Rules of Texas Hold'em PokerA poker hand always consists of five cards. The highest combination wins the pot.
In Texas Hold'em you need to dial the best possible hand using your two cards and the five community cards.
Your two cards are hidden and therefore are known only by you.
In a casino or circle, the dealer position is represented by a white puck (Dealer) that materializes the donor among the players. It is called the button. It rotates in the direction of clockwise after each shot.
The player to the button's square is instead of the donor and needs to play last. The two players to the left of the dealer should bet first.
Before receiving their cards, players must place mandatory bets. The first player to the left of the dealer posts the small blind and the second the big blind. The small blind is generally half the big blind. After placing blinds, the dealer deals the cards.
The action begins with the player to the left of the big blind. This player has the following possibilities: a player can make a Call (suivre in French), which means to bet the same amount as the big blind. It can make a Raise (relancer in French) of the amount of choice (No Limit). Or he can Fold (passer in French). The player throws his cards in and out of the shot.
Players then have the following possibilities: follow the previous bet, raise or re-raise if there is already a raise or move their hand without losing anything. Speaking comes from the small blind and the last player to act in the first betting round is the big blind has the option to raise.
After the first betting round, all the chips are placed in the center of the table and the flop is opened by the donor (the flop is the first three cards placed in the center of the table). With your two hole cards, you have to do the best possible combination or not using the new cards used by all. If the flop is unfavorable, you have many chances to lose the money and it would be better to throw his cards. By cons, if the flop for you, continue to attack instantly. Example: Be aggressive with a hand like A pair max, max Kicker or a nut draw. The kicker is very important in Texas Hold'em.
Betting begins with the player to the left of the dealer. Players may bet or check (not bet anything while staying in it).
After the flop, it is the turn of the Turn, the fourth card placed at the center of the table. Once players have seen the fourth card, the third round of the auction resumes.
All players who still have cards get a chance to see the final fifth card called "the river" (the river).
The fourth and final round of betting begins. When the fourth round of betting is complete, all remaining players must return their cards to determine the winner of the game. You win the pot if you have the best five-card combination using two, one or no cards from your hand.
AChat PokerThe poker game is played with exactly the same rules.
When you get in a room is assigned amount you 1,000$
This money is virtual, it has nothing to do with the A$ or real money.
You gain nothing and lose nothing.
Whenever you get in room start with this amount of 1,000$
This game is for fun only.The table has 8 players and you = 9 players.
You can talk together, only the free users can't talk!
Suits and card values:The ace is the highest card and the 2 the lowest card.