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: The Mistress Chronicles...  ( 6340 )
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« : May 19, 2015, 06:55:35 PM »

The Play Room

It had been four days. Four long days since Master disappeared from me and left me wondering in his pleasure palace. Of course I knew he had to be SOMEWHERE keeping a close watch on things.
Dante was not one to overlook any details, and the matter of his Wife and what or who she was doing wasn't any trifling thing.

So I was left, bereft and devoid of his presence, going through the motions, answering slave questions and dispensing justice on their petty squabbles. But each time I looked over at His throne it was painfully empty, and my heart ached for him.

I replayed our last encounter in my mind. I desperately tried to recall and hold on to the sound of that growl...his voice, truly afraid I may never see, hold or suffer for him again. It has been strangely emotional for us both and I wasn't sure what this meant for our relationship. It had gone to an entirely different level.

That night as I lay awake, alone in our huge bed, his spot empty, I could do nothing but think.
The palace was running efficiently, the slaves asleep in their cages and beds, one slumbering at the foot of our bed in case I needed something in the night. That's when the thought came to me.

Ever rebellious I wrestled with the idea. Tossing and turning I tried to remember every place he had cameras. I knew they were in the bedroom but not the bathroom and he would be monitoring them closely, or have one of his many thugs do it for him.

Slipping from the cool sheets I toed the sleeping girl awake from her pallet on the floor.
"Xira!" I hissed. Immediately she sprang awake.
"Yes Mistress!" She sat straight up.
I nodded in the direction of the camera's red light that signalled it was on and recording.

She instantly fell silent as we conversed with our eyes. I said nothing and turned on no lights as I padded toward the huge Master bath. Many called my Husband a thug or a brute but he undeniably had good taste in lots of things. He won’t admit it but he is a collector of beautiful things. Cars, clothes, women, men...it hardly mattered what it was. If Dante wanted...Dante got.

Creaking open the door to the bathroom, I slipped inside with Xira right behind. I closed the door and finally turned the light on. Xira's eyes were wide in her pretty pale face.
"Mistress what are you doing? What's going on?" Her questions spilled out quickly.
I smiled softly at her, she was right to worry.

An infraction was whatever my Husband deemed it to be and he took hellish glee in punishing those who erred. She knew whatever I had planned was covert enough that my Husband didn't know and she would most certainly be an accessory.

I cooed softly to her, "Xira I will tell you nothing ONLY that you are to go to my armoire and bring me my pretty purple stockings and clear heels from the closet; also my black trench coat. Then you will go to sleep in the slave quarters tonight. You do nothing wrong in serving your Mistress in this and you know nothing which will incriminate you." I finished my order with a wave of my hand.

Xira gave a little gasp but the understanding dawned in her dark eyes. I was protecting her.

She nodded and scurried out the bathroom as I took a quick shower and braided my damp mane.

I was oiling myself when Xira slipped back into the bathroom, setting the requested items down on the marble countertop.
Without a word she nodded her head again and slipped back out.

I finished oiling then slipped on the pretty pale stockings. Keeping my heels and coat in my hands so as to not make any noise I turned the bathroom light off plunging me in blackness. I opened the door and slipped into the room as my eyes strained to adjust. I was sure that the camera could not see me as both bathroom and bed room were dark as pitch.

I slowly moved through the room and opened my bedroom door. Peeking out I saw the palace was deserted. I stole out quietly padding through the ante chamber, down the sweeping flights of steps, sticking to the shadows as much as I could. Finally I reached the door that lead up to the fetish emporium and the Inferno room. Pausing, I slipped the clear heels on to protect the bottom of my pretty stockings, then my trench coat.

Once again I creaked the door open and slipped through, pulling it closed quietly behind me. I pulled the hood of my coat over my head as a disguise and began the trek to his dungeon.

I wound my way through the dark tunnels underneath the club, the pumping music filtering down. I heard the working girls plying their trade, some cries of pain and pleasure as I wandered through. No doubt some johns were acting out their darker desires on some of the girls tonight.

I hurried past praying I didn't encounter a patrolling goon.

Thankfully I did not. I made a final left turn and slowly approached the double set of doors at the far end. From underneath, only a faint red glow escaped that told me it was in fact occupied.

Stifling a gasp of hurt I remembered, I in fact wanted this revelation because rather than just let my Husband return to me on his own, I had actively sought him out.

Holding my head high, I slowly walked to the door, slipping my heels off and leaving my trench coat on top of them, I pushed them aside with my foot. Nude and afraid of what I might find, I shivered in the damp cool air. I took a breath and opened the door.

Inside it was dimly lit. His play area always was.

Hundreds of red candles burned, their light bouncing off the mirrors on the walls, causing that reddish glow. Hot air suddenly rushed out and over my shivering skin.

Dante always relished sweat and tears in those he used. He often says sex with him is like a near death experience. He's not lying.

Swallowing hard, I peeked in but saw no one. The cross on the dais in the middle of the room was empty. I looked around bewildered! There was someone here because he never left the candles burning if there was not.

I took a tentative step into the room, then another puzzling as to where he was.

Then I heard a faint rustle to my left, I turned my head slightly as I caught the sound but I was suddenly savagely grabbed from behind! A huge hand came down over my mouth and nose cutting off my air supply while another grabbed me around my waist, lifting me against his chest.

I knew instantly that it was Dante. Powerfully built, Dante was any woman's dream of FINE. His dark Italian looks and piercing blue eyes always made me melt. The fact that he had a hard chiselled muscular body didn't hurt either.

I had always gone for the bad boy, you know the one, silent, dangerous, rides bikes and has a past. A dark one. And I with my stupidity and wifely indignation, had just wandered into his lair and it seemed as though he planned it all.

I panicked as the room grew dim, and my struggling stopped. Dante released his hand from my nose and mouth; He knew once it was HIS presence felt, I wouldn't scream and I would comply with whatever he said.

I gasped a little catching my breath. He still grasped me tight, his big hands like vices around my belly and chest. I felt and heard his rumble and laughter.

"My my my. What have I caught in my web, hmmm?" His voice was so deep and low, it was as if he perpetually whispered. "It seems as though my nosy little wife has wandered in. Thought you were going to catch me with a bitch huh?"He hissed and taunted in my ear.

"Ye..yes Master I did. You were gone for..." I trailed off and looked down to the floor as he snorted again in amusement.

Dante knew my weaknesses, and how to manipulate them. Sometimes that made me hate his guts. I was mentally kicking myself as I knew that his accusation was true and now I was here in this place and I was in serious shit!

He shifted behind me and suddenly he yanked me around and crushed me into a kiss. It was quick and brutal. The calm before the storm.

   He dragged me to the cross and made short work of cuffing me to it. He was shirtless, dark jeans and boots his only attire. His jeans hung in that way that told me he was nude beneath, his V cut handsomely visible as the jeans rested on his slim hips.

I looked down as he stood before me aware that after His kiss all lights were green and I wasn't dealing with my Husband. He was all Master.

We both were silent as he worked, because there was nothing to say. I had come, unbidden to his dungeon and now I would cum. And cry. And beg. These were the rules.
He stood before me heaving a little. I peeked and his ice blue eyes were flashing wickedly.
He was the spider spinning the fly in silk before dispatching the poor unfortunate soul.
My belly did a flip when he looked at me that way, and I trembled in the restraints. I felt his finger glide up my belly and toy with my belly ring. Ever careful though sadistic, he removed the dangling jewel and set it carefully aside.

He stepped back and grabbed a set of floggers, upon seeing his action the sweat begin to trickle and run down my restrained suspended body. He lightly twirled them and they began to strike my skin.

He used them effectively, striking the sensitive underside of my tits, my nipples and my belly. He brought them down softly then suddenly slapping them hard making me cry out.

My body was flushed with adrenaline and endorphins, making my own arousal and excitement rise. I both dreaded and craved the next hit of the leather tails.

No words were spoken, only his grunts and my cries could be heard as we made love without even touching, his floggers on my skin. It was a savage slap with the tails on the underside of my tits that did it, broke the rhythmic melody of our session. The tails bit and stung so badly that it was out before I could stop it.

   "MERCY!" I called, the blow driving me to tears and making me sob. "Mercy Master mercy!" My words almost incoherent as I succumbed and cried like a baby.

Instantly he was there in front of me, stroking the reddened tender skin and lifting my head.
He asked simply, "No more?"
I shook my head no as I was struggling to compose myself.

All of the angst, the wondering, the worrying that had been built up was pouring out of me as I silently sobbed.
He nodded his dark head and turned from me.
I could barely see, the tears were clouding my vision so, but in a moment he was there again and suddenly he pushing inside of me.
I cried out again as I felt him stretching me impossibly.

My body trembled with the combined pain and pleasure as he began taking me, the cross rocking and lifting with his thrusts, giving creaking protests of its own. My moans and gasps filled the chamber as his hips circled and moved between my thighs, while I hung suspended and restrained, a helpless victim to his lust.

He continued over and over, battering me...stretching my wetness and tightness around him as his feral deep moans began to permeate the chamber mixing with mine.

The sensations washed over me as I felt the familiar heated pressure and ache begin in my belly then cascade downward through my core and thighs.

My shattering release was punctuated by my screams of pleasure, making my voice hoarse and raspy. Suddenly he was pushing almost all the way inside and released an uneartly growl as he too climaxed.
He stilled for a moment, my mind wandering and dreamy as my orgasm subsided, He held himself inside as we both panted like thoroughbred race horses after a race.

Limp and spent I hung there for I don’t know how long, with him just holding me.

Then in my wandering state I felt my legs come free of the cuffs and suddenly my arms were doing the same. Instead of collapsing face first I fell directly into his arms and I had the sensation of being carried. I felt the product of his lust gush from between my thighs as he held me and carried me toward the door. That’s when everything went dark.

   I awoke suddenly, sitting straight up in bed. Looking around I noticed, I was nude but clean and warm. Xira slumbered at the foot of my bed, soft snoring and snuffling coming from her pallet.

I looked up in the corner and of course the red light from the surveillance camera looked back at me. Thats when I heard a faint click and turned my head toward our bedroom door just in time to see it be pulled closed from the other side.

I smiled brightly, not sure if the encounter was a dream; a product of my lustful mind, or if it was true and my husband had just carried me here, washed and tended me and vanished back into the darkness.
One thing was for sure though, I may be rebellious just a little more often. The ache between my thighs didn't deter me...it spurred me.

With a sigh, I lay back onto the cool sheets and drifted into a doze, a satisfied smile on my face.
« : May 19, 2015, 06:58:38 PM MissDee87 »

« #1 : May 20, 2015, 12:36:17 PM »

Excellent writing well done 
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #2 : May 20, 2015, 02:06:56 PM »

Excellent writing well done 

Thank you!  ;D
Hero Member
: 6966

Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!

« #3 : May 21, 2015, 05:32:03 AM »

An interesting story and insight into a BDSM marriage and House life.  Well done MissDee, Welcome  to the erotic story section.

I look forward to reading more and perhaps being educated.

High 5s girl.  Keep up the good work.

                         :)   :D   :P    THERE'S  A  LITTLE  BIT  OF  DEVIL  IN  MY  ANGEL  EYES       :)    :D    :P
Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #4 : May 22, 2015, 05:24:42 PM »

An interesting story and insight into a BDSM marriage and House life.  Well done MissDee, Welcome  to the erotic story section.

I look forward to reading more and perhaps being educated.

High 5s girl.  Keep up the good work.

Thanks BB !! I'm actually writing another story now and it should be posted here soon!! I appreciate the love!! *HUGS*

: 9

« #5 : May 23, 2015, 06:48:24 PM »

 Great story Mistresss , cant wait to read the next one
Hero Member
: 851


« #6 : May 23, 2015, 11:33:55 PM »

Very well written Dee. Not my taste in subject matter, but tI was held...wanted to read on.  Wonderful use of language to create an atmosphere of brooding menace lurking in the shadows.

Jr. Member
: 61

Owner and Head Mistress of HDSR & HDSRU!

« #7 : July 31, 2015, 06:14:12 PM »

New Story coming in the next few days :)
Hero Member
: 1842

« #8 : August 11, 2015, 01:41:58 PM »

Echoing the same sentiments.  Please publish more intriguing episodes here in forum.

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