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Changes in AChat 2.0
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: Changes in AChat 2.0 ( 46944 )
Hero Member
: 10350
Changes in AChat 2.0
May 27, 2015, 02:55:10 AM »
We collect ideas and suggestions to add to the new update. Things we had before or things that should be changed. This list we'll send to the A-Team.
- Give back "Show myself" button
- Give back "Hide room"
- Bigger font in chatbox
- Adding urls should be possible
- Add a button to go back straight to partner search/character editor
- Give back the tex-editor
: May 27, 2015, 04:01:37 AM Brandybee
: 13
Re: Changes in AChat 2.0
#1 :
May 27, 2015, 03:24:30 AM »
My suggestions:
- At the start of the program to make the animation as it is now in the main menu
- In the main menu to show your own avatar
- When entering the game with a partner, automatically remove users found
- To return the button to show your avatar
- Possible to add a button to edit the avatar in the room
- Postpone the return arrow chat window to another location
- The ability to restore normal mouse selection of text in the chat window
- To add a function: busy do not bother
- To improve the notification of an incoming message or invitation
That something like this.
translate through translator slowly, better in Russian
: 13
Re: Changes in AChat 2.0
#2 :
May 27, 2015, 04:07:30 AM »
Why not add a URL ?
that advertising is not allowed on other sites?
If necessary, I will write in capital letters URL. We did so. (funnyadultgamesplaypointcom)
A link to send to the forum as a transfer?
not comfortable without sending.
anyone here like to play, he will play.
The Achat I really like the graphics. In other games it worse.
let go for another URL games. Spend money and come back.
: May 27, 2015, 04:31:34 AM YankaSx
translate through translator slowly, better in Russian
Hero Member
: 2208
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Re: Changes in AChat 2.0
#3 :
May 27, 2015, 04:49:48 AM »
1- When I open the game I'd like to see my avatar and not a person I don't know !
2- Ability to change the back plan with 5 characters I don't know, may be friends or lovers taken in our list.
3- Repair the Poker Room
4- "Quick demo with a robot" able to quickly change our choice of robot boy or robot girl or robot shemale!
5- "Sex experience with a partner" show my avatar instead of a person I don't want to see when I open MY game!
6- Larger text areas to better reflect our choices in our profile.
7- As pointed very precisely by Covems, put the music back and the possibility of change.
8- Allow to put links because we need it for the contests on the forum.
9- Add a forum link button in game
10- Bigger characters in CHAT
11- Set back "hide room" for screen shot
12- Set back "Show Myself"
13- Fix the bug "Sex Maniac" in the profile, we must select "talkactive" to display "Sex maniac" !!!
14- Restore the "TEX" option for our clothes designers and a better dedicated tool would be nice also, thank you.
I think I forgot things but here already this will make you a little work
I wanted to say I like the new game resolution that improves the graphics.
I still love AChat for years like many here otherwise we not criticize, we leave...
Thank you and good luck
I'm here for the pleasure of my body and my... mind
: 1
Re: Changes in AChat 2.0
#4 :
May 27, 2015, 06:10:24 AM »
Hi on the whole i like the new update and I'm sure it will evolve to take in constructive comments
Here is just a quick snapshot of what I would like to see happen
- Open the game onto own avatar in search ( the show myself ) with 'character edit ' and 'main menu' buttons
- Return ' show myself ' button.
- Return ' hide room ' and perhaps add a ' hide all ' button to remove all clutter ( background , text , speed bar , state bars and navigation arrows ) for screenshots
Most blest is she who lives free and bold and nurses never a grief,
for the fearful woman is dismayed by aught, and the mean one mourns over giving.
- odin, hávamál
Most blest is she who lives free and bold and nurses never a grief,
for the fearful woman is dismayed by aught, and the mean one mourns over giving.
-odin, hávamál
Hero Member
: 7883
Re: Changes in AChat 2.0
#5 :
May 27, 2015, 06:17:01 AM »
I agree with most of the thing suggested, except one......the "Show myself" button! I find it not of more use atr the moment, with the new interface which give us the chance to check friends, lovers and spouses anytime and everywhere!
I'd like more a better poker room where we can chose who to invite and where we can use cloths to plat strip poker! more interesting than using money we can't learn!
: 4
Re: Changes in AChat 2.0
#6 :
May 27, 2015, 03:26:55 PM »
First of all I like the new look of achat 2.
I have only one remark. The window is not resizable. That means on my 30inch screen I get an 28inch achat window. That is far to large for me.
Please add an option to choose a window size.
Kind regards.
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: Changes in AChat 2.0
#7 :
May 27, 2015, 05:30:44 PM »
Good point zillica,
A friend of mine is stuck in the full screen mode and cant click the buttons to return it to original size. Now he cant play. Its very frustrating.
Achat Gods, please make the game resizable as a matter of urgency. You are going to lose customers.
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: Changes in AChat 2.0
#8 :
May 28, 2015, 02:51:24 AM »
Why can't he/she return to original size?
Hero Member
: 2044
Never push a loyal person to the breaking point
Re: Changes in AChat 2.0
#9 :
May 28, 2015, 04:11:16 AM »
the game is bigger than the monitor cant reach the window control;s
Join us in the The Achat Square meeting place for broad-minded adults - fun and games -
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Hero Member
: 10350
Re: Changes in AChat 2.0
#10 :
May 28, 2015, 06:34:21 AM »
Can you change the settings of your screen, so you get a smaller window? Or duplicate it to another screen, eg TV? If this all isn't possible, there is another way, but this I will tell in pm
Hero Member
: 6966
Sweet As Honey With A Cheeky Sting. BUZZ !!
Re: Changes in AChat 2.0
#11 :
May 28, 2015, 03:51:42 PM »
Thanks Lover, he did my favourite and it worked. He uninstaled the game and installed again. Problem solved for now.
However, if he mis-clicks it could happen again, so the option for a smaller sized game would still be nice.
: 20
Re: Changes in AChat 2.0
#12 :
May 29, 2015, 02:05:20 AM »
Hi all,
really there is an immportant pb with the size of the window.
Too large for someone, like me,
Too small for others...
Really i am sure that a solution exists, and the best one would be too let us adjust the size !!!! all softs do that !
Without any change, surely i will leave Achat.
Pute docile
Hero Member
: 7883
Re: Changes in AChat 2.0
#13 :
May 29, 2015, 03:38:33 AM »
Having a monitor with a max resolution of 1600 x 900, the AChat window is a little maller. I presume it's around 1200.....more or less!
Full Member
: 205
Re: Changes in AChat 2.0
#14 :
May 29, 2015, 04:57:28 AM »
Hello suffering coplayers
The windowsize of the Achat Client is set during the boot up of your client.
So there is A workaround to get your AChat window smaller.
#1 Reduce your screen resolution to a smaller size.
#2 start your Achat client.
#3 Set your screen resolution back to normal.
The Achat window stays in the lower size and you do not have to deal with an oversized window.
Sure, it is a little fiddly to do it every time but as long as the dev-team have not fixed it and you can't deal with the bigger window thats the only (legal) way to handle it.
What resolution to choose?
You should use a resolution, which will get displayed completely on your screen if you choose it. So that there is nothing cut of on the sides or shrunk down (Black bars) depending on your native screen resolution and ratio / 16:9 / 16:10 / 4:3, it can be an other resolution than for other ppl.
On my 16:10 - 1920x1200 Screen the Resolution 1280x1024 works best for me. (I know its strange lol)
You might have to test several resolutions to see if they work properly in window mode and fullscreen.
If you get "stuck" in Fullscreen because the top right window rezize "□ " and close Window "X" buttons are not reachable, you have to
#1"Alt+tab" out of the client on to the Desktop
#2 right click the client in the taskbar
#3 choose "close window"
#4 left click the achat bar, or "Alt+Tab" back in
#5 click yes on the Exit prompt.
Then you should reset your resolution to your screens native resolution and start the game again to be able to rezize it to window mode.
I hope that helps some ppl. who can't live with the to large client window.
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