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: Health, Fitness & Motivation ( 2947 )
Hero Member
: 10350
Health, Fitness & Motivation
June 28, 2015, 06:48:53 PM »
Water, water and more water?
Our body needs water. About 50-80% of our body weight is just water (ok, for some it might be just air.. sorry, don't want to offend anyone). For babies it's in about the 80% mark. We lose water the older we get.
But how much do we have to drink now? 1, 2,3 or even 5 litres?
Adults should have about 30ml/kg body weight (30ml/2lbs). Girls who are breastfeeding and teenagers should have about 40-45ml.
It doesn't only have to be water - tea without sugar, also fruits and vegetables count. Coffee counts too, if you are used to it.
Alcohol, lemonades, most buyable juices and energy drinks don't count!
If it's hot, we work, puke or have diarrhea, do workouts, are in bed without sleeping;-)... whenever we sweat, we need more of course. We can lose between 0.5 and 1.5 litres/hour. If we just lose 2% water (in compare to our bodyweight), we get weaker! Do you wonder, why you aren't as strong as yesterday? This could be the answer!
We have to drink the water during the day. We just would lose it the natural way;-) But it makes sense to drink up to 0.5l before a workout and to sip some water every 15-30min (in about 0.1l)
It's also good to drink a glass of water straight after getting up. A glass of water 20min before a meal helps to feel full and not to eat too much - for those who want to lose weight.
Always drink before you are thirsty! If you feel really thirsty, your body is already screaming for water. We don't have the best sensors for drinking or over time we have just forgotten to listen to them.
Cheers! I do it now - drinking a big glass of water:)
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: Health, Fitness & Motivation
#1 :
June 28, 2015, 06:50:22 PM »
10,000 steps a day - just a big marketing gag?
Maybe you have heard, you should walk least 10k steps a day. Docs are saying, health care organizations, health insurance funds, fitness trainer. Does it come from the WHO (World Health Organization)?
I've spend much time of investigation and finally found the answer (ty google, took me really 30secs lol).
A Japanese company published this in the 70s!!! They developed a step counter and of course wanted to sell it. Funny isn't it?
Does it mean, all is just a lie? No! Indeed it's good to do 10,000 steps every day. Also 7 or 8,000 steps every day have a great benefit.
Positive for:
• Heart
• blood pressure
• diabetics
• cancer
• depression
• Alzheimer
• bones
• joints
• organs and guts
• you burn calories
If you do other workouts, no matter of body building, cardio in general, yoga, pilates... you don't have to do 10k a day to get positive benefit. Every kind of workout counts. But why not make it a game, a challenge?
At the moment, I'm trying to do 10k a day for one month - and I can tell you, it's not always easy. 10k are in about 6-7km (4-5 miles). Do it for fun, move and enjoy:)
- use the stairway instead of the lift / elevator
- get up every hour and walk for 5min ("sitting is the new smoking" - something I also will write about)
- don't park your car as near as possible
- don't use the car for everything - walk if it's not too far
Just when you're eating, you should focus on your meal and sit down.
What do you do now after reading is? Move your ass, don't sit, nod, say "sounds good" and eat your sweets. Get up, jump, walk, run and smile. Your body will say thank you:)
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: Health, Fitness & Motivation
#2 :
July 13, 2015, 04:10:53 PM »
Benefits of Deep Breathing
When you breathe into your chest, you’re only filling the top part of your lungs, which means you’re short-changing your system by not taking in as much oxygen as you need. And if you’re not breathing in enough oxygen, you’re also not exhaling enough carbon dioxide. A pattern of shallow breathing can affect just about every system in your body, including your bones, as I mentioned earlier.
When you get into the habit of deep breathing, you’ll experience a host of benefits:
- Your stress levels will decrease, and you’ll find those tight neck and shoulder muscles relaxing.
- You’ll experience less anxiety. And you’ll have a great way to control anxiety when it does occur – just take several slow, deep breaths.
You’ll be amazed at the results.
- Full exhalations allow your body to rid itself of toxins, and full exhalations are only possible when you breath fully and deeply.
- Your blood circulation will improve.
- You may also find that your digestion improves, because deep breathing stimulates the organs of the digestive system.
- You’ll feel better, because deep breathing moves lymph through the body, and releases endorphins and neuropeptides in the brain.
Article taken from
Hero Member
: 10350
Re: Health, Fitness & Motivation
#3 :
July 18, 2015, 10:06:15 AM »
Place a pencil between your teeth (don't touch it with lips) and smile. This will tell your mind you're smiling and this will make you feel better. Keep it for 30, better 60 seconds and repeat regularly.
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