Every years I invite "robot boy" for fun but I can't because:
Nat33 to Robot Boy: hi john
Robot Boy: Hello Honey!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: how are you tonight ?
Robot Boy: Hi Baby!
21:29 27/05/2015
Nat33 to Robot Boy: HOW ARE YOU, HRU ? you understand ?
Robot Boy: I am so horny...
21:30 27/05/2015
Nat33 to Robot Boy: oh nice mmmm
Robot Boy: Hi Baby!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: GRRRrrrrrr
Robot Boy: I am so horny...
Nat33 to Robot Boy: I know you are horny and what I can do for that ?
Robot Boy: Kiss me!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: ah mmmm ok I kiss you
Robot Boy: Hi Baby!
21:31 27/05/2015
Nat33 to Robot Boy: OH NOOOOoooooo
Robot Boy: Kiss me!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: ok I re KISS you
Robot Boy: Sorry, I'm only a silly robot. Please find a human partner to have more pleasure!
Nat33 to Robot Boy: They are no human on this game you know ?!!!
Robot Boy: Hi Baby!
21:32 27/05/2015
Nat33 to Robot Boy: hi and bye Johnny, I love you, kiss and have fun with the others robots
Robot Boy: You little bitch!
21:33 27/05/2015
Nat33 to Robot Boy: MMmm yes I know but I don't like little

Robot Boy: Hi Baby!
21:34 27/05/2015
Nat33 to Robot Boy: ok I must go I must prepare my coffee or my salad, I don't know but I must exit, kisses

Robot boy don't change with the new update