. He willed his thoughts back to that night with Elsie…

An exquisite portrait. Harry had smiled at Elsie sitting in her nude state except for her knickers in the back of the car. He took her in her arms telling her how beautiful she was and how he was the luckiest man that walked the earth. Elsie wrapped her arms around him and he murmured in her ear that he was honoured for being her first and he was going to worship her body. She smelt of shampoo and soap and he kissed her, breathing her in.

He broke their kiss and cupped her head in his large hands. “I’ve seen your beautiful breasts, now I’m going to feel and kiss them.”

Elsie’s eyes widened and he saw her pulse beating in her neck and her breath quicken in anticipation. She was thrilled that she was almost nude and vulnerable and he was fully clothed. That was exactly his intention. He wanted Elsie to be aroused. He wanted him to fill her thoughts. He wanted her ready to accept his hard shaft when he took her.

His hands slowly moved down her cheeks, her neck and collar bone to her full round breasts. He cupped her softness and then felt the weight of them. He squeezed and kneaded and stroked them with both hands. They felt just as he imagined and he took his time to examine them fully and tease the nipples in his fingers.

Elsie gasped and pushed her chest into his hands. No man had touched her there before. She felt him explore her chest. They seemed to swell and ache in his hands. She felt her nipples harden and an ache shoot straight between her legs where it stayed, building to a dull throb. She felt her knickers dampen and her body flush to pinken her skin. She was sexually excited and felt pleasure especially when he moaned and bent down to suck her breasts.

He licked and lathered each orb with his tongue and suckled her softly at first and then increased the suction on her nipple and aureole, drawing them and her pink flesh into his mouth. He was hard as iron now and his erection was straining in his trousers. He squeezed them and buried his face in their billowing softness. There was not an inch of flesh he had not touched or kissed on her breasts and his mind had thoroughly mapped them into his memory banks.

He continued to massage her breasts while his lips trailed down from her cleavage to the waistband of her knickers. He lowered them to reveal her soft flat tummy and belly button. He spent time kissing her there. He loved a woman’s tummy and found kissing her tummy was as intimate as massaging her feet. It was one of those locations that was not classed as a private place but never the less, men who touched and caressed women here were either lovers or potential lovers. He found it erotic and exciting.
He looked up at her and saw desire clouding her eyes.

“I am going to touch you more now.” He told her. 

Elsie blushed but nodded at him.

Harry moved his hands to her knickers and ran his finger around the waistband.
Her tummy flickered in excitement.
He lowered his head and could smell her arousal. Her gusset was wet and he could see the darkened damp patch.
He licked the area and tasted her through the material.

Elsie started in shock at his actions.
“It’s ok,” Harry reassured her. “Men like to do this for their women.”

Elsie didn’t look too convinced but she trusted Harry and soon forgot her misgivings when his tongue and mouth licked her crotch over her panties and caused sensations that made her moan and groan.

Harry was delighted at her reaction and enjoyed her writhing with need on the seat. He pulled her knickers down slowly.

He enjoyed the curved femininity of her body. His eyes travelled over her breasts again. They were rounded and beautiful. Her shoulders were bare and sexy. Her tummy flat and sensual. Elsie’s face was enigmatic and beautiful. Harry saw her breasts rise and fall in her excited state and that the lips to her mouth were slightly parted, wet from where she had nervously licked them. Her eyes glittered with wonder and emotion.

Harry continued to lower her knickers. The dark mound of her sex was exquisitely revealed and showed him the woman she was in all her glory. Harry felt a rush of desire and wanted to be between this woman's legs so much.

Elsie’s eyes were fixed on Harry, seeking his approval. Harry smiled and nodded and Elsie slowly and deliberately opened her legs. Harry watched transfixed. He saw the lips of her sex and her dark pubic hair. It looked so kissable and lickable but she was nervous and they were not yet open and inviting. She was still much like a fine art portrait.

- continued -

« : November 30, 2015, 02:59:55 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #17 : October 02, 2015, 11:30:42 AM »

10.  A Ring for a Tanner.  Part 2.  By  Brandybee.

Harry knelt and positioned himself in front of her sex. He sensed Elsie’s anxiety of what was to come.
Harry leaned forward and brought his head between her open legs. He blew on her sex, causing goose bumps on her inner thighs. He kissed her thighs, nibbled them gently, licked them and caressed them with his fingers. Elsie moaned at his sweet seduction and spread her legs further apart. He could smell the soap on her skin but more so the moist, earthy musky scent of her desire. He felt honoured no man had smelt or tasted that before. He also felt a strong primal claim that this was his territory, his woman now and forever.

Close up, he could see every perfect detail of her. He looked up at her without moving his head. She was watching him between her legs. And with their eyes locked, he kissed her in the most intimate way a man could kiss a woman.

The touch of his lips and tongue on her delicate flower caused Elsie to make the tiniest of noises. A sudden little gasp that was the release of her trepidation. Her legs shifted, spreading a little further for him. Carefully, Harry ran the tip of his tongue up along Elsie’s soft intimate lips. They were like soft silk against his tongue. He wet his tongue and began to lick up and down the delicate petals of her flesh. He licked and teased her, going up and down, and with each stroke of his tongue, he pushed forward a little way in. In a few strokes Elsie’s labia parted and Harry’s tongue advanced, pushing between them and probing her softly.

Elsie’s delicate flower opened up under his stimulation. He kissed her sex lovingly. Gently, he sucked her in, her flesh was between his lips and he suckled on her labia. His teeth grazed her lightly, not enough to hurt just to tease and show her vulnerability.

Elsie’s breathing quickened above him. She flooded her excitement into his mouth. Harry became aware of her new taste and the new smell. Elsie’s body was responding to him in the most base of ways. She was turned on and very aroused. Harry pushed his tongue in to her and felt how wet she had suddenly become. Elsie tasted divine. She was sweet and salty – the exquisite taste of a woman in heat.

Harry pulled back to look at her newly excited sex. There, before him, was Elsie’s pussy, now open and inviting. It glistened with love and expectation. Now it had changed from an image of fine art to a picture of obscene pornography. His Elsie was naked and turned on. Her pussy was on show for sex. It was red, swollen, wet and displayed for him. It was base, it was dirty and it was very exciting!

He pushed out his tongue and began to lick her slit, up and down, in long, slow gentle strokes. Harry drank her nectar. She tasted wonderful. Now and then he pushed his face in between her legs burying himself in her wet softness. The delicious smell of her smothered his face and scented him in her unique cologne. 

Elsie’s love spilled out, wetting Harry and rewarding his administrations. He continued to run his tongue up and down her slit, and now, with each stroke, he pushed in to her a little way until he penetrated, like a cock, tongue fucking her a little with every lick. He probed her with his tongue and stabbed her pussy with a firm but gentle rhythm. The feel of Elsie’s virgin pussy around his tongue was extraordinary. She was tight, hot, wet and delicious. He felt the soft walls of her vagina push against him, as he tongue fucked her and ate her perfect, wet pussy.

The smell of sex was in the car. The windows had steamed up even more. The wet sounds of Harry on Elsie’s pussy was a soundtrack of eroticism. His wet tongue worked and softly slurped her wet pussy and their quick breathing and moans seemed to become harmonised. It was wonderful music and their pheromones danced around them, teasing and tantalising their rising temperatures.

Harry pushed his tongue so far inside Elsie that his face was against her clitoris. He felt her little nub against his nose. It was small, but hard and slick with her excitement. Harry flicked the tip of his tongue over it.

The sudden noise Elsie made was one of the most exciting moments of Harry’s life. It was a quick, soft mewl. She wasn't expecting that sudden attention to her clitoris, nor the sudden pleasure it caused her. That sound was the essence of a woman’s desire, giving herself to her man. It was raw and primeval. It elated Harry and convinced him he was successfully seducing and preparing her for sex.

He gently kissed her clitoris, stroking it with his tongue. He sucked it with exquisite slowness in to his mouth. He played with it between his lips and gently grazed it with his teeth to show the contrast of the sensations. Elsie writhed on the seat. She was lost in the sea of desire.

Harry pulled back and examined her sex. He saw her excitement dribble down her thighs, over her perineum and on to the cool leather seat of the car. He could not resist. He opened his mouth wide and sucked all of her sex in his mouth, her labia majora, labia minora and clitoris. He drank her and then pushed a finger inside whilst still sucking her clitoris. He finger fucked her while she moaned and writhed on the seat. He could tell she was close to orgasm.

He pushed another finger into her. She was tight but took it easily in her wet state of arousal. He finger fucked with both fingers, in and out. He began to twist his fingers round, readying her for the girth of his cock and still suckled her engorged and sensitive clitoris.

Elsie was on fire and clenched her fists in pleasure. She suddenly took a deep breath and then cried out shrilly. Her whole body trembled and shook on Harry’s fingers. Her pussy and clitoris vibrated on his tongue and lips. He felt the ripples and spasms on his fingers as her orgasm swept over her. The sexual storm overwhelmed her and he deliberately left his fingers inserted inside to enjoy her shudders. He lifted his head to watch her. It was the most incredible sight he had ever seen.

He continued to watch her until her cries and whimpers subsided and her breathing became slower.
Harry withdrew his fingers. They were drenched in her creamy cum. He licked them clean tasting her pleasure and then kissed her sex. It jumped from the pressure and Elsie whimpered as an aftershock took her. He moved up and kissed her deeply.

“Thank you,” he said softly to her. “Now it’s my turn.”

Elsie murmured her consent. She was still in the aftermath of her orgasm and was incapable of moving much. The intensity of her climax had sapped the strength from her limbs and muscles. The euphoria was still bubbling in her blood.
She felt wonderful and totally content, much like a yawning cat stretching out on a patio in the warmth of the afternoon sun.

He looked at Elsie nude, in the back of the car, breasts exposed, legs spread, pussy opened and wet. She had definitely crossed that line now from the fine art portrait of a lady to a hard core pornographic image of a slut. She appeared ravaged, obscene and dirty and Harry was proud he was the cause. She looked hot and irresistible and soon she would no longer be a virgin.

Harry finally unzipped his trousers. Precum had already soaked into his underpants. He lowered his clothing to his knees. His erection was free from restraints at last and throbbing with need.

“Kiss me,” Harry indicated to Elsie and looked at his cock.

She looked startled but kissed him on the tip as he had asked. Elsie tasted his pre cum and wasn’t sure if she liked the taste. She tried some more and then suckled all his cock. She lathered him up with her saliva and sucked him. She ran her tongue from base to tip and round his helmet. Harry stroked her hair.

“No more,” Harry told her gritting her teeth. “I want to be inside you.”

Elsie lay back and spread her legs in invite. He wiped his crown up and down her slit, pushing in a little. She whimpered softly and naturally tensed her body. Harry was not willing to wait much longer and guided his cock to her pussy entrance and slowly entered inch by inch. She was tight and unused to anything of this size being inside her.

“It’s ok,” he whispered and felt the natural resistance inside of her.
He stilled and bent forward and then stifled her cry with his kiss when he thrust and broke through her hymen. She was a virgin no more.

Then he began to move back and forth, slow and steady, until he felt her relax under him. He broke the kiss and looked at her. He saw the tears of sudden pain and then her eyes changed from the sudden disturbance of losing her virginity to one of wonder and then of lust.

She was now a woman and she was his. He moved his cock in and out of her. Her creamy orgasm, small amount of blood from her torn hymen, his saliva and precum stirred together with the movement of his rod.

He fondled her breasts with one hand, while the other circled her clitoris and he continued to mate her. It was his turn to enjoy his pleasure in her body. Her tight silk walls gripped his cock as he moved. Harry felt a deep elation that he was making love with the woman he intended to marry. Her body under him and around him gave him such intense joy. He closed his eyes enjoying her. He allowed his pleasure to build. He revelled in the feel of her, the wonderful little sex sounds she was making and he knew this moment would remain with him forever.

The pleasure was quite intense and Elsie spread her legs wide for Harry to take her. She was now face up, semi sitting in the middle of the back seat with a leg on each on the front seats. Harry was pumping hard between her legs. To keep his balance, he put one flat palm on the back window and one on the seat as he fucked down on her. His palm imprint was left on the glass.

Both were now in their own sea of pleasure. The rhythm was hard and fast. All the sensations were in their joined sexes, pumping in and out. Both felt the greed of lust. Elsie even began to instinctively thrust her hips in an alternate rhythm and the car creaked and rocked with them.

Somewhere, out in his pleasure zone, Harry groaned and his balls filled and suddenly unloaded. Electricity sparked up the length of his cock and a delicious vibration resonated around the crown as he exploded. His cock erupted, spilling thick warm cum deep inside Elsie’s pussy. Harry held himself inside her, feeling spurt after spurt, as he filled her up, mixing with her feminine juices.

Elsie watched his face and his body in wonder. She had never witnessed such intense pleasure and joy. Her man had cum and she had caused it. She was elated.

When Harry had finished, he remained for some time, buried inside her. He held her and they remained together, completely still as their breathing calmed.

Both felt his cock shrink slowly inside her until eventually they uncoupled.

Harry turned to her. “That was an amazing gift you gave me. Thank you.”
She smiled at him and they snuggled together.
“I never want this moment to end,” Elsie told him.
“Me neither,” Harry agreed and held her closely.

She had seen him off at the bus stop the next day.
Before he left he gave her a sixpence from his pocket. A small silver coloured coin of little worth, common at the time and also known as a “Tanner.”  King George was on one side and a circular pattern of acorns and oak leaves on the other. It was dated 1929.

“I haven’t got an engagement ring so keep this till I do. It’s my lucky coin.” he told her. “When I get back, I will give you a proper ring and you can give me my coin back.”

“You better Harry Rollason. You come back to me and make me your wife.” Elsie told him, trying to put on a brave face and holding back her tears.
“I promise.” Harry vowed. 

The bus came and when he boarded, he immediately went to the back window. His last vision of her was Elsie waving at him standing on the pavement, getting smaller and smaller as the bus took him further away from her.

The last image of Harry, Elsie saw, was him bent down, his handsome face watching her as he was driven away and the palm of his hand flat against the back window. That hand placement immediately made her think of his dad’s Austin Ten-Four motor car.

Harry was 21years old when he left home and went to war.

Harry had gone on to the Far East with his regiment and saw active service on the front line against the Japanese. He had fought in Singapore and lost many of his comrades. They were too few to be of any use so they joined his battalion up with The East Surrey Regiment who had also lost most of their men. A new battalion was formed. 

They fought in Hong Kong. It was fierce.

In February 1942 Harry and his comrades fixed bayonets to their rifles for close combat fighting. They would meet the Imperial Army head on. As they waited for the battle to start again, Japanese tanks came at them. They were out manoeuvred and outnumbered. They ran for their lives into the jungle. Their enemy was waiting for them in trees and bushes in camouflage and shot them down. There was nothing they could do. The Allied troops were ordered to lay down their arms and were taken captive.

By this point, the Japanese prison camps were at bursting point and Harry was taken to a fortified town.
There were seven or eight men to a hut. The Japanese had cleared out a village – all the people had been moved out and it was turned into a prison camp.

The men had nothing but the clothes and shoes they were stood in. No one knew what was going to happen to them. They just knew they were prisoners of war.

Harry was put to work on the Death Railway. The men were moved around a lot in cattle trucks, packed full with 28 men to a truck. There was no air and lots of the men suffered with diarrhoea. The travelling was not a pleasant experience in a shitty, smelly and confined space.

When America dropped its first atomic bomb – known as Little Boy – on Hiroshima, on August 6, 1945, it signalled that the end of the war was nigh, in the Far East.

When a second bomb, nicknamed Fat Man, hit Nagasaki three days later, it was too much for the Japanese, and on August 15 1945, they surrendered, finally ending the Second World War.

Harry of course found out about it later. The Japanese camp commander read out the cessation of hostilities. There was a sense of elation round the camp then one of terror as gun fire rang out round the camp. Some Japanese soldiers took the lives of more POW’s in a last act of defiance before fleeing and other Japanese soldiers committed suicide. They were either ashamed of their actions during the conflict or shamed that they had lost face and surrendered to their enemy.

Harry was pleased to find out, one of those soldiers who had held a grenade to himself was Ron’s killer.
The Imperial Japanese Army abandoned the camp and left them to their own devices. Soon the Australian army arrived and liberated them. He could see the shock on their faces at the gaunt, thin figures of the PoW’s. They were happy though. They were free!
There was still however, a gruelling, year-long voyage halfway across the world ahead of him to return home.

In those quieter moments to himself, he had calculated he had been a prisoner of war in the Far East for three-and-a-half torturous years and for 1,260 days he had eaten nothing but rice.

That was 2,520 consecutive bowls of rice. If he never saw rice again, it would be too soon!

As soon as he was able, Harry bought a ring for his girl, a gold band with a diamond in. He had no idea if it would fit or if she had waited for him but even if she had met someone else, he would give it to her in any case. Elsie had saved his mind and therefore his life in the quagmire of the last few years as a PoW.

He returned home at Leicester Railway Station, England, in October 1946.
Harry was 27 years old when he arrived home from the war.

His family were there to greet him. They hugged and kissed him and commented on his loss of weight, although he had gained a considerable amount from the day of his liberation.

“Never mind H, we will soon get you back to normal weight again,” His mom fussed and told him. “We’ve got a feast to eat at home and I’ve done you a fabulous rice pudding to celebrate your return home.”

Harry shuddered. Rice! 

Then his family parted, as if planned and he saw the most beautiful sight in the world. Elsie was standing there on the platform. Elsie ran into his arms and hugged him. They did not speak for a few seconds. They just held each other tightly.

“You waited,” Harry broke the silence at last.
“Of course I did,” Elsie said. “I was never going to give up on you.”

Harry reached into his pocket and fetched out the ring he had bought her.
“A ring for a tanner?” he asked her opening the box to show the gold ring.
Elsie’s eyes shone with happiness.

Elsie felt in her pocket for her purse and pulled out the sixpence he had given her the day he left. She placed it in her palm to show him she had kept it safe.

She smiled at him, “A family for a ring?” She replied.

She gestured to a 6 year old boy to come join her. He had been waiting patiently with a friend on the platform. He ran to her and held onto her leg shyly looking up at Harry.

“This is Ron,” Elsie told Harry, then bent down to Ron, “Ronnie, this is your daddy. Say hello.”

Harry was stunned and pleased and happy and thought his son’s name was just perfect. “Ron. I have a son called Ron.”

Harry’s eyes shone brightly, perhaps even shimmering in tears.

“Deal,” he said quite simply and gave her the ring and his lifelong devotion.

The End. 
« : November 30, 2015, 03:01:34 PM Brandybee »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #18 : November 30, 2015, 02:35:59 PM »

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
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